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Everything posted by Trueform

  1. I can put the turrets on respawn, and there will be a console on the inside :) yep it is just below the outlook, so it's close to everything that you wanted it to be in proximity with.
  2. Ok, that's perfectly possible. I assume you don't want the door to lead directly into the mansion? I could make a vault-style tunnel if you like, or something similiar? http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/CaveEntrance.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/CaveEntranceview.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/CaveEntranceview02.png
  3. No problem :) glad I could be of help. If you need anything, just give me a pm if you wish, and I'll do what I can.
  4. I don't see why that won't be possible, it just involves either placing the mansion model inside the mountain and making sure nothing else is showing, or just editing the terrain slightly to include a door. If you would prefer that, I'll look and see what I can do with it; I'll be making an exterior mansion design too, in the area near canterbury commons, after I have finished this request anyway for people who would like to use it with a zombie apocalypse mod too, that way you can just have whichever you prefer (or both) :)
  5. I can give it a try; it's not the mansion itself I'm having the problem with, just the area, so if that would be good enough for you, I can give it a blast and see how it turns out. It's a nightmare trying to do heightmapping in the megaton area - there's so much around it going on with regards to events, rocks and hills, etc that if you change one thing, it all goes downhill and changes everything else, so I don't want to make you a faulty player home. I'll look at springvale and the surrounding area and see if there's a more flat location. EDIT: There is, sadly, nowhere around Vault 101 a calvert-style mansion would fit due to it's size; even taking re-sizing into consideration, there is no room for the walls. Where there isn't hills or rocks that can't be adjusted without interfering with the surrounding area, there's events which can be affected. I have even tried fitting the mansion into the area to give it a sunken look, though that just looks lame. There's an area near canturbury commons which is relatively flat - the brahmin fields could be made mansion-worthy - and I can add a map marker for you so teleporting to and from wouldn't be an issue - but I'm not sure how possible it would be to change the vault 101 area without a complete local map overhaul :blink:
  6. Well, I don't know if it's my geck going wrong or if it's my heightmapping that needs work, but I think this request is beyond my scope that the moment, sorry :( I have been trying to get the height right all day around Megaton, it started out well, but then every time I went into it in the game, the textures are going very wrong and screwing up; it's like the ground texture's gone weird and then, but when you walk on it, you drop through the texture and onto the ground below it... @ Lostone, I don't know if that's something you would know how to solve or if you would like to take over from here? It could be the location that I'm trying it in, the area around megaton / vault 101 is very, very rocky and hilly and I think this may be messing up textures. Anyway, unless that's something someone else can solve, I'm gonna have to pass the torch to someone else with more heightmap experience until I can get the practise to right it. I'm sorry I couldn't do the request; if I have any more success in the future and the request still needs doing, I shall contact you :)
  7. Thanks for the offer of help Lostone :) it is greatly appreciated. I'll give you a shout if I need anything :D I think you guys are gonna love this one, it'll go very well with a zombie apocalypse mod. It's actually placed more or less right between Vault 101 and Megaton, very close to both and a short walk from springvale. As for the exterior, it has both walls and barbed wire - thick walls running all the way around with Mark IV turrets on each corner and the two posts at either side of the heavy tenpenny tower-style gate; barbed wire running all the way long the top of the walls. The place will be a fortress. The mansion itself is a calvert manor model, slightly resized to fit into the area, but it will be the same size on the inside and still look fine :) I'll upload some pics later on today.
  8. Hi, I'm afraid there's good news and bad news; the bad news is, I'm going to have to start the mansion again, so it may be a tad longer than anticipated, so I'm sorry for the delay. my Geck decided to crash on me and deleted a lot of work which hadn't been saved (can't blame anyone but myself for that one). The good news, however, is that I have learnt how to heightmap, so I will be able to make the mansion much, much more enjoyable and I'm not so limited to location - I may keep it in the same location, but if I can find a better one closer to Megaton, I shall place it there :) Anywho, progress should be a bit quicker than before. I know what parts I need to use and where to place them and everything you have asked for is possible (I have yet to try placing barbed wire on the wall, but you will have a heavilly-fortified player home with sentry guns on wall's corners). I will also add a console-like device on the wall for you, though I shall try to keep it with the mansion's aesthetics if possible :)
  9. I'll get working on that for you :) so far, I have managed to make the surrounding area fit into it, so once I've finished your fences for you, I will get to work on the inside of the mansion.
  10. You are correct, that's where it is :) Close to Springvale, Megaton and Vault 101, all within reasonable walking distance. I shall change the features in the area a bit and try to make it look as much like it belongs there as possible :)
  11. It's no problem :) yeah, the walls won't have holes in them, just the standard peeling wall paper and suchlike, so no heavy structural damage. EDIT: The location that you want the mansion in is quite difficult to find what with the hilly aspect of the area arond Megaton and Vault 101; I have little to no experience with land modification at this time, but I did manage to find an area close to what you want; here's some pics, let me know if that's a satisfactory location for you :) http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/distanceFromMVault.png http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a128/Trueform/FO3/distanceFromMT-1.png
  12. You're welcome :) let me know if there's any bugs, if you'll forgive the pun.
  13. I can't really think of any voice generators offhand, but there are a ton out there if you type it into google, most of them free. Most of them are also designed for the blind, to read back words - if you say you want the choppy mechanical kind, I think this is the type you mean? There is also the option of using a PC's in-built voice - you can find it under the control panel somewhere. Sorry the info is kinda vague, it's been a while since I used these functions, but they are there :)
  14. I haven't really experimented much with weapons, but I would say at a glance to solve the kind of ammunition you use, you would have to make a new set of ammunition using the 8 balls as a model for the ammo; you would need to extract the BSA files using something like FO3 Archive. Then choose this as your ammo type to be used with your custom rock-it launcher. There are two ways you could solve the infinite ammo problem: 1) add a ridiculously high clip size onto the ammo you created, which would give the impression of infinite ammo, if not be completely infinite. 2) Edit a Fallout 3 ammunition that has the word 'robot' in it and just replace all the data for what you want your 8 ball to be; 'robots' are what followers use so they don't use up ammunition. It should have the same effect, but as I've said, I haven't tried it but it should work in theory. I hope I helped a little
  15. Hi :) Good to have another modder on board, the best advice I can give is just dive in there and experiment! Study the original Fallout scripting and databasing to see how Bethsoft have done things, and use that as a basis for creation. Anyways, good to hear from you, and hope you have fun!
  16. Well, for a start, there is 25 of each skill book in the game; as everyone else has also said, Fallout 3 is all about exploring, which is how you get the most out of the game - I completely ignored the main storyline, ended up finding a location needed to progress the story by accident, but refused to complete the game until I was maxed in level :P but that's just me, everyone is different. As for special, stats and perks: Charisma, while interesting, is not essential if you have patience, just save before attempting each speech challenge then, if you fail, reload and try again. Intelligence and strength is useful for every type of character; intelligence will give you more stats points to distribute when you level up. I always put mine at 8 at the start of the game, put another one on when I exit vault 101 then go and find the intelligence bobblehead to max it out. I spend the next couple of levels getting my SPECIALs perception and endurance up to 6 each so I can get the sniper perk; that - and commando - significantly increases your accuracy with rifles in VATs. I go for educated (for extra stats points on level up) as soon as it's available and comprehension (for more points from skill books). Small guns is the skill to go for when you use rifles, the higher the better. It will increase your reload speed and, if you use sniper rifles, at 100 it will stop the hand wobble when you look through a sniper scope. Repair is very useful, so you can keep your gear in better condition and repair things to a higher degree and reduce the amount of carry weight you have. Stong back is a very useful skill for carrying extra stuff and I always go for toughness.
  17. Pretty much anything can be done with the geck, it's just learning how that's the trick; most things can be done using creative technological trickery. This sounds like a very complicated series of scripts (potentially) and I'm a basic scripter, so I can only offer some theoretical advice, but hopefully it will point you in the right direction. Look at the vanilla system, and see how it gives you negative consequences such as alcohol addiction and damaging aim when your head is crippled (perhaps you can utilize a similiar graphical effect for some of the illnesses?). However, although you are right that the SPECIAL stats don't offer much variety, have you considered using the skills as penalties as well? you can do this using the DamageActor series of scripting functions. For example, a psychotic person may not be very good at repair, because he's too busy fending off the pink bunnies in his head? Just a thought. Seriously addicted people collapsing? Could be done using a death animation maybe, and then making several hours (or days?) pass by, perhaps with a message notification to let you know what's happening. Levels of addiction are technically possible, you'd have to add them as a form list (I think!) and reference them in some scripts. Maybe you wake up in a random place because you got too drunk and can't remember what happened? Shaking hands and suchlike can perhaps be including using some change of the screen wobble you have when you have a low small guns skill and look through a sniper scope. Diseases brought on by eating human flesh is simple enough to add as a perk; you would just have to add the perk and reference the global variable 'number of corpses eaten' to recieve the negative effects. I hope I helped a little.
  18. I have been working on a mod to pick up and bury the dead, although I have recieved very little success (mostly because corpses are references and not items and there seems to be very little ways to bridge the gap). This mod will be a bit simpler if it's just one corpse but requires some basic geck experience. Duplicate any small indoor cell, name it 'Graveyard' and add an XMarker Heading in the render window (for instance, called it 'Graveyard Marker'). Add a script on the body that will move the corpse (use the MoveTo command to move it to the graveyard marker). Now, make your grave site, add an activator script onto it, so when you examine it you get an on-screen message ('do you want to bury the body?) if you choose 'yes' use the command RewardKarma for immersion. Sorry if that's complicated, I'm not sure what experience level you are with the Geck. If you have any more questions or need a hand getting it to work, just let me know :) Hope I helped a little :)
  19. Finished my previous mod. I will begin work on your player house today. If you don't mind, please keep checking back on this post; I will keep you updated on the progress and that way I can contact you with any questions I have or get information on any additions to the house / vault you may wish to make. EDIT: I'm afraid there isn't any non-wrecked mansion walls in the game, but I suppose there wouldn't be what with it being a wasteland and all. I have checked out both the mansions in the game, Calvert Mansion, which you defend, is the largest. I could use this one as a base if you like? I could make the furnature in as good a condition as possible as a compromise, and obviously the walls wouldn't be broken down like they are when you're defending it. Let me know what you think :)
  20. I've been there. I have a job at a cinema, so my sleep patterns usually aren't an issue with work, but just recently my immune system has taken a beating, so I've been off work ill a lot, which doesn't help with money. Well, the mod is finished. The ants can actually be ordered individually, and they can also be dismissed so you won't have to take a baseball bat to them to get rid of them; I'm uploading it now :) if there are any issues, let me know, there might be an issue with the pipboy icons for the pheromones not appearing, but if that's the case I know what's gone wrong, so just give me a shout. The mod can be found under my username or under 'AntAgonizer Unleashed' in Gameplay Effects & Changes. I hope you enjoy it :)
  21. Yeah thats why some of my posts are usually really late at night from my part of the world. Sometimes I sleep ok, but I go through phases of barely being able to sleep at all even though I'm exhausted. blah! It would seem the ants are very hard to dismiss on account of them being created rather than just moved from one location to another... I'll probably find my way around it, though. I've had absolutely no luch changing their disposition towards NPCs... I think they're just generally programmed to be aggressive, dammit!
  22. Just to keep you updated, I have almost finished my current mod, so I will be starting your request shortly :)
  23. Yeah, I live in the midlands of the UK :) The mod is mostly finished; I have changed the size of the Ant Queen to 65%, she she'll still big but more practical. You'll only recieve one lot of each of the pheromones - the first time you pick up the antagonist helmet - but they will of course last forever, and they have a world model so you can drop them and pick them up or store them at your leisure. The AI packages are mostly complete; I am still trying to work out how to make the ants non-hostile to NPCs, although I'm not sure if Bethsoft programmed that to be possible, because I've tried a few tricks with no more positive results. I just have to add a dismiss option so that you can get rid of them without killing them. Then it's all yours :)
  24. And maybe even billy-bob. But I maintain that the Waltons would have been a much more entertaining program if they were a bunch of crazy canniblistic hillbillies...
  25. I'm sorry to hear you and your family have suffered from ME too :( I don't know anyone else with it, it's kinda like feeling you're the only one in the world with it sometimes, but looking on the brightside is the best way to go :) and it gives me the motivation to game design, so I can work from home. I can make the pheromone items for you, that will be a very quick process and the mod will be finished very soon, I'll say in the next couple of days, but it may well be far faster. I will probably return to the mod at a later date anyway and add a leveled version for people who want the alternative. Likewise, giving orders will be a quick process too; I agree that it does replicate the behaviour of ants, pheromones and hiveminds quite accurately when you think about it. This mod has also inspired me to create a mechanist one to go with it, except replace pheremones with remotes. I know there's a few robot creation mods out there, but it will be a small mod now the bulk of the work is done.
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