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Everything posted by Brittainy

  1. Bigger hugs back at you ;)
  2. Ahhh. I know all about that. Got to have your Oblivion customised to suit you ;) *hugs*
  3. Hi hun, just wanted to say that you CAN use my mod with Qarl's. Make sure you install Qarl's first, then install mine over the top.

    That ought to give you all the higher res textures of Qarl's for roads, buildings, etc etc. All mine will do is the landscape, trees and grass. The two mods should be highly compatible with each other as long as mine is installed over the top ;)

  4. Aww no :( *tucks you back into bed* I'm alright, very happily plodding along with these building recolours :D
  5. Aww thanks hun, but I finally got it :D Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* Just got too frustrated and made it all a lot more complicated than it really was. *smacks self*
  6. Well you'll have to fire yourself then :( Need more of your mods to brighten the place up ;)
  7. Hugs and hello Hoofy :)
  8. Recently I downloaded Asharas Sirens and Tritons-RM-HGEC-Growlf-UFF-EC which I absolutely love. However, when I use the Animation patch v11 - which makes the swimming style far more suited to a mermaid - I find it's just not as fluid as the default swimming. Feels a tad...clunky? :confused: But it really does suit the mod a lot better than the default alternative as far as looks go. Just doesn't FEEL quite right. So, I'm wondering if anyone could possibly smooth it out just a wee bit? Make it more fluid and consistent in speed. While a slow / fast alternation is somewhat suitable to a human, it's not really what one would envisage for a siren :mellow: It's absolutely a million miles beyond my own capabilities to do it. I don't plan to release it publicly. I just want it as a private fix. Would anyone please be able to help? :whistling:
  9. :( *Fires you from your job* Now come back here and mod lad! Mod mod mod! *Huggles*
  10. *Poke and prod* You still alive hun? *Waiting eagerly for your return*
  11. Always chasing beauty ^_^ That could fairly well sum up my gaming career for the last 17 years.
  12. Well, I have to admit I can't play unless my character is wearing something well tailored. I suppose it's for the same reason I made my mod: Everything has to look right :) Hmm. 'Right' being how I think it should look :S
  13. *Peeking right back at you*
  14. Aww, thank you so much greenwarden. The comment you made with the endorsement was one of those ones that just...can't even describe it. You just nailed what I was trying to achieve :D As to my odd little mystic elf, her name is Angel.
  15. *Pops some nice shiny horse shoes on those cloven trotters*
  16. Not much, I'm afraid...*hides* Being very lazy.
  17. Aww, you ok? :(
  18. Any news on Moonshadow hun? How's it coming along? *Jumps up and down*
  19. Yay! Cooties! :D
  20. Will try. Waiting on a more functional mouse, if possible. *Impatient stomp with non-cloven hoof*
  21. Hugs Hoofy. Keep on trotting with those cloven cloppers.
  22. Thanks hun. I'm having a great time prowling for screenies.

    As for you Hickory...er...sorry but you've got cooties now ^_^

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