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Everything posted by Contra7

  1. If anyone has seen the new trailer or read the Game Informer coverage of the Thief reboot, Garrett's armor looks badass and it would look even more badass in Skyrim.
  2. Can someone please add an updated tutorial on how to import meshes and textures into Creation Kit?
  3. I've watched on one of their developer videos that the SDK they releasing will be similar to that of Dragon Age: Origins. You know what that means? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
  4. I second this. DA2 also left me feeling disappointed as to why BioWare didn't add the fast dynamic combat to Origins. It would have made Origins a 10 times much better game.
  5. I wonder, is it possible to convert the fast combat animations from DA 2 to replace the slow combat animations in Origins?
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