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Everything posted by WeissYohji

  1. Well, perhaps, but consider, back in the Medieval Ages in real life, were there many Arabs, Asians, Indians and Black people in Europe at the time? I didn't think so. There is a reason, most of Tamriel is European-influenced, so U won't see Asians, Arabs or Indians. There were a few black people in Europe in the Medieval Ages, so that's why there r Redguards. Trust me, it's not racist Spain had the Moors. As for whatever humans lived in Akavir, I'd imagine they'd have looked Asian. Well, Moors were mostly Berbers. There were in fact Mongols/other Asiatic peoples in Eastern Europe and in the late middle ages Turks in the Balkans region, but I guess that the game focuses mostly on western European culture though. And Khajiiti already represent the Arabic culture somewhat, even if they aren't human. I hardly think the game is "racist" somewhat because of this. Seriously, just because some TV show doesn't have a black person in its cast it's racist? I think people have much distorted the meaning of "racism" nowadays... So, if Elsweyr is a mix of Arabia and Africa, High Rock is Brittany, Hammerfell is the Maghrib, Morrowind is Mesopotamia, Valenwood is Brazil, Skyrim is a mix of the Nordic countries, and Cyrodiil is a mash-up of ancient Rome and the Holy Roman Empire, where does that leave Summerset Isle and Black Marsh? What IRL counterpart cultures are those provinces supposed to have? @ zetenrisiel: Combat in Oblivion is hard? Excuse me, but are we even playing the same game, or did you just turn the difficulty slider up to the maximum setting? If you want to train block, all you have to do is hold your block button and let a mudcrab beat on you. (They're so weak that they might as well not be considered a threat.) But if you really think it's that hard, that's why there's the 100% reflect damage suit. Just get three items with reflect damage enchantments on them (Some of them you should wait till you're level 25 to get the full enchantment) and equip them. Then make a spell that reflects all magic damage for X number of seconds and cast it whenever an enemy tries to fling a spell at you. They'll kill themselves attacking you, so now the game can only hit you with arrows.
  2. And what would that even look like?
  3. Well, I downloaded both BOSS and Wrye Bash (The latter in case I ever want to condense the clothing and armor mods I use most into a few big files), and used BOSS to fix my load order. But I had to go back and make a few adjustments afterwards. (The Tamriel in-game world map has to be at the very end of the load order, and Mur_Zik's sexy walks mod also didn't work until I did a few tweaks.
  4. I have the same problem whenever I adjust my sound settings.
  5. As for the framerate itself, I'm using an nVidia GeForce 9600 card with 1 GB of RAM on it, and have another 4 GB of RAM just on the motherboard. I downloaded BOSS, but it seems like you'd need Wrye Bash for it.
  6. I use OBMM for everything. Will BOSS conflict with it?
  7. There's in-game book about that: Notes on Racial Phylogeny and Biology, Seventh Edition Also you will not want to deal with all those racial combanations if you were game developer. **Note: Breton race is descended from manmer('kind of' half elf). It says that the reproductive biology of orcs isn't well-understood, but if the journal of Lord Lovidicus is anything to go by, I'd say orcs don't reproduce any differently from the other human and mer races. I don't see any hybrids of Argonians and elves or humans, since Argonians are reptiles. (Because they'd lay eggs.)
  8. Lately, I've been getting choppy video whenever I'm near Leyawiin. I've tried lowering my video settings but it's still choppy, and this has only been since I did the "Ameilion's Debt" mission for the Fighters Guild (Also closing an Oblivion gate nearby along the way). I've fast-traveled to other areas on the map and haven't gotten this; it's just Leyawiin. And I'm also running several mods up to the limit. If relevant, here's my load order: TR_OoT_Main.esm Cobl Main.esm HorseCombatMaster.esm Oblivion.esm Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm Kvatch Rebuilt.esm Better Cities Resources.esm Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp Cobl Glue.esp Cobl Si.esp Cobl Tweaks.esp Cobl Races.esp Cobl Races TNR.esp DLCThievesDen.esp DLCThievesDen Vwalk.esp Cobl Races TNR SI.esp DLCOrrery.esp DLCOrrery Vwalk.esp DLCFrostcrag.esp DLCFrostcrag Vwalk.esp KT_CustomRaceFix.esp ALE_Armure_Legere.esp _Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp DLCVileLair.esp DLCMehrunesRazor.esp DLCSpellTomes.esp Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp Knights.esp Hadhafang.esp DLCBattlehornCastle.esp Japanese Clothing.esp Nicoroshi Creations DW Light.esp PHVanillaEyesAddon.esp Daedric Trap Weapons.esp Angeleron.esp ElyndasShortSack.esp 1AlexscorpionSilverDragonKatana.esp Jeans For Robert Male & Female.esp Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp Gizmodian Aurora Blade.esp Ryk_Sandals.esp Featherwynd - Amazon Priestess.esp Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp Tamriel.esp ElsweyrAnequina.esp ElsweyrAnequina Vwalk.esp TWMP_Valenwood_Elsweyr.esp R18PN - Dancer's Dress.esp Cosmetic Compilation.esp Cosmetic Compilation - No NPC Changes.esp Cosmetic Compilation - No JPeepers.esp Cosmetic Compilation - No JPeepers or NPC Changes.esp BisDancerPumps.esp Colourwheels Sexy Nami.esp Colourwheels Sexy Hentais DarkRose.esp ElyndasLostDressesHGEC.esp Bodysuit for Exnem.esp Battle China Dress.esp HentaiSummerFesta.esp Flipflops-9hao.esp High Heels.esp 0FallenOutfit.esp Dani's Dress Chest.esp Clit Rings.esp Exnem Pekka Pumps.esp HentaiChinaDress.esp Hentai_SnowFlower.esp UFF Lady Shadow.esp Ageha Tortured Soul HGEC.esp ANBDrapeTop.esp ArynnsDemonatrixHGEC.esp ElvenPrincess.esp SwordDancer.esp RingRobeHGEC.esp Kit Rae Weaponry.esp IvyArmor_Arena.esp IvyArmor_Arena_Hcup.esp IvyArmor_Full.esp Dancers clothes.esp Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp Gaelendryl.esp SG008_Gee.esp Dollparts_RoseCorsets - Light.esp Zanbato.esp TR_Stirk.esp TR_Stirk Vwalk.esp SW01.esp Advanced Magecraft.esp SAS dagger.esp JannetEveningDress.esp ChineseDresses.esp kfshortdresses.esp BravilSeaDomes.esp Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp 13rings.esp ONE PIECE.esp Cobl Races - Balanced.esp Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp Unicorn Rebuild.esp Bravil Docks.esp Blue and White.esp ANBMiniMicroBikini.esp ColourWheels_Sexy_casual_wear.esp Colourwheels Sexy Lingerie HGEC.esp 0FLeatherSuit.esp z9.esp Gypsy_Clothes.esp A Greatsword.esp Chinese Weapons.esp Advent Children Tsurugi.esp IDKRRR_C_race.esp AyleidMarket.esp MidasSpells.esp RealSwords - Redguard HI-NPC.esp RealSwords - Redguard HI.esp RealSwords - Redguard LO-NPC.esp RealSwords - Redguard LO.esp ShaiyaOutfit.esp pussyfur.esp YoungerHotterNPCwithPussies.esp DarkSaintHGEC.esp Xia_Nhary_TwilightAssassin.HGEC1.1Normal.esp 0FSexyLingerie.esp Miche_Elvaan_Underwear.esp UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp Velveteen_Armor_HGEC.esp kdThiefVest for HGEC.esp moreundies.esp Dicekit Sexy Costumes.esp Captain_Molly_HGEC.esp EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp RealSwords - Orc HI v1.0.esp RealSwords - Orc HI_NPC v1.0.esp RealSwords - Orc LO v1.0.esp RealSwords - Orc LO-NPC v1.0.esp tkRapiers.esp LongTop.esp HGEC_Blue_Bikini.esp Kosai's Welkynd Armor.esp FemaleImperialDragonCuirass.esp Argent Iron Armor.esp DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp DLCMehrunesRazor Vwalk UOP.esp DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp Knights Vwalk UOP.esp DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp Elwing.esp DawnWraith.esp Eureka.esp HGEC Underwear.esp SpeedBuster Collection.esp R18PN - Bs Bondage.esp Chocolate Elves.esp Vvardenfell_Imports.esp Hentai Compilation.esp Tona's_ModsStore.esp RshAlchemy.esp 100% Harvest Chance.esp 100% Harvest Chance Shivering Isles.esp PEDress.esp WaterfrontMarketNoShack.esp stickierenemytargeting.esp R18PN - Mina Armor.esp Moonshadow Elves - Sc.esp CuteElf11.esp CuteElf11 Blue Portal Bug-Fix Patch.esp Crowded Roads 7.esp Crowded Roads 7 Vwalk.esp Bedrollsanyone.esp Enhanced Hotkeys.esp X.Races.Comp.esp HUD Status Bars.esp Kvatch Rebuilt.esp Kvatch Rebuilt Vwalk.esp xulImperialIsle.esp xulImperialIsle Vwalk.esp xulCheydinhalFalls.esp xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp xulSnowdale.esp xulAncientRedwoods.esp xulLushWoodlands.esp xulRollingHills_EV.esp xulRollingHills_EV Vwalk.esp xulStendarrValley.esp xulArriusCreek.esp xulSkingradOutskirts.esp xulSkingradOutskirts Vwalk.esp xuldarkforest.esp xulTheHeath.esp xulRiverEthe.esp xulPantherRiver.esp xulCloudtopMountains.esp xulChorrolHinterland.esp xulChorrolHinterland Vwalk.esp xulBravilBarrowfields.esp xulAncientYews.esp xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp xulBlackwoodForest.esp xulFallenleafEverglade.esp xulPatch_AY_AC.esp xulAspenWood.esp XulEntiusGorge.esp BravilDocks-Barrowfields patch.esp Anequina-Fallenleaf-Patch.esp KvatchRebuilt-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp Better Cities Full.esp Better Cities Full FPS Patch.esp Better Imperial City.esp Better Cities - Unique Landscape Chorrol Hinterland.esp Better Cities - Unique Landscape Barrowfields.esp Better Cities - COBL.esp Better Cities - Vvardenfell Imports.esp Better Cities - Unique Landscape Cheydinhal Falls.esp Better Cities - Unique Landscape Skingrad Outskirts.esp Better Cities Full Vwalk.esp Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp Better Imperial City Vwalk.esp Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp Better Cities .esp Oblivion Vwalk UOS.esp DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS UOS.esp DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk UOS.esp xulBrenaRiverRavine Vwalk.esp xulBravilBarrowfields Vwalk.esp xulAspenWood Vwalk.esp Apachii_Goddess_Store Vwalk.esp SWalk.esp E_Idol Suit.esp Liru's Outfit.esp Reflect and Restore Enchanting.esp Nightshade_Armor.esp SDHeartbreaker.esp MenaceoutfitHgec.esp Hiyoko_Store.esp Rockh00 InTheDark.esp TWMP_Tamriel_Ingame_ Map.esp
  9. Just downloaded and installed it; works great save for the clipping issues you mentioned. :)
  10. I'd download it, but I don't know if it'll conflict with Bananasplit's Better Cities or not.
  11. Well, perhaps, but consider, back in the Medieval Ages in real life, were there many Arabs, Asians, Indians and Black people in Europe at the time? I didn't think so. There is a reason, most of Tamriel is European-influenced, so U won't see Asians, Arabs or Indians. There were a few black people in Europe in the Medieval Ages, so that's why there r Redguards. Trust me, it's not racist Spain had the Moors. As for whatever humans lived in Akavir, I'd imagine they'd have looked Asian.
  12. That's not my point. You've got two different races banging each other in the DB sanctuary and nobody fusses about that much--in this case, an Orc and a Bosmer. That's what I meant. So of course Telaendril and Gogron are doing the horizontal bop.
  13. Considering that Orcs and Bosmer are ultimately descended from the Aldmer, I don't see why not. Hell, Agronak's an Orc dhampir and nobody bats an eye.
  14. I've always found it strange that the horses are 1) all geldings, including Shadowmere (Even though she's clearly supposed to be FEMALE!), and 2) somehow part mountain goat, judging from how well they climb. Real horses do NOT climb that well!
  15. Of course Telaendril's polishing his spear. Why wouldn't he say that?
  16. Take five random pieces of armor or clothing (Doesn't matter what they are) and five grand soul gems filled to capacity. Go to an enchanting altar and enchant them each with 20% chameleon. Then equip them all at once and you'll be completely invisible. You can rob a whole city blind with this on or even go on a total killing spree through all of Cyrodiil if you wanted to and never get a bounty on your head! The AI doesn't know how to handle it. (NPCs are coded so they can't intentionally attack the player no matter what.) Alternatively, you can just use four pieces of clothing enchanted with 25% or 30% chameleon. (It's an option on the second-best and best sigil stones.)
  17. It's clear that Bethesda didn't even give a rat's ass when none of their patches fixed the problem with psychic guards. There's always 100% chameleon. Equip the chameleon suit, kill someone, then take it off and you'll never get a bounty on your head.
  18. You saying there's mods that add stuff to The Lusty Argonian Maid?
  19. I want a mod, not a game. and what about that lusty argonian maid? is it so attractive? cmon, she is an argonian, a f***ing lizard, what kind of person would turn on reading this acutally :/ Scalies?
  20. ^ This. I lol'd when I came across the "polish my spear" bit.
  21. I'm in the same boat as you, so don't worry about it. I've only played Oblivion, but boned up on the lore via the UESP wiki and TV Tropes. Voice acting: Looks like Patrick "Captain Picard" Stewart ate up much of the budget. But they could've at least pulled in some voice actors from anime dubs and other video games. I'd have loved to hear Vic Mignogna, Steven Blum, Brad Swaile, Hillary Haag, Johnny Yong Bosch, Kelly Sheridan, Liam O'Brien, Wendee Lee, Kirk Thornton, Chris Patton, Richard Ian Cox, Jamieson Price, and others in Oblivion. (They could always avoid the problem of flying these people from California, Texas, or Canada via online recording or phone patches.) They certainly could use the work in this economy. Seriously, getting only one guy to voice all the elven men? It's too repetitive. Or one dude voicing all the male Redguards? (Kudos for getting Linda "Wonder Woman" Carter, though.) Throwing out ES altogether? Big no. Even if you started a whole new series from scratch, people would just make mods adding in stuff from Morrowind and Oblivion.
  22. I love Oblivion as much as the next fellow, but I do agree with much of what Ferryt said. Release ALL of Tamriel, and make things more realistic. Something's wrong when Tamriel's supposed to be the size of Europe and yet you can see the Imperial City all the way from Bruma or thereabouts, and when you can easily fit Cyrodiil alone inside Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, or Washington, D.C. (Speaking of IC, why such a lame name for a city? Why not just name it after some important historical figure or use whatever name the Ayleids used before?) Also, the cities themselves. They're barely the size of neighborhoods, which cannot even be called cities by themselves unless you're in Tokyo or New York City. Add some more gorgeous scenery. (Look at Unique Landscapes. Bethesda should hire some of the people who made that mod--someone on that team seems to know what they're doing!) Get rid of the goddamn breasts on Argonian women! They're REPTILES, for Christ sakes! Reptiles can't lactate! Put digitigrade feet on the Khajiit like we had in Morrowind. And add all the different strains of the beast races. Why give us only Suthay-raht Khajiit to play with, or Argonians who look like an extension of that guy with the lizard tattoos? (As for the feet issue, Ohmes and Ohmes-raht can get away with plantigrade feet, being the most humanoid strains, as we saw in Arena and Daggerfall. Argonians can get away with it too save for a few strains, given that modern IRL reptiles have plantigrade feet.) Put more body types in the game! How is it immersive and realistic when there's no fat, tall, short (Except for Bosmer), skinny, or muscular people running around? Nor is there any reason why we can't have children running around in the game. Screw the moral guardians' bitching and whining! How can it be realistic when you've got nothing but adults running around? Give the Redguards their own separate skin texture! Every time I've made a dark-skinned Redguard character, it always came out with discolorations in the nose, chin, and around the eyes. What the hell were they thinking making Redguards and Imperials share the same skin texture? If Redguards are supposed to be the equivalent of IRL black people, make them look like it! While we're at it on the race issue, we look at the four playable human races. You've got one black race, and the rest are all white! Why the hell don't we have other types of humans? At least put in equivalents of Asians, Arabs, Hispanics, and both kinds of Indians! Going back to the geography problem, why stop with just Tamriel? We've never seen Atmora, Esroniet, Pyandonea, Akavir, Roscrea, Yneslea, Thras, or the remains of Yokuda! Put spears and crossbows back in. There was no legitimate reason for them to be removed after Morrowind! I can understand removing levitation, but removing spears and crossbows and omitting horse combat was a bad move. Also, how is an axe a blunt weapon when it clearly has a big f***ing blade? If you're going to merge axes with another weapon type, put it with blade! Gore. Hire the guys behind Deadly Reflex to design and animate it. I'm sure they know what they're doing. And don't tell us the system can't handle it, because that's a damn lie. We hacked guys to pieces in Turok 2 and Bio FREAKS 12 years ago on the N64, and that was a much less powerful system. Or the combat in Bushido Blade on the PS1, where you could kill someone in just one hit by cutting their head off or otherwise getting in a critical hit on them. If those games can handle it, so can Oblivion! Idiot AI. Fix it yesterday! There's no reason why bandits should prioritize your horse over you, or even why you should not be able to order Farwil to stay in some safe area while you go ahead and clear a Sigil Keep of daedra rather than have him jump in like a dumbass and get himself killed. Nor is there any reason why enemies should not be able to aim their arrows and spells at you when you're on higher ground, or for NPCs to just walk in place into walls! The tutorial. Fine for new players, but why can't we more experienced people just turn it off? What the hell do they think is going to happen? The glitches. Test your game before you release it! How the hell did they let game-ruining glitches get through? What happened to things such as STANDARDS and QUALITY CONTROL? Note to Bethesda: DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL. Take a lesson from Nintendo--they take their time with things instead of rushing their games. Ditto Square-Enix--it was worth the wait for every Final Fantasy game ever released because you knew they were working their asses off to make sure they didn't come out as obvious betas like what we got with Daggerfall. But as history (And the Angry Video Game Nerd) has proven, not all glitches are bad. Sometimes they can be helpful or just fun Easter eggs. Leveling. Take a lesson from Francesco's overhaul or Oscuro's overhaul and get rid of this level-scaling crap. It makes zero sense for bandits to have mithril, glass, elven, ebony, or daedric armor.
  23. Why only 255? It's such a random number!
  24. At least Microsoft and Digital Anvil got things right with Freelancer. No glitches, no half-assed quests, no bulls***. Sure, it's not all realistic and immersive when planets are always stationary and space somehow has friction, but at least they took their time and got the basic stuff right before releasing the game. As for expansions, I'd have liked to see them do something like what we got with Discovery Freelancer--hundreds of new systems to explore around in, ships to fly with, weapons, etc. Now, if we'd get a finished, lore-friendly version of the new Hammerfell mod, we'd be set. Or maybe mods that can take us to Pyandonea, Akavir, Esroniet, Roscrea, Atmora, Thras, or what's left of Yokuda. Ditto a finished version of Elsweyr: The Deserts of Anequina.
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