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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. Never had a need to ESM-ify anything, At least not with CK Fixes/CKPE. Just tick off whatever plugins needed as masters, works just fine. His load order was fine, too. And his edits weren't wild. The problem was the Armor/Clothing Extension mod which (among others) loads Senna as alias and overwrites her outfit with a script.
  2. Pretty much final version, has all the pieces done.
  3. If my outfit changing mod (and Bijin Wives) are indeed enabled, and console indeed states that my mod is the last one affecting her BaseID, then there must be something among your other 600+ mods that messes with her outfit, likely via a script. Unfortunately, those things can be a real pain to track.
  4. Does More Informative console still show my test mod as the last thing affecting her Base ID? Are you by any chance exceeding the regular esp mod limit? (I did not make my test mod 'light') Also, it is possible that among your other mods there is something else that messes with her clothes - not necessarily by overloading the base record, but potentially via a quest/script? (I.e. Senna plays a certain role in Amorous Adventures)
  5. The reason CK shows you original textures is this: Enhanced Solitude has all of its resources in a .bsa archive. While, by default, CK is configured to load stuff from vanilla Skyrim .bsa archives, it will not look into mod archives. You can edit CreationKit.ini file in SSE directory, it has a section for bsa, pretty self-explanatory. But that is beside the point. Best tool for hunting down texture issues is 'More Informative Console' You open console, click on the offending piece of the landscape, and it tells you a number of things - on the right side, it will tell you both RefID and base FormID, as well as whichever plugin was last to modify either. Also, in the info window opening in top left, you can mouse over a category and press Shift to 'drill down'. You can check which model (nif) file is being used, and its path, and what textures are used - and their paths. Once you know which textures those are, you could pull them out of Skyrim .bsa and have them as loose files, but it will likely produce a result even uglier than what you see now.
  6. 'Legendary Edition' was basically a June 2013 bundle deal of the original (32 bit) game + all 3 DLCs. Nothing else. The 'Special Edition' released in October 2016, was also original game + DLCs, but in a new, more robust 64-bit engine, and better textures. Anyone who bought original game or LE, got Special Edition for free, and also at that time (2016), Legendary Edition was removed from Steam store as an obsolete product. Maybe you can still find a link to it in store (I mean, I still have the original 2011 game in my library), but good luck actually buying it. 'Anniversary Edition', like LE, is just a bundle deal: Skyrim Special Edition + Anniversary CC pack.
  7. Well, if your test mod is using Bijin AIO as master, then you got to have that enabled as well, or else your plugin will not load either. And yes, if you use Bijin, you most MUST have it as master, or else you are going to have a black face. Now, I use separate Bijin mods (Wives/NPCs/Warmaidens), so I needed to master my Senna change mod to Bijin Wives.esp. Thus, step by step: Launch CK File - Data - locate Bijin Wives.esp, checkmark it, click OK without setting an Active mod. In Object Window, select 'Outfit', create new outfit, call it 0_SennaTestOutfit. Leave it empty. In Actor section, locate Senna, in Inventory tab change her default outfit to 0_SennaTestOutfit. File - Save - call it SennaTestOutfit.esp, exit CK. In Vortex, plugins list, I enable SennaTestOutfit.esp Launch game, from main menu, open console, 'coc markarthtempleofdibella', and sure enough, she is strolling around the temple in the nude. I did attach the sample mod with my .esp, but it uses 'Bijin Wives.esp' as master, so it will not work for you. Point is, the outfit change works if starting new game. (On existing game, outfit can be changed via a script). If it is not working for you, it means that somehow, your mod organizer is not deploying the changed plugin file properly. SennaTestOutfit.7z
  8. They will - but after CK, you would need to open your plugin in SSEEdit and change the header version from 1.71 to 1.70
  9. MQ101 Reserves Torolf as an Alias. Which means if you want your quest to load him as alias as well, you need to check 'Allow Reserved' in the alias properties.
  10. Something must be very off in your modding setup. What mod manager are you using? What else are you running? Is your CK updated with fixes or is vanilla? After you save your plugin in CK, launch SSEEdit, and expand Skyrim.esm - NPC - locate Senna, and see what overloads her, in what order, and specifibally scroll her record down to default ourfit. See if your change appears there. Depending on your setup, and where things are saved, you may need to deploy for changes to take place. If you have SSEEdit open at same time, CK will not be able to actually save your plugin changes. How do you start new game? When I test stuff, I launch the game, and at main menu, open console and load into a test cell (i.e. "coc ctest") Once there, I summon the NPC via player.placeatme
  11. Looking at the Cities of the North mods, Dawnstar and Morthal have been compacted and flagged ESL in November of 2023. This tends to massively reshuffle a mod's FormIDs, and make it completely incompatible with existing save games and any existing patch mods. So, if you have any patch that has CotN Morthal or Dawnstar as master, and has NOT been updated since Nov 2023 specifically for compacted versions, that is the problem. You either need to remove those patches, or you need to load and install earlier non-ESL versions of CotN Morthal/Dawnstar.
  12. An outfit form can be empty. If the base is last changed by your mod, it should work. But maybe she is loaded into some quest that sets her outfit. Did you check the original at the temple, or summon a copy? (player.placeatme 133b7)
  13. I am afraid what you are doing is 100% wrong. Replacing those would only make in-game adult players shout in high voices. You would need to trace through how player shouts are implemented, replicate those for playable children voicetypes, and likely add children voice types to certain lists/conditions used for shouts.
  14. That is a seriouly loaded question. According to changelogs, both city mods have been compacted for ESL, which means a lot of FormIDs are totally different. Incidentally, this makes both mods updated versions completely incompatible with whatever saved games you had in progress. You would need to obtain and install the versions of both city mods the patch was for, load it up in SSEEdit and make a full catalog of what the patch corrected. Then you would need to install the new versions, and literally recreate the patch from zero.
  15. Yeah, not much savings in terms of memory/performance.
  16. It is a legal version, but in some aspects is still a "red headed stepchild". I.e, AFAIK there is still no Racemenu for latest GOG version...
  17. That might all be so... and yet, here you are, expending all this mental energy ranting about a game that, despite all of its shortcomings, has stayed relevant for 13 years... Sure, a lot of it is down to the mods, but maybe it is this bad writing/graphics/etc that has inspired a ton of people to improve it?
  18. AFT (latest one) also has a feature: if you draw a weapon while colliding with a follower in front of you, it moves follower behind you.
  19. Well, 19DEA is Riften Jarl.. I am away from my Skyrim setup, so can't easily look things up, but I suggest you just do 'setstage bq04 100' and go claim your reward.
  20. Latest and greatest Dress(SMP), vision(SMP), sleeves(SMP), shoes, gloves, panties done, shoes and dress with stocking variants. Still need to do the neck piece.
  21. For LE, there is ConScrybe 000CBA9A is the FormID of the BQ04 quest itself. It looks like you were looking at the wrong section of sqv output. In the Papyrus section, there is a bunch of lines like ::Alias_Letter_var = alias Letter on quest BQ04 (000CBA9A) - those are not what you need. But right before quest state part in the end, there should be a list of actual Aliases, i.e.: REF 'Letter' -> '' (FF0010B0) You are looking for line starting with: REF 'Bounty'. In any case, stage 10 means the game thinks you did not kill the target yet. Sometimes the boss dragon of the dragon mound might fly off to give chase to something. So maybe you killed some random dragon that happened to be in the vicinity of the mound, and not the actual boss. That said, You should have the quest marker for the dragom still. Regardless - you got following options: First is 'setstage bq04 100' - this will present you with objective to go claim your reward. Another is trying to kill that dragon again. To expedite, you can: coc dragonlair02exterior01 - which should place you right at the steps leading to Ancient's Ascent. If dragon is not there, try waiting a few hours (like 12)
  22. Yes, it is generally best to have all the larger functions defined in a quest script, and the TopicInfo fragments be one-liners invoking them. But yes, you can attach a larger script to a topicInfo and use it. I.e. if you attach a 'MyTopicInfoScript' which has a 'MyFunction()' in it, then you can define a fragment with following line: (Self as MyTopicInfoScript).MyFunction(). Thing is, you still need to create a fragment (TIF) script. It can be rather frustrating as you might have a hundred TopicInfos, each with its own one-liner fragment script doing exactly the same thing, and you end up with a bazillion tiny script files that are 100% the same. I really wish CK had the facility where you could just select which function to call in an attached script, rather than its current forced fragment system. The only way around it is via SSEEdit. So lets say, I created a TopicInfo for a quest MyQuest, and in its Fragment_0, I put: GetOwningQuest().SetStage(20), and I renamed this script as TIF_MyQuest_SetStage20, Now I am creating another topicInfo, which is also supposed to set the quest to stage 20. In its end fragment window, I just put in some comment, and compile the fragment. This will create new TIF__xxxxxxxx.psc and .pex files. Then I click OK, save my plugin, and exit CK. Next, you load SSEEdit, and locate the TopcInfo you just created. In its VMAD - virtual machine adapter section: In the Scripts part, you will see that it has an attached script TIF__xxxxxxxx. Then, under Script Fragments section, in FileName, it has TIF__xxxxxxxx Finally, under under Fragments - Fragment#0 - it has ScriptName TIF__xxxxxxxx and FragmentName = Fragment_0 In all 3 above places, you replace TIF__xxxxxxxx with TIF_MyQuest_SetStage20. Save and exit. Now, you can delete the TIF__xxxxxxxx .psc and .pex files. You can even do one better. Create a fragment script, rename it to TIF_MyQuest_SetStage, add an Int property called 'Stage', populate it with stage number you want to set, and fragment would contain: GetOwningQuest().SetStage(Stage) Then, any Topic Info you create that sets a quest stage, you create an empty fragment and add an Int Stage property to it. Then, in SSEEdit, you change that TopicInfo to use TIF_MyQuest.SetStage script instead, with the Stage property set to desired value. Overall, it is a lot extra work, but it can really cut down on the number of TIF script fragments your mod will include...
  23. Well, it progresses on my end. Sleeves with SMP are done, I gave them a bit of extra flexibility. The dress had to be redone cause original file has the mesh extremely fragmented - meaning it would start to pull apart as soon as you tried to morph it via sliders. Had to stitch it all back together in Blender. I will be making the side and back tassels on the dress SMP. I thought about making the skirt SMP as well, but it is a fairly stiff skirt. Might still do it though. The gloves had a bit of bad geometry, fixed that. One issue is stockings. If I use existing mesh/UV map/texture, there is no way I can wrap those around CBBE 3BA legs without making it a clipping mess. So for now, it is either a dress by itself to be used with bare legs (matching panties provided ), or dress with stockings integrated (and no body legs underneath). I might re-mesh them to be exact replica of CBBE, in which case I will need to re-create the texture. I am away this weekend, but will upload whatever I got so far before I leave.
  24. Well, it progresses on my end. Sleeves with SMP are done, I gave them a bit of extra flexibility. The dress had to be redone cause original file has the mesh extremely fragmented - meaning it would start to pull apart as soon as you tried to morph it via sliders. Had to stitch it all back together in Blender. I will be making the side and back tassels on the dress SMP. I thought about making the skirt SMP as well, but it is a fairly stiff skirt. Might still do it though. The gloves had a bit of bad geometry, fixed that. One issue is stockings. If I use existing mesh/UV map/texture, there is no way I can wrap those around CBBE 3BA legs without making it a clipping mess. So for now, it is either a dress by itself to be used with bare legs (matching panties provided ), or dress with stockings integrated (and no body legs underneath). I might re-mesh them to be exact replica of CBBE, in which case I will need to re-create the texture. I am away this weekend, but will upload whatever I got so far before I leave.
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