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  1. So, er yeah. That explains the dozen or so crappy Viagra spams I got sent to my spam account. Even then, all but one got sent to the spam folder, and now the spam seems to have stopped. Rubbish hacker is rubbish.
  2. I'm working on the assumption that the first DLC is a timed exclusive. Certainly, I wouldn't be at all surprised if a PC (and PS3) version was announced in January or February. Nope, Windows' popularity is pretty much entirely due to is popularity in businesses. I'm guessing M$ wants people to buy a 360, so that they totally control their games and extract more money from them. Plus, they get to thumb their nose at Sony.
  3. Or you can, y'know, start up the Steam client while it's online. Unless there's something I've missed, or if you're using a cracked version (in which case: hard cheese).
  4. A big patch is being submitted to testing and certification and stuff, according to the Bethesda Blog. It won't be deployed for a few weeks yet, but it should *hopefully* improve things. In the mean time, a smaller patch for the PC version will be released (via Steam) that should fix save file corruption (read: allow Valve to turn on Steam Cloud again), Havok physics issues and improve people who recent Nvidia drivers.
  5. Since there's no indication of re-use on the description of the original mod, I'm going to assume that you're going to have to ask for permission.
  6. That's true, I guess, but considering people can just download it and Alien Swarm for free, I can't see why they wouldn't try it before QQing.
  7. Garbage statement is garbage. Reliance on Steam does not equal no support. I would raise TF2 at this point, but that would be too easy. So instead, I'll point out Supreme Commander 2, which has been receiving a slow, but constant, trickle of patches to this day (or, at least, their last patch was a month ago).
  8. Admin Note: You were given a strike for this behavior and you do it again in such a short time frame. Time to find a new place to troll. Buddah Not sure how that would constitute as trolling. Probably the word "pedo" got him into trouble. The rule of "if you have nothing good constructive to say, say nothing at all" very much applies to these forums. The small fact that he has multiple accounts doesn't help either.
  9. Delete ClientRegristy.blob and try again (making sure you've connected to the internet before you nuke the blob).
  10. Nope. Well, you could install the game to a computer with an internet connection (*points to sig*), let Steam download the patches on said connection, and then copy the steamapps folder over to your gaming PC, but you'll probably nuke your save files in the process.
  11. Indeed, calling HAAAAAX on NuclearDestination. AFAIK console commands disable achievements for that play session. To re-enable Achievements, quit to Windows and fire the game up again. Please note that this only matters when the achievements are triggered (for example, if you've disabled Achievements when you've beat the game, hard cheese. However, if you save, quit and restart just before you beat the game, you should get the acheesemints).
  12. Shut down Steam, delete Client Registry.blob from the Steam folder, start Steam up again (assuming you're connected to the internet).
  13. @Marthos: I guess that was back in the days of Half Life 2's launch. I have no idea how Steam could break your operating system, especially considering my understanding of how it works, but I can tell you my best guess at why Steamworks was picked instead of no DRM or GfWL: it's for DLC distribution. Games for Windows Live was, by all accords, rubbish at that, and the only alternative currently is Steam. The small fact that GfWL is definitely withering on the vine also helps in this decision.
  14. I say, I say, I say, there's quite a lot of free games on Steam if you know where to look. On topic: Good write-up. Since I'm about to fire my copy up myself, it's good to know what to expect. Nice and spoiler-free too.
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