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Status Updates posted by Lazysheepherd

  1. I just got up then looked outside and bam! First snow of the year!
    1. mademillie


      Awesome!! Same here XD
  2. Hi there my friend.

    Oblivion is not something to forget that easily for me. Yes I love Skyrim and my machine handled it very well but Oblivion is still Oblivion for me. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

  3. Hi my friend and welcome. It's good to have you back. It's bad to don't have any time to experience Skyrim. But bright side is; you have it at last. There is couple of mods everyone must have, when you ready to play, I can provide you a list. Just let me know.
  4. Damn! I just played & modded Oblivion first time after Skyrim. I realized I still love it so much!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      It haven't crashed a lot for me. Maybe you just need to check Settings. And yes game world is very different from Oblivion and it would take some time to get used to it.
    3. ZwordCuitar


      Odblivion crashes all the time for me. 10 times already under 2 hours. Skyrim NEVER crashes =) And i am recording at the same time ^^


      ...Come to think of it, Oblivion has always crashed frequently for me even before i knew what mods are :/

    4. iceburg


      I played Oblivion the other day, after spending a month on Skyrim, and I couldn't stop smiling. When the newness of Skyrim wears off, I think I may play both games frequently. :D They both really are quality games!
  5. Wow! I don't knew that! You're fast!
  6. Just make sure "Sign in anonymously" not checked on log-in screen. But you're not anonymous anymore. I don't know Dissidia or Metroid haven't played. Are you planing to mod for Skyrim?
  7. Oupps! Are you? Your last activity was pointing to more than one month ago. Then you like to surf anonymously. Yes I love both Crysis and Crysis 2. And probably I'll love Crysis 3 either. I love Modblivion too :D What else do you play?
  8. Hi my friend!

    I just wanted to say hi and ask how are u but then I wanted to just leave it because I thought you won't response in these months like always you do. But since this message grow in this size I decided to add and ending part then submit it. If you accidentally log-in I hope you see this.

    Be well my friend!


  9. Just wanted to say hi,

    I saw you have +400 pics on DA profile.

    Maybe you should prefer video clips instead :-)

    What can I say!? Great work. Keep it up!

  10. Skyrim... a fallen star from my dreams. I glad that my machine handled Skyrim well.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      :) Have you get your copy for a change? If not, look at for any holes to your garden. Maybe your 'poor' dog found it delicious and buried it for eat later :) Who knows!?
    3. Khylian


      Wow!, Thanks a lot for all this lot of information about Skyrim. I am glad that the guys use the nif format. I did some armors and stuff for Oblivion ages ago, although I was to shy to upload them. All the resources where really wonderful, I hope Nifskope and other programs are still in use!
    4. Khylian


      What are you up to in Skyrim!
  11. Hello my friend!

    It's sad to hear that you're not have any time to mod :-)And I'm working on my Minecraft project and at the same time, I'm creating a "Script Generator" for Oblivion with Flash + Action Script 3, just for fun.

  12. How are you my friend? Hope you're doing good.
  13. Yes, I tried hard to not become "Enthusiast" rank but it happend anyway :D
  14. Special thanks to Uncle Sam for volunteering to be new face of my advertising program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o881pUspVdU&feature=channel_video_title
    1. Khylian


      You have a good sense of humor, I tell you!
    2. Lazysheepherd


      You watched it huh? Thanks for your kind words.
  15. Lazysheepherd Minecraft is out on TesNexus now! Here is the link; http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40873 Stay Crafted!
  16. Thanks for the advice SyncrohX.

    I'll be more careful.

  17. Scripting, Scripting, Scripting... Minecraft project is growing. It's not easy to write a huge game engine. Soon I'll release a demo(If my mind wouldn't blow up before it :-)
    1. Khylian


      Which game will be this?... Another of your inventions? :)
    2. Lazysheepherd


      It's Minecraft. try this: http://www.minecraft.net

      It's kind of RPG game all about blocks. There is a game world made by cubes, you can mine & re-place them as you like. Limit is your creativity only.


      You can view Mod's First Preview video on my YouTube Channel;



      There is great scripting work because Minecraft & Oblivion's engine all opposite. That's because Minecraft is all about changing the...

  18. Hmm. I always wanted someone to send me a little, pink, virtual pony! Thanks! :D
  19. Hi,

    I just saw you from somewhere. Liked your nick. Very creative.

    Also, yes "gmail is better"!

  20. Hi Khylian! You know, I just become 1000th viewer of your profile! How important isn't it?
  21. "I think I spend more time of late in the Nexus than in Dragon Age 2"

    Most of people here are the same I think. At last for me; I hardly find time to mod & have small time for Nexus, and for game, I only play Oblivion for one reason these days; Testing!

  22. Yes, I really mean that by writing it. But not only we can't get off, sometimes when we are still think about computers in real world(I do this mostly when I working on some mod projects, I build project when I on my computer but I design in my head all the time!). Computers maybe damages our health sometimes but they always absorb our most important think, Time!
  23. Kudos to your Spoilers LoL
  24. Caution! Computer is the most dangerous symbiotic, because no one be aware!
  25. If Lazysheepherd < ∞ KeepWorking... EndIf
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