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Status Updates posted by Lunanella

  1. Ok, then. They are WIP, there are some errors that need an urgent fix, but I'll send them to you as soon as I have all of the colors made.
  2. Lol, it's ok. I asked you if you were jealous of my pink-ish color. =P

    I'm not fan of slangs, I just use them when I'm joking with someone. You know, for the irony, teehee.

  3. About Morgan's eyes problem... do you want my custom eye textures? You can see if they're up to your tastes. If not, it's ok. :)
  4. Oh, what a nice new avatar. Very fierce.
  5. ... teehee.

    What about you?

  6. Oh, but she looks awesome right now... I can only imagine what will she be like when she's finished. ^^

    I'm into jazz, yes, and classical music. Although I love those genres, my favorite band is Coldplay. I'm into alternative rock aswell. AND into the 40's, 50's and 60's songs. To resume: I love any kind of music, as long as it doesn't damage my eardrums, ...

  7. Takk... The Pink Panther is a great show. What led me to like it is the jazz though.

    By the way, Morgan looks very nice. I can't wait to see her finished.

  8. Have a lovely weekend, S.
  9. *huggles back* ^_^
  10. Hi, bison! How've you been? Long time no see. :o
  11. Oh, I forgot to add that I really miss the time to watch your pictures... I'm sowwy. The ones I can see are marvellous, as always. Keep them coming! :)
  12. *peeks in, drops Kudos, runs away*
  13. *passes by, leaves Kudos for you, waves*
  14. Yep, it's her: the coolest heroine ever!

    If you don't feel like reading the book, you could watch the movie. It has two versions, the Swedish and the English one. I've only watched the English one so far (with Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara) and I'm absolutely in love with it. You should give it a try whenever you feel like it. :)

  15. Thanks for the add!
  16. Thanks, same to you. :)
  17. It'll be worth it.

    I've been fine, thanks. Little time though... I'm almost finishing the whole "University life" and work is just too stressing. I just need some more time to hopefully get my phD :) the time I have I usually spend to eat, hehehe. The weekends I save for my girlfriend and for my games...

  18. I've watched the Swedish version too, I quite like it. I am in love with Rooney Mara though... something in her is just so unique - the way she acts seems so much like Salander.

    How've you been?

  19. Thanks! It's Lisbeth Salander, from "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", first book of the Millenium saga. What can I say, she's my favorite heroine (and the coolest one) ever, imo. :)
  20. That she is! ♥
  21. Thanks, S. I love Lisbeth Salander. :)
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