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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. Yes, Creation Kit SE is the most versatile tool for working with mods. After you get CK, make sure to search Nexus for CK fixes and Multi Masters patch At least when CK for SSE was obtained from Bethsoft rather than Steam, it was a buggy, and really slow mess. Other extremely useful tools for modding: SSEEdit. Incredibly useful at determining mod conflicts and fixing things that CK does not give easy access to. BodySlide/Outfit Studio - An absolute must for anyone trying to do anything with armors/clothes. Bethesda Archive Extractor (BAE) - so you can extract resources from Skyrim's archives. NifScope - Insanely useful tool for tweaking/fixing stuff in the mesh (.nif) files If you want to edit textures, you need something that can handle the .dds format. I personally use Abobe Photoshop with Nvidia Plugin I heard GIMP works too. Blender - though this is kinda next level Far as tutorials... If I search Youtube for 'Skyrim armor creation kit tutorial', I get plenty of hits. An important thing to remember is that a piece of armor is generally defined by two separate objects (or 'forms' in Skyrim modding terminology): Armor - defines actual inventory item and game properties of armor (rating weight, price, flags etc) and has reference to one or more 'ArmorAddon' forms. ArmorAddon - defines a visual wearable model of the armor, indicating mesh files for 3rd and 1st person, potential alternate texture sets and such.
  2. If it is not working for a completely fresh install, I would look for a problem in your VR setup. Maybe an update changed something that affects Skyrim. You do not mention which headset you are using.
  3. So, with a bit o'free time... Split out hair meshes into strands in Blender Re-weighted mesh strands to individual bone strands. Added a collision body. Hair being real long was clipping into hands a lot so added hands to collision body. Then needed to update xml to include collision hands bones. I think it came out ok... Dunno if you got same exact mod, but this .nif expects textures to be in textures\xsummer\s4 hair\update\update1\update2\ (nofrauds.dds and nofrauds_n.dds) Expected xml path is meshes\xSummer\S4 Hair\HDTdint999\SMPxml\nofrauds.xml NoFrauds.nif NoFrauds.xml
  4. Unfortunately, it is not just body mesh - which is actually is an easy copy-paste. That hair also has serious issues with bone weights. The bone strands in left/right bangs have no lateral constraints so they all move independently, which us good. But many mesh strands are weighted to bones from different strands which causes real ugly stretching and clipping. Fixing that would require disassembling the mesh by strand in Blender and re-doing their weights.
  5. For sure keep it at 1080p and textures 2k or lower if you want it to be actually playable. My prior PC with GTX1080ti was definitely struggling with ENB on.
  6. I have the same mod installed. With same issue. And I think I see the problem. The xml file definitely needs to have shared: Internal on all three hair parts meshes. But the problem is the nifs. The NoFrauds nif does not have a collision_body mesh! Unlike, for example, this one:
  7. Mod management is a complex affair, but things can be tracked down. Let's go over the process. When you DL a mod off Nexus or drop a mod zip file into Vortex, that zip (.7z, .rar etc) file gets stored in Vortex's download folder - which you can configure from Settings 'Download' tab. Installing: When you install a mod, it unpacks the zip file into that mod's staging directory. Location of staging directories can be set from 'Mods' tab in the settings. A fairly important item is that staging folder and game's Data folder must be on same hard drive, in order for Vortex to properly use its 'hardlink deployment' method. If a mod has a fomod installer that lets you pick various options, that is where it gets used. In the staging folder, installed mod file structure is exactly as it would be under Skyrim's 'Data' folder. You can access a mod's staging folder by right-clicking it in mod list and choosing 'Open in File Manager'. Enabling: When you enable a mod, it determines it load order if mod has a .esp, checks for missing masters, and also looks for file conflicts. If other enabled mods include same file in the game structure, you are asked to set a priority rule. The mod that is 'after' all others is the 'winner'. Deploying: For each file in each mod staging directory, a hardlink is created under game directory. If there is a conflict between mods, hardlink is created for the 'winner'. During deployment, following issues may arise: > File belonging to a mod was changed in game directory - Vortex will ask if you want to confirm or revert the change. Revert means changed file is removed and replaced by hardlink to staging file. Confirm means changed file is copied to source mod's staging directory before being replaced by hardlink. Note that in some cases, there is no confirm. I.e. if you build something in BodySlide and it overwrites files under meshes, Vortex will update those in staging at next deployment without asking. > File belonging to a mod was deleted in game directory - Vortex again asks to confirm. If you do confirm, this file will be deleted from staging for ALL competing source mods. To make matters murkier, most of Skyrim's own native files are not in form of loose files, but are packed into .bsa archives. Many large mods also pack their files into .bsa's. The rule is if a file actually exists, it takes priority over any .bsa. If same file exists in several .bsa's, priority is decided by mod .esp load order. This can get rather interesting. If mod A has loose files, and mod B has a .bsa, and they overlap, and you want mod B to take priority... well lets just say it is a royal pain. MO2 goes a bit smarter about this as it essentially keeps mod .bsa's in staging and presents them to the game as a bunch of loose files - meaning you can set the priorities. But at this point, something has apparently happened to your Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalebody_0/1.nif (and similar files for other body parts) OR, something happened to your form structure. How do you check? Lets say that Sigrid from Riverwood (for whom you have no special mods), when undressed via 'removeallitems', no longer appears to sport a nude CBBE body. Launch SSEEdit, expand Skyrim.esm - Non-Player Character, and look for Sigrid (00013476). I can see that the only file overloading her is USSEP. As I scroll down the properties, you see: RNAM - Race - NordRace (00013476), and you also see, a couple lines further down: WNAM - Worn Armor - is unset. What this means is this NPC does not have a custom body assigned, but rather uses default body for their race. So you expand 'Race' section, find 'NordRace' (00013476) Chances are you will have some overloads on it. Look for: WNAM - Skin. It should be 'SkinNaked' - 00000D64 across the board. Or at least, in the right-most column. Go to 'Armor' section, SkinNaked (0000D64) is pretty much the first entry there. It got a whole bunch of armatures there for all the races it supports, but your main interest is 'NakedTorso' (00000D67) --- this bit can be a we bit confusing, cause that armature list is across all supported races, and you need to fins the one for race you want. I.e. NakedTorsoArgonian (0004e76e) is only valid for Races Argonian and ArgonianVampire. NakedTorso is the one valid for Nords. Further down the rabbit hole, in Armor-Addon section: NakedTorso (00000D67) says that it uses: Female world model - actors\character\character assets\femalebody_1.nif So we finally arrive at it - the actual mesh file being used for Sigrid's body when naked. If nothing overloaded/hijacked it along the way. If something does oveload, you likely would need to ditch the oiffending mod. But assuming that part is fine: Now, we need to look at the files. If you find the CBBE mod, and right-click it, and choose 'manage file conflicts', you should see if any mods compete for that particular file. I.e. in my case, I can see that this particular file is instead supplied by 'CBBE 3BA (3BBB)' - which is correct for me. See if maybe your CBBE files are being superceded by some other undesirable mod. Hopefullt by this step, you will find the problem. If not, we can try digging deeper.....
  8. Hmm... I would try changing "shared" property on your shapes to public and see how it goes... From what I read: (shared) private - can only collide with the same mesh Edit - or rather - looking at other hair .xmls - 'shared' for head/body/ground is private, but for hair shape itself, it is 'Internal'
  9. The biggest issue with that mod, however, is its permissions. The uploader just outright prohibited any sort of use of this mod in any form. And seeing how these meshes/textures are ripped from another game, its legality is already rather questionable. I can try reaching out to the uploader, but I doubt it will have any result.
  10. When you create and save a body preset in Bodyslide, it generates an .xml file in Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide/SliderPresets, where you typically have two entries per slider for weight 0 and 100, i.e. <SetSlider name="ShoulderWidth" size="big" value="60"/> <SetSlider name="ShoulderWidth" size="small" value="70"/>And that is used for building armor items in BodySlide. For this specific preset, the _0 nif file is built at ShoulderWidth 70, and _1 at ShoulderWidth 60. Wearing armor built at that preset, a weight 50 character will appear with ShoulderWidth 65. When you save a preset in Racemenu, it writes everything to a .jslot file under Data/SKSE/plugins/chargen/presets, with each slider having an entry like: { "keys" : [ { "key" : "RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp", "value" : 50 } ], "name" : "ShoulderWidth" },Loading that preset in Racemenu will set character's ShoulderWidth slider to 50. The jslot file will also contain the weight of your character, so they would have ShoulderWidth 50 at whatever weight that is. Now, if you want an NPC to have that body preset, that's quite easy. Build (locally) CBBE reference body/hands/feet to that preset, copy the resulting meshes to a folder specific to that NPC, in CK create ArmorAddons pointing to those nifs, create an Armor form including those Addons, and then set that Armor as 'naked skin' for that NPC. If you actually want to use a BodySlide preset in a Racemenu preset, that is a bit more involved. Lets assume that in BodySlide, you designed the preset to look the way you want at weight 100 - cause that is by default what you see when opening preview. 1. In game, open Racemenu, and save your character preset. If you want to use head from another preset, you should load that preset first, make whatever changes you want till head looks the way you want, then save preset. 2. Exit game, open the jslot file of the preset you just made in some editor. 3. Open the .xml file of your Bodyslide preset. 4. For every "size=big" slider entry in Bodyslide preset, find the same named 'RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp' entry in the jslot, and copy the value over. I.e. in above example, you would replace the value '50' in jslot with '60'. Technically, a small script could be written to automate the process. Someone might even have done so already. 5. Save the file, start Skyrim again, open Racemenu, and load that preset. You body should be set.
  11. Ouch, that is one sorry-state abandoned mod. Textures are wrong format (.tga), armor meshes are basically single-piece, dumped right under meshes. Speculars are off the chart, shaders are environment mapped with no masks or cubemaps provided, cloak too wide and cloack and hood have some weighting issues, and I did not even look into .esp yet. Will take some work, but there's hope....
  12. Generally, BodySlide should be quite simple to use. One thing, however, if you start messing with multiple profiles, things can get a bit hairy. Normal, simple install of BodySlide goes directly under SSE's Data/CalienteTools/BodySlide, all the various BodySlide files from various mods install under that, And its output goes directly out to SSE's Data/meshes - which is where mesh .nif files need to be for the game to see them. Again, this is simple install, where you provide BodySlide with SSE's Data folder path and leave the 'Advanced' stuff alone. Say, I open 'Barkeeper Clothes MDSE' outfit in BodySlide, it tells me in lower left that it will output files to 'meshes\clothes\barkeeper\f\torso_0.nif(and _1.nif) That is the meshes directly under SSE's Data, so once I click Build, the built meshes go directly to where the game will see them. I can launch Skyrim right away, nothing else needed. Vortex monitors meshes directories, and it knows when BodySlide overwrites files there, and does not raise alerts about those - and it will not attempt to re-overwrite them with mods original prebuilt meshes when deploying. However, especially if you got multiple profiles, you might have to setup BodySlide so it outputs built meshes to some sort of 'staging' directory. Of course, Skyrim has no idea about this staging directory, so you need to deploy the files after building them, and your mod organizer needs to know that it has to copy files from that staging directory into SSE/Data, and it needs to know that files in BodySlide staging directory must be higher priority than the mod's initial prebuilt meshes.
  13. I am running AE 353 right now. It is quite fine, about everything I care about was updated. New content is kinda meh, no big deal. The biggest factor, however, is that I would say at this point, if anybody is still developing .dll SKSE plugins for Skyrim, they are in most cases doing it for AE. SE (1.5.97) plugins are there and working, but they are pretty much frozen, and will not get further updates/fixes. Regular mods should work for about any version, unless they require stuff from the new AE masters.
  14. Not sure about mod, but by my understanding, console command: player.removespell 00092c48 Should revert you.
  15. Did you try instaling CK Fixes? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71371 Search Nexus mods for 'Creation Kit' You can also try the downgrade patch and then apply the older CK fixes mod. Even before AE, CK in its initial form was a horrid buggy mess.
  16. You would need a quest running with NPC as alias, or a permanent MagicEffect applied on NPC with script that monitors for OnItemRemoved event, and it is that item, sets up an update event about a second later that will remove item from DestContainer and add it back to NPC - potentially triggering an angry response topic. Can even have a counter there where higher values cause angrier responses and eventually make NPC hostile.
  17. That mod changes a whole bunch of things about Fjotra, but it does not change her quest involvement. Her normal outfit (in mod) is FarmClothes, but it is possible that some quest script connected to her monitors her outfit, and changes it to priest robe if whatever she wears is removed. I.e. if quest includes a scene where she changes her clothing. Just a conjecture, though. If I use console to create a new game, and then summon her using player.placeatme command, her quest is not running, and she does not auto-equip anything...
  18. Depending on how you want it designed, you need to overload proper scripts or markers. 1. Finding the stuff. Seeing how Proventus Avenicci is the guy you talk to about decorating the home, you go to dialogue viewer, and filter by his topics. You will see there is a bunch of topics 'DecorateWhiterun...' Example: DecorateWhiterunKitchen. And it has a response 'Very well, I will make the arrangements", you click that, it opens 'Topic Info' window, where you see that it has an attached script: TIF_000C6E12. Now here you got to be real careful. A lot of people use Unofficial Patch (USSEP) and for some reason, it changes a lot of these scripts to use function 'Fragment_1' instead of Skyrim.esm's original 'Fragment_0' You either need to make USSEP a master for your Breezehome overhaul, or you could overload TIF_000C6E12 with a version that has both Fragment_0 and Fragment_1. Aside from name, functions should be identical. Now, looking at that script (might need to extract it, most likely from USSEP's bsa) It has in it: decoratemarker.enable()oldmarker.disable() And it has:ObjectReference Property DecorateMarker Auto ObjectReference Property oldmarker Auto And in the 'Topic Info' window, if you click the script and the 'Properties' button next to it, it shows that 'DecorateMarker' is linked to 'WhiterunPlayerHouseDecorateKitchen' (000C6E3C)'oldmarker' is linked to 'WhiterunPlayerHouseKitchenStart' (000E4EE3) Going to the world views, loading up Breezehome interior, you can see that these markers are objects outside of the house, and is each linked to a bunch of other objects. The 'start' marker - to a bunch of old crates and cobwebs, while 'Decorate' marker links to a bunch of kitchen furnishings. Right-clicking either marker in Objects list and choosing 'Use Info' will bring up a list of all objects linked to that marker. So when you talk to Proventus, choose option to decorate kitchen, it runs that fragment function in that script, disabling 'oldmarker' (which vanishes all the junk associated with it), and it enables the 'decorate' market, which pops into existence all the nice kitchen furnishings. The status of the Decorate marker (enabled/disabled) is what determines if you see 'kitchen' in the dialogue options with Proventus. So, what can you do? Suppose you just make your version of Breezehome furnished, and you want no further fuss. Making it so that you do not get the decorating guide: Look for "HousePurchase" quest, you will see that its stage 10 for various houses is attached to various fragments of 'QF_HousePurchase_000A7B33', specifically Fragment_0 for Whiterun, where it calls: kmyquest.Purchasehouse(whiterunhouse, whiterunhousekey, whiterunguide, kmyquest.HPWhiterun) This function is in 'HousePurchaseScript' , and has a line: game.getplayer().AddItem(DecoratingGuide) You would want to make that line conditional (If DecoratingGuide != NONE). Then in above mentioned script, you change the line to: kmyquest.Purchasehouse(whiterunhouse, whiterunhousekey, NONE, kmyquest.HPWhiterun) Also, if you want the house flagged child-adoptable, you need to add: (kmyquest as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionHousePurchase).Whiterun_EnableChildBedroom() Cause otherwise this option only gets set when you buy the 'Child bedroom' upgrade. Then in Proventus's Dialogue options, you look for ' DecorateWhiterunViewTopic1', (I'd like to decorate my home), for both response options you need to add a condition that will make it always fail. Suppose you want to make YOUR version of Breezehome upgradable in the same way as original. In this case, no need to mess with scripts and dialogue options. However, you need to make sure you remove all existing world objects associated with those 'Start' and 'Decorate' markers. Then, once you did your interior design, you link the needed objects to proper markers. Then when you buy the upgrades, the markers will enable your stuff instead.
  19. If that is a Flower Girls kiss, I suggest you check out my mod, Flower Girls Slot Handler, which provides a lot of control of what characters get to wear during FG scenes, and also provides high heel handling for kisses. (Need to check the heels option on Female NPC profile in MCM) When heels are involved, custom scaling is applied to match actors' mouth heights. Also works for girl-on-girl wearing different height heels. If that is an OStim kiss, I have been considering adding similar functionality there, cause frankly, Migal's OHeels doesn't seem to work. Supposedly if you switched to OStim NG (OpenSex), it should have that functionality built-in, but I have not tried it yet. SexLab supposedly has some sort of High Heels handling as well, but I am not too keen on SexLab.
  20. There is already an in-game version of this, though it MIGHT be result of some mod, like Immersive Citizens - though I doubt it. If you steal something from someone without being seen, the owner might send thugs after you. I.e. stealing something from Collette's room in College of Winterhold. At some point you run across a group of two-three thugs who will accost you, and with words like 'you are the one we need', attack you. After you dispatch them, one of them will have a notice. "Find so and so and rough 'em up". That's pretty much the framework of what you suggest right there. The Quest ID is WIKill06, found in CK under World Interactions - Kill subcategory.
  21. A few things to keep in mind: CBBE version is simplified to make use of your main installed female skin. It means texture paths in the head .nif now point to textures/actors/character/female And in the .esp, ArmorAddon forms for Torso/Hands/Feet are set to use standard female skin texture sets. The UNP version uses the custom skin that was in the old mod. Head .nif points to textures/Fjotra and body ArmorAddon forms use mod's own texture sets. You can easily adapt the UNP file to CBBE + custom skin by doing following steps: Locally build the CBBE Body/hands/feet meshes as I describe in my earlier post, and copy the files into meshes/Fjotra/character assets. Then, from whatever CBBE skin you fancy, you need to copy following files to textures/Fjotra: femalebody_1.dds, femalebody_1_msn.dds, femalebody_1_s.dds, femalebody_1_sk.dds, femalehands_1.dds, femalehands_1_msn.dds, femalehands_1_s.dds, femalehands_1_sk.dds, femalehead.dds, femalehead_msn.dds, femalehead_s.dds, femalehead_sk.dds. For example, here are some alternate skin variants: CBBE Tempered 4K: CBBE SG Renewal 4K: CBBE SG Renewal 4K, in-game:
  22. Simple timing in a quest script (can be applied to actor alias or assigned as magic effect) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime (NumberofHours) And define a function: Event OnUpdateGameTime() // Set quest to failed stage. EndEvent Countdown: Int Property HoursToFail Sound Property DoomsdayGong Auto Event OnEffectStart() HoursToFail = 24 RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime (1) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() HoursToFail = HoursToFail - 1 If (HoursToFail == 0) // run the failure function Else DoomsdayGong.play() // Display message "You got X hours till you fail" RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime (1) EndIf EndEvent
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