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Everything posted by terrain182

  1. Hi,in the upper right corner of your tracking list you'll find a green button "Manage tracked files". This will give you new options http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wink.gif thanks alfred :)
  2. there's a mini-quest in winterhold's inn (forgot the name), and mentioning isabella rolaine (if i'm not mistaken) she left her husband/boyfriend to riften with vex. and if you ask saphire about the name she'll be angry. but i guess that name just for pretending
  3. so that's how loot works... i need to spend more "sexy time" with read me/faq next time :) anyway, thx kry for bringging this up and thx qwerty for the info
  4. how could we move on while we're still arguing this paid mods?
  5. Thanks.. lol, been trying to figure this out for a while.. changed the settings & immediately got attacked.. lol thanks guys...
  6. yeah.. and enter the console command search for crimson nirnroot then booommm.. if you know what i mean, it's because i got tired of this crimson nirnroot quest.
  7. squidward is that you :blink: ..??? ohh what am i saying..?? well I previously tried the dragon born quest without finishing the main quest first... upon entering mora's realm i decided to finished the main quest first and then dragon born quest. and yes that is the new mora. :biggrin:
  8. i'm glad to be the part of this community..
  9. i think it depends on the players point of view like dragon age and mass effect if I might say, I use the male and female characters to know the difference of the story line or to unlock the achievements..but damn man.. argonian ale.. oh what am i saying :psyduck: .. there was no significant difference between males and females in this game in terms of story than muscular and bouncing well you know .. :wink:
  10. same here bill.. I also do not know how much time exactly was spent on this game from 2011 to this month.. next month or maybe for the next few years.. :biggrin:
  11. so this is the update..? ahh.. damn i thought the network connection on my office down again to day.. i didn't notice the site login at the upper right.. just notice it now.. I like this new design.
  12. anticlimactic .. anticlimactic moment every time. the only thing I knew it was not anticlimactic, you always have friends and enemies on your side :biggrin:
  13. mwhauhauahaaa... we're all brothers and sisters in skyrim's bind now... :biggrin:
  14. dao brought me here, and has been a leecher since then. What I regret is that I never give endorsement to the mod I've downloaded, and I can't afford to become a premium member (I could but there are too many arrows in my knee right now) and this news is like the fresh air for me, because I can help nexus this way..
  15. hearing heimskr said stupid dog..
  16. we're in the same boat mate :whistling: . i want to thank to both, site and those who create the mods in this site too, but i dunno how to "say it" :psyduck: . well seeing you posted this tread is like "man finaly i could show my gratitude toward them". you see i'm not good at game moding, all i can do is just leeching their works so thanks to you too for posting this thread. :thumbsup:
  17. @Manzikeen and kilted Frog, thx guys for the post... :thumbsup:i've been using this mod for a few weeks and never been set my foot on the embassy with this mod before. so thanks again for saving my ass from a lot of pain i mean headache... :thumbsup: kudos for you guys
  18. ahh good ol' days.. wish skyrim had something like that but since they took a lot... well you know. but if i'm not mistaken there is a mod more or less like this unfortunately i've forgot the name :wallbash: ...
  19. they'll look nice on nords... :thumbsup:
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