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Everything posted by Trueform

  1. I have had a very similiar problem which unfortunately I haven't been able to solve as of yet, though I believe it's something to do with how the .wav is imported and converted. It needs to be converted as a mono .wav instead of a stereo, and I think you need to record it in the dialogue menu. Any help anyone can add here would also be very useful to me too :)
  2. Yep you can add batches, but there's no command that I know of that will affect all of the modifiers in one command, you just have to change them seperately :)
  3. By batches I assume you mean several BEGIN and ENDs in one script? If so then yes, they work :)
  4. They're very easy to make once you know how: Actor Data --> Package MyFollowPackage (example ID name) Set the 'Package Type' in the top right corner to 'Follow' Under the 'Travel' tab, click the big 'Near Editor Location' button, check 'Near Reference' Choose 'Ref' as PlayerRef (' Player ' ) Back on the main 'Travel' tab, choose Radius for the target to follow you (about 350 is good, but it's up to you close you want them). You then have to add this package (via a script) to the weapon or ammo. Use the command 'AddScriptPackage' (more info on the Geck wiki under functions, as stated). That's the basic idea, anyway :)
  5. It's always handy to learn new scripts, thanks for the info :)
  6. Weapon Effect wouldn't help you make an effect of something following you. As mentioned, they're very limited to changing the stats of those they hit. If it was me, I'd make a behavioral Follow package, then make a script that changes the target's package to the follow one. You would then need to add a bit onto the script to add the target to the PlayerFaction. Check the official geck website under 'functions' for help on how to add packages and factions via scripting :)
  7. Ooh you have to load the geck with the loader, thanks, I was a bit confused, I thought that part was talking about loading the game with NVSE when you had done the mod. Thank you very much :)
  8. You know, I wondered the same thing myself, I really wanted to keep it for myself and make some counterfeit caps :P I'm a little busy at the moment, but when I have some spare time, I shall look into adapting this :)
  9. Though, bear in mind this is many, many years into the future, so the Legion wouldn't be historically accurate anyway, they'd only have a vague idea of certain customs, rituals and weapons. I mean, it's possible they could get hold of some texts and such relating to the Romans - there is a book about the Mongols that exists, for instance - but the Kings barely know anything about Elvis, as The King says in one conversation. Still, it'd be interesting if nothing else :)
  10. It's done a little differently for human factions than it is for creature factions; creature factions are far easier. You need to write a script: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ scn GhoulMaskScript short doOnce ;puts the player into the Feral Ghoul Faction so they don't attack him Begin OnEquip Player if doOnce == 0 ;this clears the crime flag incase the player has gotten into combat with Feral Ghouls before ;this flag is cleared via the MS12Fin quest script whenever the player is not in combat ;So if a player attacks a ghoul, even while wearing the mask they will fight him, but if he drops out of combat, and wears the mask, they will again not be hostile until he attacks them again ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag FeralGhoulFaction set doOnce to 1 endif setAlly playerFaction FeralGhoulFaction 1 1 ;FRIEND End Begin OnUnEquip Player setEnemy playerFaction FeralGhoulFaction ;ENEMY End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's the Ghoul Mask script from FO3, I have ported it over into NV and it works fine. Just replace the FeralGhoulFaction with the faction of the Coyotes (open up the Coyote in the creatures menu and look under 'factions') and it should work fine :) For humans, just check the scripts linked to faction armor, and replace those factions with whatever faction you wish :)
  11. All of the folders are stored under 'file archives' which you can't open without a program, similiar to the FO3 ones. The programs that can open the FO3 archive files also work for NV, I use FO3Archive, so download that and you can open up the archive files to edit the folders. SmileyCat is right in making the folders when you're creating a mod that uses different textures - if you plan to make it available to the public. Every new texture you create, you have to make the folders and include the new texture files there :)
  12. I had the same problem. It's a fault with the render window due to room portals. You have to show the portals (view --> portals & rooms) select all the room portals, move them right out of the way and press F5 to refresh the window. Everything will reappear. Make sure you place the room portals back and it will work fine :)
  13. You can make both a stealth suit, paralyze or a sleep effect in NV :) To make the actor being shot become paralyzed, you need to make a script: -------------------------------------------------------- SCN ParalysisDartSCRIPT Begin ScriptEffectStart CIOS PerkParalyzingPalm End --------------------------------------------------------- for example, from my dart gun mod. Attach this to the ammo you want - under the' impact script' section of the ammo information - and it will paralyze anything you hit. A stealth suit can be made by looking at the stealthboy scripts and adding the effect onto a piece of armor - if you have trouble with it, check out the effects for my assassin's robes in my 'Armor Crafting' mod, I made the same effect with it :)
  14. Hi, I really want to get started with NV FOSE, but I didn't use the FO3 one, so I don't know how to get it up and running to reference in my scripts. I have read the README obviously, but it says I need to reference the version. I'm using the latest, BETA 5, but when I put in the command to get version 5, the Geck isn't having any of it. Can someone please tell me where I'm going wrong? Thanks very much :)
  15. The best thing I can suggest is to look at how the other scripts are made in the game itself and base your ideas on that. For example, if you want something that will cause an enemy to follow you around, look at the scripts linked to the animal friend perk and adjust them slightly for your needs, applying them to weapons. Weapon scripts are a bit complicated because they can be achieved in many ways. You have ammo effects, and scipts that can either be attached to the weapon or the ammo. Let's break it down: 1. Ammo effects For example, if you want an ammo type called 'rubber bullet' to knock an enemy unconscious, make an ammo effect with whatever ID you want it to have ('MyRubberBullet', let's say). Set the type to 'Damage Fatigue', operation to 'add' and value to 1,000. Obviously, fatigue is what keeps an enemy awake, so damaging it will make them more tired. You have to make sure you're adding to the fatigue (when I first tried it, I subtracted from fatigue, which had the opposite effect). 1,000 damage to fatigue is enough to knock out pretty much anything. So that's an ammo effect, less complicated in some ways to scripts, but very constricting. There's only so much you can do with ammo effects. 2. Scripts for ammo Obviously, you need to make a script. An example fro my dart gun script is: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCN ParalysisDartSCRIPT Begin ScriptEffectStart CIOS PerkParalyzingPalm End ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's simple, but does the job. You have to make the effect yourself using the 'actor effect' menu (or use a perk effect like I did) and save the script as an effect type. Now, effects always have Begin ScriptEffectStart to tell the game to start when the item hits (in this case, the bullet). CIOS is shorthand for CastImmediateOnSelf, which is also a valid line in a script. Follow it with the effect you want. Go to your ammo, and attach this script to the 'impact script' part. There you have it, your ammo will have the effect! 3. Weapon Effects If you want the weapon itself to make the effect, you need to create an 'object effect' under the menu of the same name. It's a bit complicated, because you need to make a base effect (which is like a branch) and call it into being with the object effect (which is like a tree, so one object effect can have many base effects). This requires little scripting, and is all databasing. It's less complicated than it sounds, but requires practise. Then attach the object effect onto your weapon by double clicking on its ID and adding it through the 'object effect' box. I hope I helped a little, if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask :)
  16. Have you tried looking at the mesmetron scripts? They have references to a frenzy script, may have to be adapted to non-humans though and changed so the effects aren't random.
  17. I have to admit I have never played Metro 33 (though I really want to) so I couldn't say. The mod shall be up soon.
  18. Hmmm, Are you looking for a monster hunter style weapon crafting system? As much as I'd love to work on that, I lack the 3D modelling skills. On the other hand, I am working on a mod to create armor (and possibly weapons) using the stuff you find in the wasteland (including some animal parts as ingredients) that will be released soon.
  19. I really like this idea :) I have a lot of things to do at the moment and I haven't tried to make an NV companion yet, but I did plan to add another canine companion of the less robotic variety (although Rex is awesome). When I actually get round to making a companion, I would like to include these ideas; the food spotter in particular would be very useful for hardcore mode.
  20. I also thought this was odd and, if I get some time in the future, will introduce something similiar in a mod. It should be a matter of replicating the FO3 script, with replacements for the Sarsparilla, and creating a new Ice-Cold Sarsaprilla item. If not for the nukas, it should definately be made for the sarsps.
  21. I am adding the schematics back into Fallout NV at the moment, please search under my username 'Trueform' and you will find them under the gameplay effects & changes section. As for salvaging parts from larger items, yep it's definately possible, and something I can think about in the future, though I have a lot of work to do at the moment. To make the items collectible, you just need to make a duplicate item of the static one in the geck, use the same graphic file as the static item you're creating them find and replace them in the geck. Stripping down items would be done via activators. It *might* be a big job, but very possible :)
  22. I have done a similiar mod myself, adding the dart gun back to New Vegas. Check it out under my username 'Trueform' under the weapons section if you're interested :)
  23. That would actually be a really easy mod to do, but (I don't mean this in a rude way) have you tried placing it in yourself? All you have to do is find the location you want it in, drag and drop it into the render window, and et voila! I guess there might be a small scripting issue, though I'm not sure off the top of my head without looking at the in-game scripts. I'm a bit busy at thr moment, which is why I haven't offered to do it myself. Have a try, and if you run into any problems, give me a shout :) Incidently, here's some deathclaw tips: Melee specialists: Use a chainsaw, obtainable my killing MotorRunner in Vault 3, and chainsaw them bitches! with a moderate melee skill, you can take away half their HP in VATS, although you may need to save and reload a lot if the 'claws get lucky shots in. Pair it up with the Purifier perk. Guns specialists: A Sniper Rifle to the head. If you have a decent guns skill, this is a great tactic, especially if you have ED-E as a companion for the extra perception boost. This tactic works well enough on its own, but pair it up with finesse and better criticals and you got yourself a deathclaw assassination machine. I took out a legendary deathclaw in two hits before he even saw me :) Energy Weapons specialists: If you can find a high vantage point where the 'claws can't reach, pretty much anything is useful, with a lean towards lots of ammo and a heavy incinerator. Beyond that, the Pew Pew is your best friend, coupled with the Laser Commander perk. Anyway, like I said, let me know if you have tried it and you're having trouble and I'll see what I can do :)
  24. I've tried both, to no avail. It's very annoying, I can't finish this mod until the problem's sorted out. I hope they release a geck update soon.
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