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Everything posted by Malchik

  1. Other than to say that there are a few bits and pieces that have not yet been fully tested (my job) nothing else to add. Testing has been delayed by my pcs vanishing under dust sheets this week but will be back on track next week. Should all be done in a couple of weeks.
  2. Well, there are 16 pieces visible but I assume the six on the shelf behind her are for sale. The 10 'on display' are in display cases. Suppose I could have made that more precise. Any answer on the shrine question?
  3. 8 is closest so far. To put you out of your misery it's 10. Easy question so someone else can go on. Praying at which of the shrines of the nine divines gives you a boost to strength.
  4. In the basement inner room of the Anvil lighthouse. How many different pieces of cheese are on display in the Border Watch inn?
  5. Ethre - there were two sons. You only gave one name. And the console command resurrect will send the poor guy back home to Chorrol. What is the name of the Dog in Rockmilk Cave?
  6. Kelvin Zero is annoyed that people keep throwing his name about as if he were an inconsequential nobody. As leader of the coolest group in the multiverse he is entitled to 'respect', man. Yeah, man. Without respect - what are you? He throws a hissy fit and kicks Marcus in a place where it hurts a very great deal!
  7. The Daedra on the wall are always there, they should not impact at all on the quest. Make sure you have killed ALL the creatures in the relevant area before you get the request to go through the chapel to open the gate. If one is hidden and left alive you won't get the update. The Imp Legion types don't show until AFTER you have the quest to open the gate. If you have killed everything and the Captsin still does not ask you to speak to Berich Inian you can advance the quest via the console. Hint to keep BE alive, when he leads you into the crypt run straight through. He will stay fighting Daedra in the crypt. When you and your legion comrades have cleared the way, return to him and then follow him.
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