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Everything posted by grannywils
HY, I'm with you....:rolleyes: And Perry's ad was just as bad... Sukeban, (note I sent you a PM). Just wanted to address one of the points you made regarding the similarities to the films and the hypnotism of the Hitler age. Well you brought to mind an extraordinary book by a woman named Naomi Wolf. It is called The End of America, Letters of Warning to a Young Patriot. This book is well worth reading for innumerable reasons. However, one similarity is how comfortable we seem to be becoming with this sort of hyperbole in our national forums. Political Correctness aside, we now find it perfectly ok to slice each other down the middle in order to find a common enemy among ourselves. We seem to have forgotten on what grounds this Nation was founded. That is all I will say for the moment.
I play as either male or female characters depending on the type of game I think I am going to be playing. I am female, and if I want to play a stealth, fast type of character who frequently uses a bow I tend to play females. If I want more of a brutish, warrior type, I will go for the male. That being said however, I have played some pretty tough females and some pretty stealth males. It just depends on the mood I am in and the game I am playing. I don't really have a preference. I will say though that so far Skyrim does not give you much of a choice when it comes to males. Most of them are just plain butt ugly. So I have pretty much stuck with female characters up until now. If anyone can give me some recommendations for mods that actually work to make males look a bit better, please let me know. :biggrin: :thumbsup:
Thank you for your service, SubjectProphet, and good luck to you and your fellow soldiers. You will have my postive thoughts and prayers riding along with you....
Well, bless my soul.... Please tell me that was not a real advertisement... Please, please, please..........:mellow:
Dear Brits - doesn't it bother you to be called a "subject"
grannywils replied to Quetzlsacatanango's topic in Debates
Yes, A, that is one of my favorite Churchill quotes, although there are so very many more. It is always hard for me to choose. But this one was quite appropriate under the circumstances. :whistling: But what I really wanted to say was, "WELCOME to the show GINNY"!! I was waiting for you to weigh in, and I was just delighted with your post #22. It was not only informative; but you were in your usual great form. I laughed til I had tears in my eyes. :tongue: -
Dear Brits - doesn't it bother you to be called a "subject"
grannywils replied to Quetzlsacatanango's topic in Debates
I, too, agree with Aurielius regarding the Constitution, and have said just about all I have to say on the subject of subject vs. citizens.... :blush: -
Dear Brits - doesn't it bother you to be called a "subject"
grannywils replied to Quetzlsacatanango's topic in Debates
Seriously folks... While Subject and Citizen may have different connotations to you, Quetz, as a non British "subject". Apparently the British are quite content with the appellation; and in fact they are also known as citizens under the British Nationality Act. But, does this term bother you for any particular reason? As stated earlier, I am just curious? :unsure: -
Dear Brits - doesn't it bother you to be called a "subject"
grannywils replied to Quetzlsacatanango's topic in Debates
Hey, peppy, what difference does it really make to you what the British people are called? It seems to me that you are attempting to create discord where it does not really exist. Subject is just a word. It is a noun. Citizen is also a noun. Why do you care? I'm just curious... After all Texans are called all kinds of names by non-Texans, but they are not generally used in polite company (That was just a joke, btw) :D -
Although I agree with you, HY, when you say that we have not had an effective government for quite some time; I must remind you that it is we who have continuously chosen our governments. This is still a democracy, and the people of this country must make a stand and get off it's collective butt, if we truly want an effective government. Thus far, we seem to be leaving it in the hands of a select few who seem to feel they have a larger stake in what happens (i.e. a monetary stake, if you catch my drift :whistling: ). No one has forced this government on us. We (myself included) jump up and down and complain a great deal but seem to feel powerless when it comes to making the necessary changes we so desparately want. Is it possible? I'm not so sure I know anymore. But deep in my heart of hearts, I still believe that it just might be... This may be a tad off topic, as it does not really have anything to do with prosperity. I do not feel that it is the government's responsibility to create prosperity for the individual. However, it would be comforting to believe that the government was capable of creating and/or sustaining an environment in which all people were able to create the prosperity they needed to live decent lives for themselves. It would be comforting to know that the government in which we live had the interest of its people at heart; especially since the government "is" the people and is not some extraterrestrial being....
You and me both, Keanu. That was very impressive MB. I am reasonably intelligent, but must admit to having no clue when it comes to quantum physics or thermodynamics (or whatever that was) :unsure::huh: :confused:
Wait,nyxalinth, don't give in so easily. It is not "fair enough". Does the corportate leader not also have a duty to his country. If his only duty is to his investors, and all corporate leaders feel this way, we will soon have an economy going straight down the tubes... Oh, wait, we already do... Your job does count, nyxalinth, as do thousands of others that have been shipped out of this country in order for corporations to max out their profits to their "investors". Yet somehow their salaries seem to manage to stay just fine. American workers just don't seem to count anymore. In answer to the OP's original question, my feeling is that there is no simple answer. It does depend on the type of prosperity to which you are referring. One can feel prosperous simply by having a happy home and a job that just pays the bills. Others need lots, and lots of "things". Others feel the need to keep up with the Joneses. I guess, prosperity, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder...
I would have to say, yes I do get effected emotionally by some of the games I play. And I am sure that the music does play a role in that. In DAO I was always mesmerized by Leliana's song. She said she was singing it for the downtrodden elves, and it made me feel sad for them. In Skyrim I have a mod that changes the soundtrack for the Dungeons and for the Wilds (It is called Sounds of Skyrim) They are both great, but the Dungeons one is particularly scary in spots and I actually find myself getting frightened. I just love it!!! I also love the Dragonborn song in that game. It always makes me feel inspired to go out and do battle with the bad guys :biggrin:. And finally, if I happen to slaughter a bunny or a fox, I am totally distraught. And when the elks squeal when you kill them it almost brings me to tears. :ermm: So, the answer is a definite yes I do feel emotion, not only from the cinematic but from the soundtracks in the games I play Edit: Oh, I almost forgot, I feel guilty when I kill a giant and its mammoth starts looking around for the person who killed its master. I think I am basically a wimp at heart....:rolleyes:
Firstly,I agree with HY, and I thank you for your service. I also agree with those who have adivsed that you enjoy the time you have with your loved ones before you leave; but when you get there, keep your focus on the job you have to do over there, and try to get it done and get you and your troops out as safely and in one piece as possible
Congratulations and very best wishes to all three of you. May I just tell you that your life now will be forever changed. This is a good thing though. This experience will be like no other you have had up until now, and at least in my opinion it will be the best one. Lots of good wishes and positive energy from me, and welcome to the world to your little guy!
Ok, Sukeban, tell the truth... Where did you really come from??? You cannot have been living inside my mind all this time without my knowledge. :unsure: How is it that you can say all of this so well, and all I do is stutter and drool on myself when I begin to speak :sad: Seriously though, what you say about keeping in touch with all sides of the media is so absolutely true. I believe that this is why although I am a liberal by nature, I enjoy so well the dialogue with many of my conservative leaning friends. We all have many issues in common, and keeping an open mind and remembering that we need to live together on this planet regardless of who happens to be in power this month keeps us all (somewhat) honest. And I find it stimulating and refreshing to find a forum such as this one where these ideas can be explored and discussed in a hearty and healthy manner. Thank you for adding your voice. You and Aurielius (the OP of this fine thread) in particular are keeping me on my toes!!! ;D
Sukeban, after Aurielius took the time to provide you with such a well thought out and excellent response as you requested; I am quite surprised that you have not given him the benefit of at least a thank you, if not a rebuttal of any sort. Where did you go????
Werne I wish you well and also the men and women you will be guiding.
@Aurielius: Thank you for this post, quoted here: Lisnpuppy and Granywills insisted on evidence, so I provided it being one of the circling sharks they forgot about when they made the blanket denial and demanded proof. But never said that it was the sole province of the Democrats.... just they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar (again and again which infers pattern of behavior to the offense). :whistling: Yes, Jaws, I agree that voter fraud is not the sole province of the Democrats or of the Republicans. However, if you will reread my post and that of SubjectProphet, he specifically stated that "Mr. Obama" had used the names of dead people. I did not deny anything. What I did was to disagree with the rest of his post and ask him to justifiy that particular accusation; not to point out every instance of voter fraud that has ever been alleged or proven in any election to have taken place in the last millenia. I was under the impression that he was suggesting that Mr. Obama himself had somehow engaged in the practice. And, trust me, I had not forgotten about you for a moment. In fact I was joyously awaiting your response my friend :biggrin:. Actually, whom did you think I had in mind, hmmm????:whistling: http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4743/shark1.gif
Thank you for your last post, LP. :tongue: And, SubjectProphet, to the best of my recollection you jumped into this pool all by yourself; no one pushed or dragged you... If you want to swim with the big fishes, be prepared, there may be a few sharks around the perimeter... :unsure:
SubjectProphet, following is a quote from your above post: "Obama also used DEAD people as names for those who were illegal and not able to vote here. People pointed GUNS at heads of people who didn't vote for Obama, and guess what Obama did about that? NOTHING." I wonder if you would be willing to provide me with specific proof of that allegation, as it really annoys me. I take issue with just about everything else that you said, and would refer you to Sukeban's excellent post #29 if you want some "real" facts. However, I would put you to the task of providing me with the case by case examples of when Mr. Obama used dead people as names for those who were illegal and not able to vote here. Thanks.
HY, you took the words right out of my mouth. This Sukeban has me just mesmerized. :turned: How can he get into my head and express my exact thoughts so, so much more eruditely. Could it be that he is a tad more articulate than I???? :wink: I just wish he had mentioned the pharmaceutical companies, but he certainly got his point across quite well, didn't he....:thumbsup:
Excellent point, Silver. We do tend to disregard the non voters. Of course, it would be nice if we could get them to vote, but I understand your point. :thumbsup:
MB, sometimes you drive me absolutely to drink, and I do not care about most of what you said in your above post. So what??? I still believe that the topic makes some worthwhile points and the subject matter is worthy of discussion!! :wallbash: However, I must give you credit where it is due. I loved your video clip. It was quite enjoyable and enlightening. I does make one stop and think, doesn't it? :thumbsup:
Aurielius said: "Maybe it's the universe's way of telling you it's time for a LaBatt Blue or an O'Keefe." I say, Hey what about a Moosehead. Love the bottles...