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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. Yes, if the forms in the .esp are version 42, then set FV_Check to 42. When you do click OK, you should get a whole bunch of log messages, listing all the forms the script has changed (should basically be ALL the forms in the .esp)
  2. Pretty sure you got it wrong. Faction does not appear to be one of string filters categories. You need to put it in the form filters. I.e. ;Equip Fur Garments to Bandits,Guards,Soldiers,Hunters,Vigilants,Silverhand,Companions Spell = 0x80D~ImmersiveFurGarments.esp|ActorTypeNPC|-0x5C84E,0x1BCC0,0x2BE3B,0xAB7B9,0x4E509,0xB3292,0xAA0A4,CompanionsFactionMinusBrillAndVignar|NONE|NONE|NONE|25
  3. Unfortunately, CK has a potential to do other things 'under the hood' when you save an esp in it. Harmless in most cases, but sometimes it can mess things up. Sometimes, even with latest CKPE, trying to load a plugin can crash CK. This worked for me just fine before: Right-click a mod in SSEEdit Choose 'Apply Script' In Script dropdown, choose 'Update Records Form Version' Make sure those are set accordingly: const FV_Check = 43; FV_Set = 44; Click OK to save and run the script.
  4. I seriously have no idea what you did, but I suspect you made some edits to NakedHands ArmorAddon. My suggestion is to: 1. Reinstall Ninirim Collection to revert it to original state. 2. Do the edit that I decribed (editing ONLY the 0BlessEC0014Upper and 0BlessEC0014UpperDm Armor records)
  5. Ok, so in the esp, 0BlessEC0014Upper covers slots 32(body) and 33(Hands), and it includes ArmorAddons: 0BlessEC0014UpperA, NakedHands and NakedHandsKhajiit. NakedHands ArmorAddon covers only: Breton, DA13Afflicted, Imperial, Nord, Orc, Redguard (plus their Vampire variants) I seriously have no idea why it includes hands. but I would do following: In SSEEdit, in Ninirim Collection esp, In the Armors, locate 0BlessEC0014Upper (xx0AF66E) In first person flags, remove 33 - Hands In Armature part, delete NakedHands and NakedHandsKhajiit. Do the same in 0BlessEC0014UpperDm Save and Exit On the left - a dark elf wearing the outfit before the edit (missing hands). On the right - wearing same outfit after the edit.
  6. Keyboard already works 100% in VR - movement, interaction etc. I use Valve Index. Mouse works in menus, but I am sure it is a matter of configuration to enable mouse look as well. That said, the controllers give you far better control of the game. I actually prefer to play seated, and I am not really 'moving through VR' - all my motion is done via controllers. The problem, however, is that when in VR, you can't see the keyboard, so hitting the right keys wit ha headset on can be quite tricky.
  7. Both links say "image could not be found" In any case, just post the link to the mod that has this issue.
  8. It is just an .esp. And if the archive itself is infected, your virus scanner should pick that up.
  9. No, that is just a visual replacer. No messing with dialogue.
  10. Yep, seen that one. Makes her looking a bit too on mature/sane side. Sofia exists in that not-quite-bratty-kid/not-quite-grown-woman area, and manages to look both cute and a bit crazy. I am yet to see a replacer that has just the right 'crazy' of the original. Recorder is also a bit crazy, but a different crazy. And 'Redux', IMHO, does a great job bringing it out.
  11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F90sqRINMmwTVZ2Es_Ogfm22cwb4E_6m/view?usp=sharing What you link is essentially full Sofia mod, but changed to Chinese text. What you need to do, is get and install the Original Sofia Mod, and then install this 'SofiaRemake'. Just FYI, I did playthroughs with Sofia before, and I been looking for a good visual replacer, but so far, the original look IMHO, seems to be the most 'fitting'. I been using Vilja Sky, Recorder Redux, Bella/Serana by LamaKreis for Serana, GLAM Karliah ... but yet to find a better Sofia.
  12. If you are just looking for someone who can create a Racemenu preset from an image, I suggest browsing through existing presets on Nexus, finding those that you like/that look close to what you need, and contacting authors of those presets, to see if they are willing to help. Once you have a preset, using it to add an in-game NPC is trivial. However, if you are looking for someone to build that storyline you are talking about, we are talking about an absolutely massive amount of work here.
  13. Just drop the mod link here, I can take a look.
  14. Why on earth do you need RINGS for that? The meta-tag indicating heel height should be present directly in the mesh file of the shoes you are wearing.
  15. You definitely want to get rid of Sound and Scripts folders, but you also need to edit the .esp in SSEEdit and remove any Quest, Dialogue Branch, and Dialogue Topic forms. And likely a lot more.
  16. Well, in that Zomora mod, unless one knows the translation, there is really nothing to be done. But for the Sofia looks replacer, one would just need to erase all the Chinese dialogue forms, and it should be fine.
  17. Well, that one definitely had LE meshes. I ran its meshes through Cathedral Asset Optimizer, which fixed most of the issues. I also had to add the heel offset meta-tag to both their boots. I also fixed their names and names of their armor. However, it looks like they both have custom dialogue, and I can only assume it is all in Chinese. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_RxbGuHAKPUUxOMHClt-Uqu3MI6WUfzW/view?usp=sharing Zoe is in Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn. Mora is in Whiterun Hall of the Dead. Appearance-wise, they are fine, and have the standard follower dialogue...
  18. See in the posts section, I just added my port link there. Frankly, that mod works just fine under SE as-is, except LOOT gives warning it is for a wrong game - AND it will eat up 3 or 4 full esp slots. So I updated the .esps for SSE, compacted and made them light, and recompiled the script, just in case.
  19. I assume you have game version 1.6.1170. I still have 1.6.1130 The door (I assume you are talking about 0401E344 - ccASVSSE001_FarmBTrapdoor02) is defined in Dragonborn.esm. Maybe in 1.6.1170 it is named different, but in 1130, that is what its name. The cell in question (ccPlaceholder17Interior01) is defined in Update.esm. Dragonborn.esm lists Skyrim.esm and Update.esm as masters. AE update has placed a number of 'hooks' for certain CC content into the base game. For example, the 'Survival' keywords added for the CC Survival mod, are defined in Update.esm
  20. Yeah, there are some mods that might be considered cheating, but they make life so much better. For example, a carry weight x100 mod.
  21. Update: I found the witch outfit (3BA version), so here is another variant. The body was switched to CBBE 3BA, built to 'CBBE Fetish' preset The outfit has proper SMP, and includes the 3BA BodySlide files. Hat was practically floating over the head, adjusted for a better fit. The mod has been compacted and made ESP-FE. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FXU8_luCvjXcKI9KoWip_GjslS2UTyIv/view?usp=sharing
  22. There is a lot seriously wrong with this mod. It is actually an SE mod, as far as I can tell - all meshes are in SE format. Unless it is actually your conversion attempt? In any case, head mesh parts are non-dynamic, which is likely what causes a 'creepy face'. Then, I am really not sure why this mod includes a whole bunch of skse .dlls, like the whole physics package is included in it? Those .dlls have no business being in a simple follower mod. Just use either BHUNP or 3BA. What I pretty much had to do was start a character, go into racemenu, make her a female nord, set weight 100, and in sculpt tab, import the head mesh from the mod - then export it. Then in NifScope, rename the mesh parts, ccopy over textures for head/eyes/mouth/brows, and then copy over the hair shapes. In the .esp, the hair parts were using the .tri morph from one of vanilla hairs, which in my case actually caused a CTD. The naked body mesh in the mod is some weird concoction with a lot of collision shapes. I am replacing it with a standard BHUNP body (Bombshell preset), since mod uses UNP base shape/skin. In the .esp, the texture sets for nude body had totally wrong texture paths. The Witch outfit has a rather poorly implemented SMP, with collision surfaces missing in places , causing parts of the outfit to clip into body. Here is my cleaned version. I did not fix the outfit issues, but the head and nude body should now be OK. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M0tfg4MMLCdtfO75E3isSOM029B9ZgGs/view?usp=sharing
  23. You shared it incorrectly. In Google drive, you right-click a file, and in the 'Share' submenu, you select 'Share', NOT 'Copy Link'. In the window that opens, under 'General, make sure it says 'Anyone with the link', then click 'Copy Link' and then 'Done'. A correct sharing URL will be ending with 'usp=sharing' Alternately, you can just put in a link to a site where you found this mod. Unless, of course, it is one of the 'bad' sites.
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