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Status Updates posted by Thor.

  1. Testing can you see me now..

    Wow maybe its because you have went over the limit of friends, wonders if there is such a thing. Hopes not..

  2. Ok i get it, What downtown trees Ninja..

    Please delete last post if you want you're location confidential.

  3. Hey Skree Long time no see, how come you marked you're locations as Uknown LOL, lol. So hows the downtown trees treating you...
  4. Online forever
    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. leirynot


      People are still commenting on your 2 year old status? Wow.
    3. Deleted54170User


      No! Nobody like me is still commenting on this guy who taught me how to do some neat mod tweaks so I had a better time playing the game. Nobody! Not even me. ;- )
    4. hoofhearted4


      ill necro this 2 year old status no problem. necro necro necro. BAM see? i did it.
  5. Hello sitebot, haven't spoken to you before, so hows work for yea.

    I see you added friends to list, nice to know there is a artificial super intelligent ai around to keep things going.

    You sir are one of a kind.

  6. Happy Easter mhm, even though its a day late, woot gets Monday off.
  7. Kudo's to you MHM for owning a ps3..
  8. Get Borderlands its worth it, Probably one of the most addictive games of all time for the ps3.
  9. You are a ps3 owner? what games do you have???
  10. Welcome to the nexus Lord Slyther's, nice to another Canadian aboard.
  11. I haven't payed much attention to the comments since the new upgrade, now i will though. Thanks for the comments everyone.
  12. HE HE HE Check out the Christmas hat contest, surprisingly still on?


  13. We need your vote Vagrent0 at the Christmas hat contest, its only far that you would. Your on the poll.

    you get a prize to, if you win.

    also if if you can, can you fix the spelling error on the polls title, its conetest, it should be contest.

    Thanks if you read this.

  14. check your ps3?
  15. Ok i'll see what i can do, maybe i should contact LHammonds, maybe he could delete that EPIC Post lol.
  16. Hey Monolithic your sig is huge, i se a desktop screenshot and its massive, i suggest you change it quick before the mods tell you off.

    Nice desktop though.

  17. Nice to see astargate fan, where did you get your avatars from.
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