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Status Updates posted by iansaltman

  1. You posting machine! Keep it up dude!
  2. I see you been peakin' :P
  3. Very spiky hair! :ninja:


  4. Sittin, waitin, wishin.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BellaGail
    3. GrueMaster


      You know, I bet you can come up with a song with those three words... :)
    4. iansaltman
  5. Headin' up to Pensacola; too damn early, so I probably spelt that wrong.
    1. AurianaValoria1


      Yayz! He's coming back! :dance:
    2. GrueMaster
  6. Waddup? You gonna be active in chat now?
  7. Goodbye everyone! I shall return in thirteen days. Everyone enjoy themsevles! Try not to miss meh :P
    1. AurianaValoria1


      You have fun, too, and be safe! Come back in one piece! :D
  8. Barely fudged Egypt: BFE
  9. ToMuchForYa has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?
  10. **Hires mercenary** Lets shpeel some blood!
  11. What's this? A visitor? **waves**
  12. I love the site! Good work.
  13. What Brittn said!! I don't see you in chat anymore!
  14. Here is me, posting on your profile as is the usual - maybe I shall see you tomorrow :D
  15. Someone peeped out my profile! ;D
  16. Oh darn, those dont work on comments.http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/425717-quote-of-the-day/page__view__findpost__p__3529289__fromsearch__1
  17. Your signature would be perfect here
  18. I hope you are doing well for yourself - best of wishes.

    -Ian Lewis :)

  19. It's been a few days, where have you gone? :D
  20. It would seem you are not on when I am on, we should fix this xD
  21. LOL! Not fried, friend xD
  22. Translation: Hi there, fried! <3 So now its official, we are friends :D
  23. It is your birthday, yes your birthday! Enjoy friend! **This is where I sing a song about your birthday and give you lots of cake** and then **this is the part where I keel over and sleep** Best of wishes to you and Morb :)
  24. WeLcOmE tO ThE NeXuS!
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