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Everything posted by Jumonji
I'm using "CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR""UNP Female Body Renewal" with HDT-SMP, In VR.Lydia works fine (nice and bouncy when nude) but my Toccata follower is still static. Any ideas? Are there any files I can just copy somewhere to make Toccata use the physics? Lydia now looks so natural when she moves and that makes Toccata look like a statue.
New error... I have most of STEP installed. Just got new Skyrim release automatically installed via STEAM and then updated SKSE, but now getting this crash notice on launch: (Help?) Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: TESV.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4f6c9333 Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17651 Fault Module Timestamp: 4e211319 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000d4ae OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 9a10 Additional Information 2: 9a109825c71d5a79a4330084c1a736e9 Additional Information 3: 443c Additional Information 4: 443c292adf0306907a816b769bf405cf
I know the feeling. Even as a programmer who kept up with the progress, it's still freakin' amazing that we are living in the future... Some of us oldsters pine for the good old days. Me, I hope I live forever because every year it's a new adventure in amazement! I can't wait to see how it all turns out.. and then again each year after!
I also have little time for other amusements - but I only log about 2 hours per day in Tamrial. Married and job will do that...
Very Ambitious! I wish you lots of luck - and if you get it done, I will definitely be playing it! Cheers -
I just glanced at my Member Title and had to laugh... :D
Interesting that the younger players (under 35?) are surprised at so many older gamers here, yet the older gamers here are die-hards! I suspect we are a self-selecting bunch. (If we were old and not gamers, I kinda doubt that we would be posting here...) From my own experience, I got away from gaming for a decade while focused on career and such. Now that I'm secure and looking forward to retirement in 10 years or so, I'm back with a vengeance and here to stay! I am so thrilled with the progress in games these last 10 years that I am looking forward to retiring and really immersing in the games of 2021... TES VIII should be a real blast!
Turns out that my Radeon was a wee bit over-clocked. Skyrim is the first game that forced me to dial it back a bit. Must be all the large texture mods...
I tried to get my dad into gaming a few times. Once he enjoyed Quake 2 for a few days but never quite got the hang of save games...kept starting over. He really had the first few levels mastered though. My dad is 80. I'm 55. Been programming for nearly 30 years, although in management now. The first game I worked on was my Rhianna mod for Oblivion - that was about when I went into management and missed coding. I pretty much only play RPGs now because I love the stories-including the ones I create and live in the game. I used to read a ton of sci-fi and fantasy, but now I live my own stories in TES worlds (and Mass Effect too.) Good games are a great stress relief from days in executive meetings!
Ok, many hours into the game - existing companions leave a LOT to be desired. Bethesda just created NPCs that follow you around - no real interaction, no story integration, no fun at all. And I thought I would have nothing to offer...sheesh. At least we don't have to waste time creating the basics. We just get to make it real. ----waiting on creation kit....
I totally get the desire to play without intrusive quests! They don't usually fall into the level of sophistication or maturity that I would enjoy - they just appeal to a more simplistic mindset than the game itself seems to have. However, i'm not sure no quests at all would be an improvement. It would get awfully lonely without some kind of AI or Game-Supported extended story line. Perhaps a different kind of AI focus that let the player shape their story more on their own goals would be feasible -- i.e., instead of just choosing your face, you could also chose your goals. E.g., I want to found a town and become mayor. I want to found a guild and have the best fighters in the land. I want to found a mage-hall and train mages in my own combination of spells and lore, etc. Now there's a game I could love!
Brilliant! This kind of creativity is why TES + modders rule. Bring on the Creation Kit!
Not sure if they're needed - so many companion ideas have been incorporated into the game. But - let me play a few dozen hours and we'll see what's needed.
I'm a real dude (married) and I always played a dude until Oblivion. My first char was a dude, but he didn't last long because I saw some of the nude mods and hot armor... and I decided to play a woman so I could try them out. Well..I got hooked. Now that's all I play - even on WoW, Tabula Rosa, and other games - I'm a chick dudes, live with it! I play a girl with girl companions - no dudes in my life. Maybe next game or two I'll switch back, but with the hot graphics in Oblivion, that's all I want to see! See Rhianna's screenshots - the dark elf is me. :) -Jumonji
Ok, so I'm older than dirt. I remember losing a few weekends to Doom on my brand spanking new Micron 100 Mhz Pentium f'n ONE pc. That was the game that made me a gamer. That game taught us what it was all about. It was the turning point from text MUDS to real graphic games where the immersion wasn't just a way to show you where you were in the map, but a real part of the game that gave it such an emotional impact. Not the "best" by a long shot, but Doom was the turning point from game to gaming. -Jumonji
That an Enders Game reference? :P Another Orson Scott Card fan, eh? :) Wouldn't you love to play that game??? :thumbsup: -Jumonji
I haven't read all the history on this thread (sorry) but what I skimmed only touched on my desires - a really good and well-documented construction set, along with a restructuring of the scripting language to support true object-oriented programming. And they should release the CS documentation set well before the game is released, so that the modders can get a head start. In other words, given what we've seen from the modding community, I think they should focus on the tools and capabilities and produce very high-quality sample content to demonstrate what's capable, and then let the modders enhance the game in a zillion creative ways that Bethesda could never anticipate. You want good AI? Then give is a really good API that gives us more control over the characters. You want a dense city with great architecture? Then give us the structure to create it - like clear glass windows, door-portals that give the appearence of opening and closing, etc. You want more intricate game-play, then just review the list of 500 things people learned about Oblivion and fix some the wierdness. Anyway - maybe that's just the modder in me talking. I've been working on Rhianna II for months now and constantly fighting the construction set is a royal pain. Given how creative the mod community is - just think of all those thousands hours of free content development - they should focus on the tools and let us create the content. -Jumonji
There is, in fact, a mod with very large breasts. The largest that is anatomically feasible, at least. Keep looking. -Jumonji
500 things you have learned in Oblivion
Jumonji replied to scarhunter92's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
50 - No one can jump but you. 51 - Food never spoils, no matter how long you leave it out. 52 - There are no flies or mosquitos or fleas in Tamrial. 53 - No one ever, ever takes a bath. -
I asked, many posts ago in this thread, about carrying over premium subscription from tessource. The Dark0ne responded in another post and said that yes, our existing premium subscriptions will be reinstated here once he has time to get it done. Yea Dark0ne! -Jumonji
Do our subscriptions carry over to the new site? I understand if the money was lost in the site transfer so I'm not blaming anyone, just curious. (I tried to use the premium download and it rejected me.) -Jumonji
I disagree, and I'm sure many of the "fan base" would too. You ask the uploaders, or the downloaders, and they'll tell you they chose TESSource over the other options for the functionality, especially the instant uploads. The rest, as they say, is history :) I like the new look, as do 70% of the visitors to this new site. I'm content with that. What would have happened is all academic - just keep an open mind. Be aware of graphic design when you surf and take note of what works and what doesn't. "Look & Feel" combines graphic design with functional design. It's important that people can eyeball a page and quickly know what it's about and what you can do with it. It's not an either/or - a good website is highly functional AND draws you in to the mood of what the site is about. A site like The Elder Scrolls is over-the-top. The design gets in the way of the functionality and it looks more like cover-art for the box than a webpage. A site like The CS Wiki is really good - nice Oblivion colors but extremely functional and not garish at all. The OBMM site is also a bit bland, even though the colors are better. Like someone slept through the design class and borrowed someone's notes before creating the website. The UESP Wiki seems to do everything right - very functional and Oblivion-like, but still strikes me as boring. Maybe that's just me... I like the darker dungeon look. Ok, that's all I'll say on this topic. Your site will remain Rhianna's home for as long as she's welcome. And thanks again - we're all glad your back! -Jumonji