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Everything posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. Need!? No my friend, no...

    I don't need much thing generally =)

    I just love to have some friends who shares same hobbies with me and chat with them. Also I love listening people.

    I just wander in Nexus when my mind blew up from scripting sessions and add as my friend people who seemed active to me.

    Most important one is: people like it too =)

  2. Hi Millie.

    Just stopped to say your new avatar is really cool.


  3. You're welcome! Thank you too!
  4. You're welcome Khylian! It's worst status to be computerless so even a little empathy is enough to make me worry.

    Great news. We'll wait for CS then. I really looking forward for your mods!

  5. Hi! Happy to hear that you get a machine that can handle Skyim!
  6. @Ithildin

    maybe you saw him on my profile instead?


    Hi my friend! It great to see you're active again!

  7. Hi Khylian! I haven't heard you for a while! Hope you're doing good! Did you get your computer repaired yet?
  8. Hi there AsaRuth! Thanks for adding me as your friend!
  9. Thanks Millie! I'm ok. Trying to have a head rested enough to develop day & night. I wish you have good fun too.

    And yes you haven't been around recently. Hope you're ok too.

  10. I'll not be able to online in next twelve hours! =O

    Please leave a message after the beep. ;-)


  11. Hi there!

    Just dropped by to say hello!

    How is my friend today?


  12. Let's Script for our lives!
    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Whenever I talk with her, she asks me to do something crazy experimental looking madness!

      So we are not good with her =P

    3. Lazysheepherd


      ; define variables,

      Long endTorture


      ; Check if Moira alive

      If MegatonDestroyed == 0


      Player.talk MoiraBrownRef

      Player.pickSomeIdeas MoiraBrownRef



      ; If player has destroyed a city for couple bottle caps :o


      ; Make sure his punished enough!

      If endTorture <


      TorturerRef.HitToHead Player



      Player.CenterOfWorld OblivionPlaneTortureChamb...

    4. Lazysheepherd



      Player.CenterOfWorld OblivionPlaneTortureChamber

      Player.MoveTo TortureCageInLavaRef

      TorturerRef.BurnAlive Player

      TorturerRef.cast MarvelousSparksShockSpell Player


      ; Not that easy to pass out!



      ; 1 stage is complete. Loop again! Haha!

      Set endTorture to endTorture + 1



  13. Happy new year! Thank you!
  14. You're welcome. Happy new years to you too! =)
  15. Thank you. Hope you had Great Christmas too.
  16. *Wears costume, wig, and mask, of the famous V which he just received from his friend, knocks the front door and speaks; Happy New year, My friend! ... Lifts his right hand slowly and gives her collectors edition of Yowane Haku. Turns around and disappears into his darkness which light of christmas trees is not enough to lit*
  17. Hi there. I just saw you're friends with Vasemir and LordKarnak. Since they are picked you as friend, I can only say: Hello my friend!
  18. Hello to you too. Yes, we haven't met. And If you mean Aurelius we just met with him too. Thanks anyway.
  19. Hi there! And thanks for accepting me as your friend! And I was felt same when I saw you're from Iran. :D Thanks for your kind words also. No I didn't copyrighted it :) For my new project, look at my newest status update for a hint ;-)
  20. You're welcome. And thank you for accepting me as your friend :)

    Your avatar is very cool by the way.

  21. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free Online RPG Gaming society in which all players will live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Indeed. I'll try to form a Forum & demo in next days. I'll make sure all you guys hear it at first hand.
    3. mademillie


      YEAH!!! GO LAZYSHEEPHERD!!! I am cheering you on!

      (´・ω・`) *Claps and cheers* ()( ´ ▽ ` )() ~~~!

      ((() ()))

    4. Lazysheepherd


      Thanks for your support Millie! But it's not a huge deal. Just browser based mmorpg.
  22. Hi there! Haven't heard from you recently. And I wanted to say Hi and Merry Christmas! Hope you're fine.
  23. Hi there! You can , but if you don't mind, I prefer Lazysheepherd. I heard people calling you millie but what does Emi means?
  24. Nope! there is no mistake. I mean I'll say Hi as answer to your 'MEOW' not meow or bark or something :D . Be well and stay as who you are my friend ;-)
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