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Everything posted by Pfuscher

  1. Am I wrong or does mesh parallax as well as terrain parallax not work anymore? Why hasn't bethesda activated what Boris did years ago with Enb???
  2. Let's face it, they are ugly and flat on the top. Somebody just needs to copy a few plant meshes in nifskope and put them on top of them. This wouldn't need a lot of team and would be a great mod and must download.
  3. Small grass on the grass planes on whiterun. Would look awesome and be a fps friendly citymod. That carpet floor looks really ugly
  4. Sounded like a very easy mod to me. Just some grass on the landscape/ground meshes of the city.
  5. I just meant in the city, to get rid of the flat carpet floor. Even with parallax, ground isn't that appealing :(
  6. Forget the city mods with 2000 new objects crashing your Skyrim. A quick mod that adds short grass on all the dirt/grass flat ground in whiterun would be awesome and not killing fps.
  7. Somebody got a good config or tip how to get rid of it? Taa from ingame gets applied before and smaa doesn't help for me.
  8. Another 1000 reshade presets where a 12 year old changed 3 numbers differently than the others.
  9. Hm, I changed the 30 files from Nowigrad. Changed half of them, rest is still a resize to make it work. I only played the Witcher for something like 1-2 hours and I found the dead body from skelliges informant, Ciri is at the red baron a warlord. Pretty much the beginning of the game. Mod works, but it changed every ground texture there is apart from the road to grass_default. Which is pretty annoying. Modding skyrim is like 10 times easier. :-(
  10. Finally it works. Thank you for your help, really appreciate it and would've never made it without you.
  11. Works btw You are my hero. have there been any changes to the folders for the import batch file? Now this doesn't work anymore.
  12. RIDICULOUS. WHAT DO I WANT WITH 4k uncompressed normal maps? SO BAD FROM THE ENGINE
  13. It doesn't use my textures. The pack is 120mb again, as before. So at last that is right, the compression seems quite good. The difference from the update is, that the cooked folder now gets filled up with vanilla textures, for those that weren't changed. What do I need to do with the cooked folder? http://i.imgur.com/fsVZvxv.jpg
  14. Now I get this beauty of a thing. http://i.imgur.com/byZ61Fm.jpg At this point it's save to say, that I wanted to burn down CDR's studio like 8 times. For me it looks like that it doesn't like it's own file structure. Instead of using novigrad_array.texarray.texture_0 , he stops at texarray.
  15. Thanks again mate, Now I got the 50gb folder. Let's see if I can come up with something good.
  16. Hm strange thing. My uncooked folder has 35gb as it should be I guess. But in levels\novigrad or kaer_morhen and the other there are only 2kb terrain_material.w2mg files Terrain files are only in the ones like soil, snow etc. Also soil's grass_default is the one in your thumbnail.
  17. Hi, some might know my Skyrim textures. Now I wanted to change Witcher's groundtextures from 1k to 2k and 4k. Exporting worked, Importing worked. Packing says it worked, but 1gb textures get packed to 120mb content, which seems unlikely and it doesn't work ingame, althought it's in the Witcher 3 mod Folder. Any ideas what could've gone wrong? Thanks
  18. There are quite a few mods for more people in towns or landscape, where nobody has frames already. But why is castle whiterun empty? Why are the yarl's houses abandoned? I got some frames left for those areas.
  19. Just combine a dense mesh with a snow grass texture and use ck
  20. Skyrim 2011: Mods: 4k Parallax landscape Witcher 3 2015: Nearly no mods, 2k flat downgraded, no more tesselation. I think there is something wrong there.
  21. Got some before and after pictures of that + parallax vs multi layer parallax ? Thx Tried it, but didn't get a depth result, just the basic normal map effect. Maybe I forgot to do something, althought I don't think so. Maybe because of different texture and settings.
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