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Posts posted by Halendia

  1. What if it's not called an SAO mod? Make the town, make the NPC's, and let the player name it via an ingame option. Then we could name it whatever we choOse. Wouldn't that keep you away from copyright infringement?


    I don't think using names is the main issue (naming it e.g. Eincrad instead of Aincrad would probably bypass that), it's more like if you're planning to make a complete replica and use assets from their game and so on... this would include written dialogue too. But as long as you make it with Beth's assets, and/or modder's resources; I don't think there should be an issue.


    There's going to have to be a lot of dodging in this matter, and the end result will probably be very different from your reference, but if you're up for that, then by all means, work it.


    If I were you though, knowing the end result will differ so much (architecture, dialogue, atmosphere (because of your available assets)), I'd rather design my own town and escape that trouble :cool:

  2. Did Bethesda just say 'eh whatevs' and decide that it didn't matter?


    Um.. yes.


    Also, a more realistic looking design of bridle (even for that time of age) would look more like this:




    Bethesda's design doesn't make any sense. Imagine going uphill or downhill with that? Jesus christ.


    My latter idea is simpler than the previous : «Contrast And Saturation Settings». I used many ENB and the FXAA post-processing, and I noticed that It is not easy to parameterize some settings like contrast and saturation, important in my opinion. Imagine how it could be simple to change contrast if the settings could be subjoin to the menu.


    I think I have just the thing for you ;) This + This

  4. Copyrights... ah no not again...

    Since when is modding something to be like something else copyright infringement?

    there are millions of startrek, starwars, and doctor who mods for this and for other games, is that not copyright infringement?


    dude i even already started on the mod!

    this is a problem


    You still have to respect the original creator's wishes. Some are more lenient than others, but IF they have explicitly forbidden a mod like this; then you have to heed it lest you want to release it illegally.

  5. I'm a girl player


    How does this even count as a relevant variable of argument?


    CBBE, your most popular nude female mod, is created by Caliente, who is a female; and one of the more prominent modders (who works on CNHF), Nuska, is also a female. Most screenarchers like Willow and VictoriaG are also female, and boy is there a lot of inappropriate content in their portfolios...


    But I digress..


    NSFW content


    IF you're looking for a mesh replacer - UNP and CBBE Vanilla are probably the most lore friendly ones (then there's SeveNBase and CNHF). I don't know anything about UNP, but CBBE has "never nude" options, though I've never used them so I don't know if it's underwear embedded in the texture like in vanilla or if it's a separate, equippable mesh. My vote's on the first though.


    When it comes to male body replacers, we've got SoS, which includes some fancy "whoppee-stick" physics and features, probably not your cup of tea, but it has equippable underwear. Then there's Better Males with various options; images indicate it should have an underwear version, but I've never used it.


    HOWEVER, IF you're looking for texture replacers only, I highly recommend SG Textures for either CBBE or UNP, alternatively Real Girls for UNP. For men I recommend Geonox's faces. Misc: Coverkhajiits and Xenius Better Beasts (Argonians).


  6. My GPU however is capping out at 1GB memory usage (978MB - 992MB) according to GPU-Z so could that be causing instability issues if it is swapping out texture files in/out of graphics memory?


    From my experience, capping on GPU only causes crap FPS and stuttering...

  7. 1. What's your hardware setup? This is important. As an ATI Crossfire user (probably the most troublesome hardware setup for Skyrim at all...) I've had a hard time finding ENBs and settings that work, but there are a select few.

    2. Which ENB did you try?

    3. Did you follow the specific installation process to the latter?


    also; using IMAGINATOR and DYNAVISION combined can get an ENB like effect. Others also run with mods like Climates of Tamriel (combined with the other 2) and report beautiful results; I've never used that mod though.

  8. I'm thinking of doing only retexture works, probably misc. items as people request them. One of my friends would like flagons/plates/precious gems/etc. to add just another layer of immersion. I haven't seen any gem retexs, so I want to make that my number #1 priority.


    Problem I'm having is finding the textures for the precious gems. I can't find them in the texture folder. I'm a serious noob when it comes to mods though, so maybe I have to make an esp via the CK to texture them correctly?


    Thanks in advance! <3


    That last part doesn't... make sense.


    However, after having a look I can agree that there are no textures to be found, and while I'm a huge noob, I can't seem to find anything assigned to them. They could be just coloured meshes.

  9. Try deactivating Helgen Reborn before you try to start a new game. I think it's possible that the mod mucks up the intro, but I can't say for certain (I've had the same issue before, but I always use a premade save outside of Helgen when I start a new game).


    CTD on start, just after Beth logo indicates issues with load order/missing master files. Sometimes BOSS does not indicate this, I experienced that with XVISION Children Redone, where my game simply crashed and BOSS reported nothing. I assume this issue is only relevant to newly released mods, so if you have any of those, try deactivating and see what happens.

  10. Ah yes, a Tinker. Beautiful horses, really.



    If you could add Apachii Hair to that horse it would be amazing.



  11. It's because porting content without permission from other games is illegal. Just as sharing a song/game/video (e.g. pirating) for personal use is still illegal, even if you don't profit from it.


    The armor exists, I've seen it before, but it's not on the Nexus for a reason.

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