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Status Updates posted by iansaltman

  1. Want me to wait for Kayla and Lisn or just go ahead and post?
  2. O.o I received another kudos, oddly. Thank you, mysterious stranger! :ninja:
  3. No status about Skyrim? Not cool, bro.
  4. How goes the playing of the Skyrim!? :D
  5. mod, cause I am fairly sure Midas Magic took up a lot of your time. - Sincerely,

    Ian the Lewis

  6. xilver, it would be an honor to see you come back to Skyrim with another super-amazing mod like your previous one, Midas Magic. I plan to, when the CS comes out, make a tome expansion pack for Skyrim (for mages who like variety) and would love to make it compatible for any Skyrim mage mods you might wish to do in the future. Also, I completely understand if you don't want to make another massive
  7. Skyrim!? Oh hell yeah!! It's the best thing. Ever. In the entire history of the world. Believe it. ;D
  8. Skyrim is the best thing that's ever happened to my computer.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      The best..and the worst. It looks awesome, the dragon almost took my breath away but i just wish i could play without the mouse lag.
    3. iansaltman


      Go to the menu and turn off 360 controller in the settings, it helps a little bit.
    4. Ithildin


      Thank you, that helped my whole family! Now if we could just get rid of the occasional sharp FPS drop when zoning; I wonder if it has something to do with autosaves, but I'm not positive the game always does that when we enter or exit buildings. The only solution we've come up with is to save, exit to desktop, then log in again.
  9. Skyrim, I wait all day, come home, then it has to update for 15 minutes. :cry:
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GrueMaster


      When I first installed Half-Life 2 on the computer, it took almost an hour, then took over 2-1/2 to 3 hours just to get it registered on Steam (man, I hate that app), so things could be worse, you know? :)
    3. iansaltman


      But dude, it's Skyrim! Totally different category ;D Lol just trollin' you man
    4. GrueMaster
  10. SKYRIM!!?!?!?E!?$!@%!@$!?%1/51/6 /5/ 155/1/56//61.6.1 7.71


  11. Corlan is my brony, guess that makes you a PegaSis.
  12. It's Friday-Friday playin' Skyrim on Friday, lookin' forward to playing all weekend-weekend cause it's Friday Friday playin' Skyrim on Friday...
    1. kingkahn20911


      Its only thursday! where are you that you have skyrim? and rebecca black sux
    2. iansaltman


      I just had to type that up real quick, else I would forget it. ;D
    3. GrueMaster
  13. Yes, I hope you're doing well for yourself Charles, Charles Xavier.
  14. You should, I wish I had telekinesis and other cool mind powers. >.>
  15. I'm fairly sure you look like Professor X.

    (From X-Men: First Class, of course, seeing as you have hair)

  16. Back on the RP, thanks for babysitting :)
  17. Well played, sir.

    *strokes chin in approval*

  18. Your new pic makes you look pro dude!
  19. Hope you are feeling better :)
  20. You been sneakin' peaks at my profile? :P
  21. Can anyone say first? Woot woot!
  22. I see you peeking! I guess that means I'm first to comment too :P
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