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Everything posted by mazakala

  1. @Darkco: My point was that people tend to expect stories to have a good and a bad side, not all stories do, but it's a trope we've learned to expect. Thus, the Institute are the bad guys because they stole your kid, ergo the factions that are against them *must* be good. I've seen countless threads where the BOS is being defended and the Institute is being bashed all across the Internet. I never thought the story was all that amazing, I had the ending figured out as soon as I learned how the story begins. Still, Bethesda must have done something right because people can't seem to distance themselves from the story enough to think rationally.
  2. I find the endless arguments about whether of not the Institute is evil to be very typical human psychology. The Institute is designated as the Big Bad at the beginning of the game whereas the BOS are shown as fighting them and so must be good. Almost without noticing it you make the decision that the Institute is evil, and once you have that opinion it blinds you from whatever the BOS or Railroad does wrong. We tend to stick with the opinions we have...
  3. Of course the Institute isn't "evil", none of the main factions are. The Institute simply believes that the surface world is mostly beyond saving, they want what they believe is best for mankind. They do questionable things to further their goals for sure, but so does every other faction (except maybe the Minutemen). The biggest difference is that if you side with the Institute, you'll be put in charge. You can change where the Institute is going, even if there aren't many options for it in game, you can't do the same for BOS or the Railroad. Imagine all the things you can do with Institute technology, was it worth killing off the Railroad and one chapter of the BOS? Probably was. That's war for you, never changes and all that.
  4. I'm working on bringing back Mothership Zeta, as Bethesda probably won't do it themselves. Learning quite a bit about modeling in the process, the GECK is 99.9% likely to not help with that at all, as it never has. New quests, epic stuff... I know I can do it, since I have a lot of experience from FO3 and Skyrim, I just don't know if I will have the patience to make it publishable :D
  5. Thanks for the feedback! My initial idea was to have a male Lone Wanderer with a helmet he doesn't usually remove, a bit Darth Vader-esque. I also thought about a "folklorist" character contacting the player, asking questions about the legend of the Lone Wanderer, allowing the player to design him/her. I kinda like the first idea better though. I would try to keep a serious tone rather than making it parody. The Zeta questline would start near the end of the main quest, depending on who the player sides with. The LW would want to preserve (and conquer) the Institute (for their tech) and destroy and/or humiliate the BOS (for plot reasons). The player could bargain with what they have and join the LW, or get blown up with the death ray. The background story would be that the BOS, or Maxson specifically, lied about why they are in the Commonwealth. The real reason is not to but rather to look for any battle to boost morale after the LW banished the BOS from Purity. Maxson would be the only one who actually knows about Zeta, which explains his frustration. he to repress his anxiety over the death ray looming over his head. The player resents Maxson for abandoning the Lyons doctrine in favor of old BOS ways, and suspects that conservative BOS figures were behind Sarah Lyons' death. The LW keeps Sarah's body on ice in hopes of being able to bring her back some day, spending time brooding over the cryopod. If the player If the player If the player
  6. So I'm working on a mod that would bring back Mothership Zeta and the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3 as a major new faction. The mod would be a spiritual successor to Nylonathathep's Zeta Crew mod and would significantly alter the game's main quests and ending. I'm currently working on models, as there is little else to do now and there's a lot of modeling to be done to recreate the Zeta and its interiors. I'm currently looking for ideas and perspectives for the plot as well as potential collaborators if this mod takes off. How would you feel about the Fallout 3 PC reappearing in Fallout 4? Would it be better to portray him/her in whatever way seems closest to canon (white male character) or let the player recreate the Lone Wanderer to their liking? Any other ideas?
  7. Interesting... I've been thinking about (and working a little) on a similar mod idea, but centered around Mothership Zeta. Curiously enough, I had the exact same ideas about Sarah Lyons being betrayed by BOS hard-liners (Maxson) and Sarah's body being on ice (on board the Mothership) :D But that's where the similarities end. The LW could never prove that Sarah was set up, but severed ties with the BOS out of mistrust. Threatening the BOS with Zeta's orbital deathray, the LW banished them from his/her pet project, Purity. Humiliated, the BOS ventured to the CW under Maxson, looking for a new battle to boost morale.
  8. The CK/GECK has always been a pretty straightforward thing, it always has bugs, but information is obtainable. Creating 3d models and animations for Bethesda games, however, has always seemed a bit like rocket science to me... I've only recently started to learn 3D modelling, but I'm totally clueless when it comes to new quirks of the nif format, or making animations. Occasionally some kind soul makes a tutorial on YouTube, but it would be great to have all the info in one place... Ideally it would be the official GECK wiki, but that's never going to happen.
  9. Sounds weird... As I said, haven't had a chance to look at the files yet.
  10. If you mean that the textures defined in the nif's aren't actually used in the game, then that's nothing new. Can't recall when that feature appeared, but it was already present in the Skyrim engine. Textures could be defined separately in the CK and used to override the ones defined in the nif. A very useful feature for getting more out of a single model and certainly very useful to modders. I haven't gotten around to looking at any of the Fallout 4 files yet, but I'm going to get around to it in a few days... So maybe I'm wrong about how it works.
  11. edit: Nevermind, fixed it. NMM had activated my backups without asking, hence the duplicates.
  12. There's an easy solution: Make a dummy item. It has the same name as the carryable light item you want to give to the player but is a different type of object, say a weapon. Give it a script that makes it remove itself and add a torch once added into the player's inventory.
  13. I watched the preview and I was impressed. The game trailer for Skyrim was cool, but this... this preview is EPIC! The CK seemingly has everything that was missing in previous kits... I hope it won't be released before the 12th, that's when I come home from Rome, but I guess I'll just take my laptop with me just in case :D
  14. IMO anything is allowed for purposes of RP, be it console or CK. Making your character too powerful could make the game boring though.
  15. Never managed to beat that one... it's ridiculously difficult. Also the most bugged game I've ever played, you try to beat one level for three hours only to beat it and get stuck because of some bug :D
  16. I liked the hair styles, not everyone wants to look like a weeaboo! :D But of course there could have been more of them, including ones that look more "modern" and not just the viking/medieval looks.
  17. Lol, why would someone believe even for a second that it's real, cmon! :rolleyes:
  18. Nice work finding the RealCartOn, It's nice to know some of the work has been done already... Figuring out how the carts and their animations work was one of the first things I studied in Skyrim, real travel should be a piece of cake for a modder as soon as we have the CK.
  19. Nords have 50% frost resistance, so they need half the clothes... I guess the other races just adapted the fashion :D
  20. Let's not forget that some people are already doing player houses, some modders are really in a hurry... Fallout NV tools and some new ones like skyedit, that's what they're using. But the things you can do are very limited and it's a lot of work. It's good to remember that all of these mods have bugs or lack something, and will remain that way until the CK is released. I'm tempted to try something like this myself, but I know it's just a waste of time with the current set of tools.
  21. Most of the quests are kinda short though, the majority of the time doing a quest is usually spent chopping down draugr in some obnoxiously large and tubelike dungeon. Don't get me wrong, I like dungeon crawling, but I'd prefer more complex dungeons and less chopping... I've never gotten lost in a dungeon in Skyrim, there's usually just one way forward and then there's the quick exit at the end, very convenient but a total immersion breaker when it appears everywhere. Having modded many Bethesda games and really enjoying level design, I know I would have done a better job myself... Also I'd like more quests where you have to figure things out by yourself, it's kinda boring to always have markers tell you exactly where you need to go and what you need to do... Other than that I very much enjoy the quests in Skyrim :)
  22. Often in interior areas, whenever there's mist, load screen graphics remain and you can see the outline in the mist. Sometimes it disappears if you alt+tab out of the game and back. I have a rather old GeForce 9600M GS with the newest drivers. I'm not so much looking for a fix but more curious about whether or not someone else has experienced something similar.
  23. This is not possible. Warpaint and scars are just additional textures on top of the face and cannot be applied to other parts of the body afaik. With the CK it would be possible to use a mesh that is just above the skin and then make it into an item you can equip, or make a new race for your character with the tattooed textures you already made, The first option might be possible even without the CK, although I'm not totally sure, but someone would still need to make the mesh . I made a mod like this (face tattoo) for Fallout 3 or NV, can't remember which, just took the default character head model, scaled and moved it up just a little bit in nifskope and added an alpha property. The same could perhaps be done with the body, but I'm not sure how easy hard it is with the current set of tools.
  24. This was hardly a surprise... Looks like we'll have to wait until the 31st, as most of us had already guessed. Let's hope the CK-doubters have been convinced now, what a bunch of morons :rolleyes:
  25. Fresh from bethblog's twitter account: "we're still looking to have it (CK) out this month. Keep an eye on our blog for new updates" - Seems to me like it won't be released quite yet, I'll check back on the 31st... :sleep:
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