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Everything posted by loveme4whoiam

  1. A thing that isn't crazy per se is in the Firemoth plugin (good little plugin by the way, other quests like that would have been cool). You've just fought your way past an island of easy to kill skeletons, a room FULL of rats :angry:, then you come to The Room. You go in, and theres some more asy skeletons. You despatch them, turn round and find all your mates on the floor. Ah. You luckily sidestep and a bolt of magic crackles into a pillar to your right. "Ah ha, you fetcher, time to give you what for." And then you're dead. Hmm. *** Not crazy in so much as it is blind rage-inducing.
  2. Who new that in reality all MW and (soon) Oblvion players were really hyper-competitive ego-maniacs? :P Well, I guess we all did really.
  3. Indeed Stampede, the brief forays I used to make into the Barfly (narrowly escaping with my identity intake I might add) the amount of characterisation is intense. Since the detail of the graphics has gone up so much as customisation of looks is alot higher people will love the chance to show off themselves. Including a bio with character pics and stuff is a good idea Stampede. Maybe you could include an area to fill in detailing the accomplishments of that character in the game, which can be updated as people play; you know, level in a Guild, number of deer (or whatever) killed... that kind of thing. It'll also save on the bragging posts that you just know will pop up saying "Well I've got the male without a father Sword of 1110ness, beat that". Snazzy idea Dark0ne, like it alot. I can see your lecture time is being used to its best :)
  4. You can save him? Smart. Does he have anything useful to say or is he a mindless NPC?
  5. I'm surprised no-ones mentioned that wizard who falls from the sky outside of Seyda Neen. That was a pretty wierd one, especially on the first time of playing. Crassius Curio also ranks pretty highly on my wierd-o-meter too *shudder*.
  6. Nice! That is great, i have to buy it. It is ridiculous to blame PC games for RL violence. I know of at least 3 court cases that have been thrown out by US judges against computer games companies for inciting violence - there is no way that computer game violence can be the CAUSE of RL violence. People who will commit violent crimes will not be created by playing video games, although they may mimic it. And this happens in all media - for example, after the release of A Clockwork Orange (which is a cult classic, by the way) four males raped a woman, singing "Singing In The Rain", as they group in the film do. But were the young men provoked into doing this by watching the film? Were they normal, well-adjusted human beings before watching the film? I think not - even if they had committed no crimes before, they still had to have mental problems to commit that sort of crime. Games cannot be blamed for creating criminals, only that they might be used as templates BY criminals.
  7. Aren't you 14 yourself Switch :laugh2: This is utterly ridiculous, a testament to the Daily Mail-driven world that we occupy today. Shame on the idiots who think that this will lower violent crime.
  8. They put a hell of a strain on your GPU for a start :/ I can't guess exactly what was going on with your PC because I don't have a massive understanding off how the MW engine works, but it sounds like your video card is having issues. Try the age old solution of updating your drivers, and if they are up-to-date reinstall them to see they replace the apparently missing files. Also, try looking for the files that MW says it cannot find - I don't know if this will solve anything but you might figure out why it happened. Sorry this is so vague :/
  9. I've been hunting for a copy of the original Starship Troopers (the books, i mean) for a while now. I realise i could buy it from Amazon, but it feels like cheating. From the excerpts ive read from various Net sources, it seems to be a classic - a social commentary style book. That sort of thing?
  10. Right then, since I had taken a good five or so minutes to yell obscenities at the wall, i can consider these GOD DAMN RIDICULOUS IDEAS WHAT THE HELL WERE THINKING ideas of yours. Ahem. Firstly, I have no objections with Darnoc's candidate of Civ II: ToT. I haven't played that version of the Civ games but I think they have some merit. What I object to is being told that AoE II is anything approaching a good game. I owned all of the AoE titles up to the latest ones - Age of Myths, whatever it's called. I don't anymore - I poured ligher fluid on the discs and burnt them. There is no strategy, whatsoever, involved in the playing of those games. It is a "build and rush" game, plain and awful. There are no ideas of tactics, unit strengths and weaknesses beyond the most obvious (and even these can be ignored quite easily), and no concept of, ah yes, a flanking system. On to Rise of Nations, a game which is, essentially, AoE with a lot more epochs. I am also 99% certain that it is built with the same AoE engine. If Rise of Nations does use a flanking system i have certainly never had to use it. The same "build and rush" system has been copied and pasted into RoN, only with more "build, research, then rush". If you would like to know what a decent game of strategy is, go and get Rome - Total War, and, if your strategy standards are as low as your game choices suggest, be blown away. I will not even begin to go into detail about the greatness of Rome because my fingers would drop off before i ran out of things to say. Suffice to say, the tactic system goes slightly beyond "flank to win". BTW: Sorry if i sound overly harsh in this post, but i honestly can't understand why you would say these things if you have alrady played RTW. If you havent, then i can understand your unenlightened views somewhat. And as for my best game ever, its a toss-up between RTW, Morrowind, HL2 and Deus Ex. And Eve Online if we can include online games.
  11. I saw the game first on the 3dGamer's site, and was a very happy bunny - I loved the film simply for its action - I gather the book is unbelievably better but i've never read it. Anyway, after watching the trailer i do have a couple of worries. While i love the idea of huge battles with arachnids (and what gamer wouldn't, really?), i share Buttleshrapenl's fears. The tanker fight did look pathetically easy, but i guess that can be ironed out in testing a nd balancing. The bigger worry is that the game will simply be a case of "Go here, discover yourself hopelessly outnumbered, blast them all to hell until evac, rinse and repeat." This game has the potential to be brilliant, i just hope that the developer (i forget who and am too lazy to go and look for it) has the ability and impetus to realise it.
  12. I atempted to play the demo of Nexus but as there was no tutorial I was confused very easily by it. I might buy it when it goes down in price and I can understand how to play it. I liked the look of the game and the tight unit management of the game appeals to me, but the complexity did daunt me a little. Let this be a lesson to companies to release good demos WITH TUTORIALS for their games.
  13. That was hilarious! I remember when i first joined and that thread was a "must-be-read". Absolute genius. Having looked at the forum members, I'm prepared to wager a fair amount of money that we'll hit 60,000 before people stop posting in this thread. Any takers?
  14. Congrats on reaching the milestone guys - this is the best community ive ever been a part of, and i hope ill be around for the big 100,000. *loveme proceeds to get very, very drunk and be led outside by Malchik and told to calm down.
  15. *whistles Well, thats a mighty fine list you have the Mal. Useful for those compulsive types. Cheers.
  16. I don't think the currently level of story-telling in games is up to the challenge of a MMO yet, at least not on the same level as Oblivion's. Bethesda is good at doing single-player games, and should stick to it. Not to say i wouldnt play a MMO from Bethsoft if it came out - i'm just not sure it would be up to the same standard as WoW or Everquest 2, as they are a different type of game.
  17. I imagine that BethSoft could implement a randomising feature into the schedules. Using your example, for example :huh:, you might sit casing a rich guys place for a couple of days, and he might come out of different times, through different entrances and exits. This would also make "assasinate this person" missions more interesting. I don't really know if this is possible because i don't know the full limitations of Radiant, and i guess the only people who do are the devs themselves and Dark0ne's spys :dry: :grin:
  18. loveme4whoiam


    I've played the demo, which took me about two days to complete on the hard setting, its just that tough. I'd compare it to Commando 2 for ahow hard it is. I'd have liked to get it when it was new, and sionce its now out on budget, and my PC is up to spec, i don't have an excus enot to. See ya... *toddles off to Amazon and purchases it, along with some books of a dubious nature*
  19. Erm, are you using the 1.1 or the 1.0 version? To be honest, i've yet to experience a single crash, a record for my gaming career. Do the usual thing like gettin gthe most up-to-date drivers for your graphics card and soundcard (i've just had major problems with mine screwing up games, so it might be that). If that doesn't work, try a re-install. I'll try to find out some more online but to be honest i've never heard someone complain about crashes in Rome before. What about all the guys who were talking in the other Rome thread?
  20. Umm, i'm not entirely sure what i'm doing here, the vast array of scary topic names: The Official Topic for... :blink: Anyway, since i've played Call of Duty, and i plan (at some point) to buy the expansion, i thought i should comment. I;ve played the demo of the pack, and i'll admit, i was impressed. There isn't that much to spoil so i'll summarise what happens in it. If you really don't want to know, er, don't read it. You start off with a small sqaud of Americans, who are doing a patrol in the Battle of the Bulge section. After the obligatory banter between Sgt. Moody and a private, named Ender if you can believe that, you set off, carrying three clips of M1 Garand ammo and a couple of grenades. Just round the corner, you run into a German advance party, who unfortunately for you come complete with a Panzer. You're treated to a brief scripted scene before legging it back to the Sgt and the awaiting Jeep. You take off, and play through a couple minutes of on-rails shooting, before reaching your HQ and restocking on ammunition. You find out that there is a full frontal attack heading for the treeline your company is occupying, so you run out into the trenches and deal out merry hell, getting to play with the new Browning .50 cal machine gun, before the mission runs out. All in all, its about 5 minutes long and reminds you of both the best and worst bits of CoD. It stayed true to the original's gameplay, with jeep shooting regurgitating the British mission after the Dam one (i forget the name) almost to the letter. The trench section is the best part, obviously, and the game has actually been improved slightly, although this may just be that fact that the scene is so reminiscent of the Band of Brothers episode, complete with haystacks. teh enhanced particle features, or whatever they're being called, are very, very good. Mortar hits throw up Hollywood-esque clouds of dirt, the fires from burnt-out Panzers look much more realistic than before, and thats about it. The rest of the graphics might of benefited from a tune-up, but to be honest i couldn't tell. Umm, i've run out of things to say. I don't know why i had a compulsion to write that. To be honest i think i felt a littl ebit sorry for Dark0ne, with his name against twenty topics with no replies. Anyway, if people would like to comment on the game itself, i suppose we should be doning it here. After all, this is the Official discussion topic for it <_< .
  21. I've recently rewatched the Dune series (the three-part one, not the other one - is that any good by the way) and i think a new Dune game would be welcomed - although the third-person action game (i forget the name or who made it, but it was terrible) pretty much put the last nail in the coffin of the Dune series. I think that the C&C series has been completely over-estimated. I played C&C and Red Alert, then was handed a copy of Medieval - Total War. This, and now Rome, make any other "strategy" game, unnecessary. It surprises me that the build-and-rush gameplay is still appealing (and Battle For Middle-Earth seems to show that this is so) to gamers. I guess this is just another example of EA's cash-cows hard at work. Can anyone who's said that these were such great games explain why, so someone who genuinely doesn't understand?
  22. Nah, nothing like that. It just means that you can't advance any farther through the Imperial Legion because you will still have quests to do for Darius. Its a pain in the backside, but nothing really major. I suppose there might be a console command for it, but i don't know any.
  23. I'd like to add a warning at this point. When doing the Talos cult quests, make sure you have completed the Widow Vabas quest beforehand. Bethesda messed up the input text for these two, so when you ask about proof to Darius without having done the Widow Vabas quest but having completed the Talos cults quests, he will just say "Proof against a conspiracy against the Emperor." I ran into this half-way through the Talos cult stuff, and thought that if i completed them it would revert, but no luck. If someone with a small amount of knowledge of the TES would alter this i'd be appreciative. I'd do it myself but i have this god-awful fear of the thing.
  24. I'm downloading this on faith; even though i have broadband it will still take a while. I shall edit this when i have played it. BTW I'm getting the medium version since i can't be bothered to reregister with FilePlanet.
  25. Character Name: ErunĂ¡nion; you should know who he is, since you created him :) Can you contact me over PM, since i'm on here more than my IM account.
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