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Status Updates posted by Lunanella

  1. And you were smiling when all you wanted to do was to kick him! :O
  2. What a sweet profile photo! :D
  3. I'll be just leaving my mark here. *leaves mark here* There.
  4. Shaddup u fatteh ho! D:<
  5. Hello!

    I just saw the Spriggan's mask... AWESOME! Just what I needed. Kudos for you. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Pssst. I know I have already wished you a Happy Birthday two days ago (heh), that I've sent you a gift and that I just said it in your private message... But I needed to say it here aswell: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAINE! Keep being the awesome man that you are!
  7. Hey, Mid.

    I remember the whole conversation we were having about wax droplets on candles and I just happen to have OrcVakarian showing me this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14227

    I don't know if you have it already, I could've misunderstood your comments there, but it is great. The overall clutter looks very nice - and the candles are stunning.

  8. Thank you a lot! It surely is good to know it works well for some people, because many have been complaining that it's driven their FPS away, heh.

    Oh, I hope both like it if they ever try it out. :)

  9. You're welcome! :)
  10. I adore your avatar!
  11. Very cool avatar!
  12. Just thought I should arrive here, walk around, have a glass of white wine and leave a mark. Miss you!
  13. Kudos for your great contribution to everyone's ENB settings. :-)
  14. Awww, thanks! ^___^
  15. Thanks, d! I'll make sure to add Valdis' images there.
  16. Thank you! It's an old one, though.
  17. You have so very good images. Kudos.
  18. Thanks for your hilarious images, you have a very good type of humor. Kudos!
  19. Added as a friend! =D
  20. Hello!

    I've really had a good time whilst seeing all your screenshots. You surely deserve a Kudos and a friend request. =)

  21. Hola. I've added you as a friend, hope you don't mind. Also, Kudos for your nice comments in my images. =D
  22. Wait... I thought we were friends already. =|

    Of course I don't mind!

  23. Your screenshots are so very good! You, mister, deserves a Kudos. =)
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