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Everything posted by Trueform

  1. EDIT: Thank you for the reply, I appreciate you taking the time. Have some kudos to show my appreciation. However, I have tried moving the portal markers and it doesn't improve anything; I have even tried deleting them and got nothing.
  2. In the geck, there are some areas that just won't show up, mainly some of the interior locations such as vaults, the king's home, etc. Has anyone found a way to make these appear? I need them for a mod I'm working on. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hi, I would really love to add an effect onto a mod of mine that displays a blood splatter across the screen, much like the one you get on Mothership Zeta when you first arrive on the ship and are being experimented on, or when you get hit in a first person view. However, I have looked all over the scripts in Mothership Zeta and can't find (or see) the proper command for it. Can anyone advise me on the command I would need to play this effect? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance :)
  4. That could be the issue. Weapons and armour aren't supposed to degrade when companions use them, although I suppose that's the problem with the glitch. I have also had lots of vats errors, massively long slowdowns and such. I don't like the annoying ones which cancel out any shots you make in vats, because occasionally you can hit something dead on several times and the target doesn't lose any helath! And as for the vault 11 thing, yeah that's true, I noticed the dead victor and hostile robots when I returned to the lucky 38, but I wasn't sure if it was related at the time! Very annoying! I had a weird one where it completely locked me out of the Strip too, even though I passed the caps value check right at the very start of the game. It just locked, saying I'd need a key to open it. Luckily I had a save not very far away.
  5. Sadly, mine was on the 360 version, so I can't use the console, dammit! at least I still have the perk, which is a consolation prize, though I really wanted to switch ED-E out for Rex. No problems with bugs? wow. Lucky, wish I hadn't :P I love Black Isle, but I don't think they were as accomplished at using the game engine as Bethesda :( still, a patch will fix that up, hopefully.
  6. Hi, I have found a buttload of glitches and bugs in Fallout NV, just as I'm sure many people have, so I was wondering what kind of stuff other people have found? Here's a list of some of mine, on the 360 version: 1. Living Corpses! There's been two places where I was supposed to find corpses, but found living NPCs instead! The first was in Gommorah, investigating a dead prostitute. Which I did, as she walked around the room and said hi to me as I passed. The second was on a path near Red Rock with lots of burnt corpses. One of the corpses was up and running with a bunch of Fiends, trying to attack me. And killing her gave me Karma... 2. Lost Companions There's been a few cases where companions have just disappeared. Mostly I just return to a previous save, but one of them was ED-E who vanished when I went into Vault 11. I have never seen her again, she's not in the Vault, and people are reacting to her as if she's still with me. I even have her perk, but obviously she can't help in combat or carry my stuff and I can't dismiss her to hire a new companion. 3. Lucky 38 Stash vanished I left loooooads of materials in a footlocker near the workbench in the Lucky 38 base, but for some reason they all disappeared. The next time I went to retrieve them, it was completely empty and I never found them again. Boon was carrying a Chainsaw of mine, which also vanished from his inventory. 4. The House Always Wins Failure Again in Vault 11, I went to the end of the vault and for no apparent reason the quest I was doing - the House Always Wins - mysteriously failed for no reason. 5. In a train tunnel near Boomer territory, there's a room I can't get to. Surrounded by Ghouls, the room has a workbench in it but I can't get to the room to explore it. When I get even vaguely close, I drop through the floor and stairs into the grey surrounding box area that the interior is built in and reappear at the start of the tunnel. Weird. This is amongst many other stuff like floating items, weapons I already own having a 'steal' tag on them when I pick them up again, locking up and freezing, etc. What kind of stuff have you guys found?
  7. Hi, I have been modding with FO3 geck for a while now, and looked forward to getting New Vegas not just to play it, but also to mod it and add new content. Is it just me, or is the NV geck really crap?! Maybe they have made some changes that I don't quite get, but I would really appreciate some help if anyone could give it. The first problem is that I can't seem to get ANY scripts to save; I have heard that some people are having a similiar problem, and I have also heard that it may be because the NV Geck doesn't display error messages on the scripts. But I have tried many scripts, even incredibly simple ones I know are accurate, but still the damn scripts won't save! :wallbash: am I doing something wrong that has been introduced to NV or is it just that the NV geck is rubbish? Without scripting, I can't really do much of anything I want to mod! The second problem I have is that I can't seem to add any new meshes. I actually just wanted to add one of FO3's old meshes, but it keeps saying I have an invalid directory. Sorry for the rant, I'm just a bit irrate. I love NV a lot, but there are so many things that I would like to add or tweak and can't seem to do any of it because of this stupid new geck, which I think is really very bad. If no one can help with the issues I have, can anyone tell me if there's any news of an NV geck patch to make it work a bit more like the FO3 geck? Thanks for your time :)
  8. Hi, I would very much like to make a mannequin mod (I know there's some out there already, hopefully mine will be a bit different) and I need a texture for it. My texturing skills are non-existant, but I just need a couple - male and female - with a similiar style to the Fallout 3 esm mannequins, just full-body and designed to be added to NPCs rather than statics. I would greatly appreciate any help that could be given to me. Thanking you in anticipation :)
  9. Hi, well, I bought Fallout NV from a store, and had to log on to steam to install it (I've never used steam before, I don't think this would be an issue, but thought I'd mention it for clarity anyway). I also downloaded the Geck NV, got ready to start it up, and up popped a stupid 'libvorbisfile.dll was not found' message; I looked online and found out this displays when it's not in the right directory, and I didn't get an installer with the download from the official Geck site, so I couldn't install it that way. My problem is, I can't find the directory where the Fallout NV.exe is! I've tried doing searches for it and got nothing, I've looked in program files and mygames folders and got nothing... can anyone please tell me where the default installation folder is for this directory? I'm using Windows Vista (sadly) if it's any help. I can't start modding until I find it and it's driving me up the wall :wallbash: thank you in advance :) EDIT: Sorry, I managed to find it, I lost the location due to my lack of steam experience. For people who are struggling with the same thing as me, it's found in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\FalloutNV just add the geck files there and it comes straight on :)
  10. Well, here's what I have. It's not completely finished; the opening gate script still needs to be put on, but sadly I am relatively new to scripting and couldn't find the right script to do it - for now, I have removed the gate so you still have access to the mansion until you can find someone who can find the right one for you :) The mansion itself is finished. The whole place had to be completely re-navmeshed, but I tested it out with Dogmeat and it works fine. Dogmeat's firing location and the linked dialogue has been changed, so he will return to the mansion when fired - if he's not next to the doghouse, check around in the nearby corridors, because he sometimes wanders around like a real dog would. The game room has a nuka cola protectron bartender called Fitzgerald (why Fitzgerald? I don't know, it just seemed oddly appropriate) who will sell food and drink (including PL moonshine) as requested. He can also repair your equipment, although his repair skill is low; if you need him to have a higher repair skill, open up the geck, look for PlayMansion in the quest script, find his repair dialogue and at the 'script beginning' section type: [ActorID.]ForceActorValue Repair value Replace [ActorID] with Fitzgerald's ID and 'Value' with whatever you want his repair skill to be. I can't remember his actor ID offhand, it should be something like: PlayerMansionFitzgerald.ForceActorValue Repair 100 Anywho if you have any problems with the mansion itself, give me a PM (once I finish a request I generally don't check the posts anymore) and I'll see what I can do. I hope you enjoy your new home :) @ Lostone, thank you very much for helping out with the mansion. The Andy W Mannequins aren't in this file (I forgot to include them when it was restarted) but you can find them in the Nexus file database or just PM me if you want it sent directly to this post :) if you do make some mannequin textures, I'd love to try them, but I understand if you can't find the time to finish them. As for linking the Vault to the Mansion, you probably know where it is anyway, but just for clarity, the hatch which will lead to the cave area in front of the vault is in the security room at the back, very partly obscured by the askew rug. Best wishes :)
  11. Well, master bedroom is just a turn of phrase, really. I can get rid of the pic in there if you want it as a guest bedroom - that's the only thing I had in there to mark it as a player-specific room :confused:
  12. Thank you very much :) I have removed all the windows now - what with it being underground - and added some nice lighting in there, so it's all from artificial sources. Just added Dogmeat's firing ref to the doghouse and added the robot bartender; now I'll look at sorting out the gate. Should be finished very soon :) It's fun to walk around too - not big enough to get lost in, but big enough to feel like a mansion.
  13. The Vault tunnel I believe should be on the same cell as the vault, so are you ok to add that, Lostone? Just thinking it would probably be easier for you to make that way so there's no confusion between the cells. If my Mannequins design go well after I have finished the interior of the mansion for you, I'll let you know. It wouldn't matter what you equip them with, that choice would be up to you, but the options would all be there. Until then, the Andy W ones should work fine, but as I mentioned, I want to try out my theory just in case anyway once I have completed the mansion. I personally haven't worked with the Andy W mannequins before, but they are really the only ones available at this time and I', pretty sure it's what most people use. I can't vouch for how effective they are, though, so it will be a case of trial and error when the vault's been designed. Here are some pics of the work I have done, it's mostly finished, still needs a few tweeks and to add the bar robot (and of course to change the lighting). Also, what's your opinion on clutter? I have left most of it out because I know you said you like to horde it, and leaving the mansion empty would allow you some design freedom yourself. If you prefer, though, I can add more if that's what you want. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionFoyer.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionDoghouse.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/Mansionfoyer2.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionSurveillance2.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionHall.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionKitchen.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionDiningRoom.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionLibrary.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionMedLab.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionScieceLab.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionGuestRoom.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionMasterBedroom.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionWorkshop.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionBar.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionTrophies.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/MansionToilet.png
  14. Well, I have tested it at length and the good news is, I don't think my Geck is broken, it seems to be working fine on other cells; my only problem is when I try to edit Calvert Mansion, then it starts doing very weird things (which is probably why I haven't gotten round to finishing the mansion yet when usually it only takes me a couple of days at most to do something similiar). Anyways, I have a proposal for you. I started working on the smaller mansion yesterday to test my Geck and when I found out it works fine, I started editing it. Now, it won't be as big as Calvert mansion, obviously, but I have been adding rooms. It would include all the features that you wanted; it will have all the emnities of a player house, a large reading area, master bedroom and spare bedroom, entrance and foyer (for Dogmeat's firing location), games room, etc. I have even layed out an area very similiar to the larger mansion where the grate to the vault / security room can be placed. I have to admit, I even prefer the smaller one myself, having a test run through it - it's a lot less maze-like than the calvert one, and you don't get lost nearly as easily. It still feels like a big player space, just not overwhelmingly so. In light of my stupid Geck (though to be fair, I haven't tried modding that particular large mansion cell before, so it could be a widespread problem for everyone for all I know. Could be why no one's done one before?) is the smaller mansion acceptable for you? It would be finished far more quickly and, indeed, is zooming by on progress already. There is even space in the Games room for a bar (if you wanted it there, you can still have the bar in the vault if you wish though - it's entirely up to you). Also, did you decide which Mannequins you prefered? Let me know what you think :)
  15. hmmmm I seem to be having some geck problems - it's broken. I am trying to fix it now, but it doesn't seem to be letting me do things properly. Every time I move doors to a certain area, they get deleted and it won't let me work with the portals correctly. Hopefully it will right itself in good time, but seems to be ok when i restart it which lasts about 5 minutes. I'll report back once it's fixed.
  16. well its up to you, which way you'd prefer, but I don't think anyone has made any completely bug-free mannequins at this stage, at least not to my knowledge. I'd like to try to make some at some point anyway. As for the walking around part, NPCs don't walk around unless you make them through behavioral packaging, so all you have to do is not add any and they just stand there. I may need to use some other tricks I need to experiment with in order to get them to stop doing other things that NPCs would usually, but it is possible. @ Lostone, don't worry if you can't do the texturing or you have trouble with it, it's just an idea :) I intend to try texturing at some point, so I may give it a go when I have some free time to prepare myself for modding NV when it actually gets released in the UK (Friday!!! woooo!!!) @ TheTorturedBodySoul, LOL I started out insane; it saves time and effort. The mansion is giving me significant difficulties, but it comes along in degrees. Lostone was right about the portals, they do need to be changed. On the other hand, I have never done anything like that before, so I am learning it as I go along. Again, sorry if it takes a while; I still have much to learn but am usually a fast learner, so I'll get it eventually!
  17. Yeah I think it is the portals, thanks very much Lostone :D Hmm you know, I have a solution to the Mannequin problem that doesn't involve any heavy scripting and would allow people to add their own (although if it works the way I think it should, there would be no need to add any more anyway). I could attempt to take a leaf out of Andy W's book but change it a little; it would require 2 new textures if Lostone would be so kind; one male and one female texture (hopefully not too complicated, because I just need them to be white and mostly featureless like a regular Mannequin in the game). This would also mean that you would be able to collect male and female armour suits; not just one gender. I could set them up as NPCs then, do some databasing trickery and everything you give them in their inventory they will equip. That's the theory, anyway. The only problem I can foresee is that loading areas with large amounts of them would be a hassle because of the sheer number required, but I have a solution to that as well; if it's possible, you could make every room that will store Mannequins as a new cell, so it would load itself and not be weighed down by the sheer amount of NPCs. That way you could put a reasonable amount of Mannequins in each room, and there you have it.
  18. Thank you once again for the assist, you have been very helpful as always :) I have given you kudos to show my appreciation :D
  19. No problem, I just hope I can sort out these problems; I am relatively new to player homes, so it's something I'm a bit baffled with :sweat: I have posted a topic in the help forums and with any luck someone can suggest something to remedy it - I have looked over the Navmeshes and they all seem to be in working order, so I don't really have much of a clue on that one. I have even tried seperating the house into different cells, or 'wings' like a real mansion, but it doesn't make any change on the bug... As for the Mannequins, if you don't want to use the Andy W ones, I'm not sure what to suggest, although there are some mannequin models in the game, obviously. All I can think of as an alternative is adding scripts onto them so that they can 'wear' the equipment, although I personally would only have the very vaguest idea of how it would work. Something utilizing an OnActivate script attached to each Mannequin, maybe, then setting the axis' so that they match the required area of the Mannequin (eyes for glasses, head for hats, etc). But how they would be referenced, I'm unsure... the only way I can think of is using 'If' commands for each individual item in the game, which wouldn't be very possible or efficient. :geek: Perhaps using some kind of reference to the FormLists? :wacko:
  20. Hi, I have started making a calvert mansion player home as a request and have deleted all of the events, etc so it's basically just a regular building; however, I have encountered a problem. There are some pieces of the hallway that, when you look at them from a few steps away, look as if they're not even there (you can see the grey background where the cell pieces are placed). When they're approached, they appear as if they've been there all along! It gets stranger - due to the nature of the corridors of the mansion, you can approach the corridor from a different direction, and the same secion of corridor has no problems at all with it from that angle :pinch: Does anyone please know what's causing it? I have checked the Navmeshes, I have checked to make sure there are no scripts or events anywhere nearby, it's baffling, and as mentioned it's needed for a request rather urgently; if anyone can help, Kudos will be given to show my appreciation. Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from someone soon :)
  21. The Mannequins will be in the file, someone called Andy W has made them. I believe that they are actually classed as NPCs, but look like mannequins; they can be placed around and used to display clothes, armour and weapons, etc and I think that when you give them weapons, they take on a shooting or fighting pose :) it will just be a case of placing them down from what I gather. I am having a bit of trouble with the mansion though, I don't know if anyone else has encountered a similiar thing - for some reason, there's a couple of pieces in the cell that just look grey as if nothing was there and only become visible when you're literally on top of them. Lostone, if you have some mapping experience, do you know of any way to remedy this bug? I assume it's a Navmeshing problem... :wallbash:
  22. The cave tunnel entrance is part of the same cell and there is no adverse affects that I have noticed; if it does come to that, it will be a simple matter to change it in any case. As for mod / vanilla interference, I made a duplicate of the actual mansion and worked with that, so there shouldn't be any interference with the vanilla fallout mansion; they don't share any codes or events and I'm removing all of the scripts on doors and such; everything in the basic ID names are being changed and I don't forsee any compatability problems. Lostone has kindly agreed to help me out with the Vault part once I have finished the mansion section, which should be done over the next few days barring complications.
  23. I hate dark homes too, so they'll be plenty of light fixtures, etc that will accommodate for it; I just don't see windows being needed underground :P I have also added a cave entrance :) the interior of the mansion is mostly finished beyond the lighting - I may do the lighting last, after I have finished the interior design for the vault section too, which is the bulk of the work. In the mansion, I have also included some static objects that I have always wanted to collect, but aren't classed as inventory objects in the main game to add to your collecting needs - there are lots of vanilla objects I want to replace so they're not static in the future, but that will take place in a seperate mod. I am going to use Andy W's Mannequins mod for the vault so that you can display weapons and armour/accessories; I will also add some museum of history-style weapons display cases so that you can have your favourite weapons on a pride of place display. Which Vault would you like as a base? The Vault 101 model has a lot more rooms, but vault 87 - the one where you access tranquility lane - has a large area at the bottom where the VR interfaces reside. I could get rid of the interfaces and you could use that for a 'Hall of Mannequins', but it's all just personal preference and what you think would suit your needs better, really :) I'm sure if you wanted the Vault 101 model, at the cost of a few rooms, I could make enough space for Mannequins (or even add some extra rooms for them).
  24. Thank you for the respawn instructions :) I basically lay out something first, then finish the scripts and stuff once the interior design is done; if there's any problem with the gate and suchlike I can always shift it around once I have the opening mechanics down :) Just an update: I have cleaned up the mansion, deleted all of the events so it's basically just a big house now and I'm now working on rennovating the interior - don't worry, the general feel of the mansion and such will remain. How would you like me to approach the lighting? A lot of the lightning comes from the windows of the mansion, which obviously wouldn't work underground. Shall I get rid of the windows and add some more artificial light sources?
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