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Everything posted by a4nic8er

  1. It is right there in your first post. That is why you are getting SkyUI error 4. Change those 3 settings to the ones I gave you and error 4 will go away. If you spent some of the time wasted typing multicolour rants full of angst and emotes on actually trying the advice you are given, people like me would be less likely to think "I'm not going to bother helping this ignorant pig-headed fool again".
  2. 'Skyrim.ini' - SkyUI: Max. Memory Settings (prevent Error Code 4).Skyrim.ini[Papyrus]iMinMemoryPageSize=128 iMaxMemoryPageSize=512 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800
  3. Forgive me the necro, but... Looking into some issues of my own, I discovered that even new vanilla game saves contain the following Papyrus log error: Tes5Edit reveals that this particular instance of the item (Editor ID) TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell (FormID) 000D61E2 is injected into the TG06 "Hard Answers" [QUST:00021552] quest by Update.esm However, it is also referenced in TG05 "Speaking With Silence" [QUST:00021551] by Udpate.esm & Unofficial Dawnguard patch.esp and Patch1_9_UpdateQuest [QUST:010009A3] by Udpate.esm I also found references to pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell (note the lower case 'p' at beginning of name) I suspect this is the source of some issues people are having with Karliah "drinking her invisibility potion" during the 'Speaking with Silence' quest. Googling 'TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell' and 'pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell' results in many peoples' posts of logs containing the same above quoted warning, or very similar. The fact that these posts are often seeking help for freezing and/or CTDs worries me. It seems the devs who created the Update.esm may have released a time-bomb into the wild.
  4. O M G 10,000 views in just under a year. I hope this thread was of some help to those that read it. Happy gaming all, a4
  5. "My Big Fat Complicated Modded Steam Oblivion Reinstall Adventure" guide is at http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/379657-my-big-fat-complicated-modded-steam-oblivion-reinstall-adventure/

    I hope it helps, and good luck to you all.

  6. I would suggest that you read the readme for NMM and then ask in the Nexus Mod Manager Beta forum if you can't find the answer.
  7. If you mean "Should I completely skip installing this mod?" the answer is no. You still want to install the resources in the mod which includes a lot of fixed meshes and a few fixed textures, and lip-sync files. Only the overwritten esp file needs to be left out (or you can install the esp file and let it get overwritten by the one in the supplimentals patch - but I prefer to have as few red + installs as possible).
  8. Over the past couple of months I have posted a few small updates and do not intend to update this information any further. I have concluded with the reason why I believe a heavily moded Steam version of Oblivion will never run as well as a Bethesda version, at the bottom of post #5.
  9. I did all meshes, trusting Oblivion - PyFFI Optimization Kit v7 to skip those that shouldn't be done. It seems to have worked perfectly fine for me, I have had no problems with animations or items (apart from a bad mesh included in one mod that had nothing to to with PyFFIing). I'm sorry, but I installed the PyFFI Optimization Kit without any trouble so I can't help with your specific problem. I have the PyFFI Optimization Kit (batch file and in/out folders AND everything else in that package) on a different drive too, so that is not an issue. No handlers could be found for logger "pyffi.utils.mathutils" <--- this seems to be your problem. For problems with any mod/tool/utility, you should seek help from the author via their mod's page as they are far more likely to have the knowledge and experience to interpret log results (and tell you what library/component you are missing).
  10. I have added some more information I found about Bashed Patch choices to the bottom of the Bashed Patch section in post #2, if that is any help to you guys. Are you both using version 292 of Wrye Bash ? I went back to using 291 before I even tried building a Bashed Patch with 292. Too many bugs for my liking, and perhaps 292 has broken aspects of the Bashed Patch building process.
  11. The "Item Interchange" esp files are not supposed to be merged into the Bashed Patch. The fact that a file may be "mergable" doesn't necessary mean that it should allways be merged. Item Interchange is a "hack" to force the Bashed Patch to import information by merging-yet-not-merging a few special esp files. To quote the Wrye Bash help file (click the "?" icon in the bottom toolbar) If you look at the four "Item Interchange" esp files in Wrye Bash, three have "Deactivate" Tag, three have "IIM" Tag, and ALL have "Filter" tag. So, the Filtering esp files MUST NOT BE ACTIVE when building the Bashed Patch. The esp files being affected by the filtering (MM, OOO, etc.) MUST BE ACTIVE (OR MERGED). The best way to ensure that is to deactivate the Item Interchange esp files (and any others that have the "Deactivate" Tag) before beginning to rebuild the Bashed Patch, so that you don't get asked in the pop-up (here is a hypothetical example)... ...to which you MUST answer yes to deactivate the Item Interchange esp files (but that will also deactivate the other esp which, although it will be merged into the Bashed patch, needs to remain active). So EITHER you answer yes and then cancel the Rebuild of patch, reactivate a4sEWVE_Full.esp, start the Rebuild Patch again OR, say yes to disabling them all, continue with the Rebuild Patch, then reactivate a4sEWVE_Full.esp after the Bashed Patch is done. Most importantly, read the questions you are asked before you click on an answer. If you don't know the answer, go and read some more to find it.
  12. Some esp files may seem mergeable but are not, never, ever supposed to be activated while the Bashed Patch is being built or the game is running. The first pop-up when you click "Rebuild" gives you some info about those if they are active and asks if you want to deactivate them. The answer for mods that have the Deactivate Bash Tag is always yes, to disable. Mod components such as "Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp" (and any others that have {{BASH:Deactivate}} Tag) should never be active or your game will crash due to missing masters. Which is what you have got a lot of. ;)
  13. It is clearly stated in one or more of the FCOM links that some aspects of OOO should not be included in the Bashed Patch. Mainly Factions and Relations, from memory. I'm actually going through this whole process second time, refining the information, so I don't have a completed install to compare your list against right now. But I will be able to look at it in a few days, if you can be patient. I see some unmerged mods there that I would merge (like all the VWalks). And I would be wary of putting two mods that modify magic in together. Definitely wouldn't do that without reading up on them to be sure it was OK. Do you replace old Bashed Patch .esp with an empty one as I explained, before running BOSS and rebuilding the bashed patch? I do every time I rebuild it. Always best to build with a clean patch.
  14. If the bashed patch is causing crashes, your installation is faulty, you are not building it correctly, or your load order is wrong or something. Are you sure you installed the uFCOM component mods correctly? Did you use BOSS to sort your load order? (I always use latest version of BOSS). Is BOSS installed correctly? (Different versions have different paths - you need to completely uninstall it before installing the latest version). Did you read the notes for each mod in the BOSS log? (especially immediately after the uFCOM group installation (where I wrote in big red letters "Now run BOSS and check the log for errors!") When building the Bashed Patch, read what each pop-up window asks before clicking yes or no. Read the descriptions of what each section of selections does (some mods will not be imported if they are neither active nor merged. Therefore some mods need to be active when building the bashed patch, if they aren't going to be fully merged, then deactivated after the Bashed Patch is built - this leaves them with a green + instead of a tick. Conversely, some mods must be deactivated before merging. Just setting all mods to active or inactive before building the Bashed Patch will cause problems). Some aspects of some mods MUST NOT be imported into the bashed patch (some OOO mods when used with FCOM). "Importing" and "Merging" are not the same thing. When asking for help, it is recommended that you include your Installers List and Mods List as it is impossible to advise you without knowing what mods you have installed, in what order, which mods are active, and in what load order.
  15. Yea, this ArchiveInvalidation stuff can be confusing, I'm still not 100% sure I have got my head around it. Wrye Bash adds ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa to the \oblivio\Data\ folder. Prior to Bash 292 that bsa had Modified time which was 23 days earlier than the Steam oblivion and DLC BSAs, which (if I understand correctly) sometimes gave me problems with textures. I may be wrong, it could have been something else (like another loose mesh or texture file that was dated earlier than the .bsa files). To be safe I now just like to make sure that ALL original Oblivion and DLC bsa files are dated the same as the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa which is how thay are after installing Wrye Bash 292 (all are Saturday, December 31, 2005, 11:00:00 PM). Any time a .bsa is repacked by OBMM, the Modified time will be set to current and need to be adjusted again. They can easily be checked by starting BulkfileChanger, selecting the whole bunch of them and dragg'n'dropping them into the BulkFileChanger window. I'm as confused as you are now, lol. I am actually on my second run through of this and didn't do the PyFFI the first time. That has led to the PyFFI information being before the uFCOM preparation info. I had better fix that. While it is necessary to run the Fran's .exe files to create our BAIN archive, once that is done we don't have to install any mods to PyFFI them. For mods with meshes contained in .bsa files I used 7-Zip to extract the .bsa files from those archives to \oblivion\Data\ folder, used OBMM to extract the contents of those .bsa files to \Oblivion-PyFFI_Optimization_Kit_v7\in\ folder, (renamed \oblivion\Data\"x.bsa" to "ORIGINAL_x.bsa") ran the PyFFI Kit .bat file, used OBMM to build a new "x.bsa" from the IN then OUT folders, set "x.bsa" Modified date/time to same as "ORIGINAL_x.bsa", 7-Zipped "x.bsa" into an archive with same number and name as the pre-PyFFI one, (appending "+ PyFFI_" to the name so that I can spot them all easier in correct order in a folder - if the PyFFI archive contains only .bsa files, I usually put "-bsa" somewhere in the archive name). Moved the archive to "Bash Installers" folder. Deleted "x.bsa", "ORIGINAL_x.bsa", and the contents of the IN and OUT folders. For mods that contain loose meshes (not .bsa files) I just extract the whole archive to the PyFFI IN folder, run the PyFFI Kit .bat file, 7-Zip the contents of the OUT folder ( using same naming method as above). The results of both these methods give us archives containing .bsa file(s) with some meshes replaced by PyFFI versions, and/or archives with replacemnent PyFFI meshes only (not containing any meshes that haven't been optimized). I will be installing the PyFFI versions on top of the non-PyFFI versions, overwriting the .bsa files and meshes. Some mods, such as a couple of the large mesh replacers, I will use the PyFFI versions only, as the replacement contains the same number of meshes as the non-PyFFI one. Some others have only a single mesh. Some people prefer to install groups of mods and just PyFFI all the meshes in that group, archive those, uninstall and do the next group. I prefer to do each mod individually, so I can track problems and drop individual mods in and out of the installation easier.
  16. I'm not going to say whether it should or shouldn't be used, that decision is up to the individual. For me, the fact that it has a significant effect on memory usage was enough for me to decide not to. In your case the results may be different, you may have faster DDR3 RAM and/or less mods active than I do, less mesh and texture replacers, a 32-Bit OS, whatever. I suggest you try playing in windowed mode with Windows Task Manager running ("Always On Top" selected in options) with and then without the Streamline.esp activated. Load a wilderness save and run or ride along the same path, throughseveral cells and the same creatures/NPCs and see if your memory usage is affected by Streamline. Mine was, quite dramatically and Streamline was contributing to my hitting the 1.8GB memory limit and crashing (before I applied the 4GB patch and also purchased more RAM).
  17. Cheers, ElderMalaclypse nice to know this effort has been of use to someone. It took me so long to do it that, by the time I got to the end, some of the information on the first page had become outdated due to updates (e.g. Wrye bash). So I am now repeating the whole exercise again and will renumber and move a few sections to try and make the process more linear (simpler). I also intend to cover PyFFI mesh optimization, now that ulrim's kit has reached version 7 and seems fairly bullet proof. a4
  18. I thought FCOM_Convergence.esp would handle the stats on Fran's items. It overrides OMOBS on some items. So, if I don't choose MOBS stats in Fran's preinstall, I don't ever get MOBS/OMOBS stats for Fran's items? Grrr, the "F" in FCOM is for Fran's. Found this in the TESIV:POSitive FCOM install guide Another example of how easy it is to miss an important detail. :facepalm: Looks like I better go back to the beginning of post #2 ==uFCOM PREPARATION== and start again then, selecting the MOBS options for Fran's. \sigh *edit* Ok, that is done.
  19. Exactly what I thought when I started a new install (I didn't quite get all 160+ mods right last time). So I started a thread documenting my latest attempt, which may help you find some of the up-to-date facts you need. It isn't fully completed yet, and it is for a Steam version of Oblivion, but the first 3 posts cover the installation of uFCOM on a clean install - all the way through to the Bashed Patch. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/379657-my-big-fat-complicated-modded-steam-oblivion-reinstall-adventure
  20. Oh, didn't know that. Thanks. I'll go back and fix that after I get some sleep. I'll look again at the BOSS log notes for it too and post in the thread for that if it isn't noted. I may have just skipped over it while reading. Sorry to hear that your last go didn't quite work for you. I'm planning to use QTP3 & BBC myself, as I did last time. I have never made it to Cloud Ruler Temple yet. Ever. I really like the new features in Wry Bash, such as being able to install OBSE script plugins. Glad my list helped. I don't know if the install order is correct, that's just how mine ended up over time after several manual installs. *edit* Trying to locate any documantation containing specific information about OMOBS Optional Combat Settings and OOO. Google turned up a couple of references to it in OOO OMOD install script discussions. The OOO_133_readme.pdf (v1.1) makes no mention of Optional Combat Settings, and only a brief reference to OMOBS. Aha, here is something. The "OMOBS.rtf" (in the .7z archive)... That "You should not use the MOBS Optionial Combat Settings.esp with Frans or FCOM" sounds pretty definite. BUT: I did not install the Fran's optional MOBS component. I have installed stand-alone OMOBS. Loaded current install into TES4Edit to find conflicts & winners/losers. While there were quite a lot of different GMST numbers throughout, only two items in "MOBS Optionial Combat Settings.esp" were conflict losers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | FormID | Editor ID | Vanilla | OWC | OMOBS-OCS | FCOM-Conv | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 000CD3F4 | fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanNoviceMult | 2.000000 | n/a | 1.500000 | 2.000000 * | | 000CD3F8 | fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanApprenticeMult | 3.000000 | 2.00000 | 2.000000 | 3.000000 * | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion: Not worth the stress or hassle, follow the readme advice and don't install "MOBS Optionial Combat Settings.esp" with FCOM (although I would consider it if I was only installing OOO). p.s. "Always read the readme!" (ArmeniusLOD caught me out here). :facepalm: *edit2* Have uninstalled OMOBS Optional Combat Settings and updated the info in post 2 & results in post 3 accordingly. I'm hopeful the fact that I did not install the Fran's optional MOBS component won't have a detrimental effect. I am under the impression that using stand-alone OMOBS will give the OMOBS stats to all weapons in the game, including those added by other mods. Here's the Stats section of Bashed Patch results...
  21. @ jcgillikin Thanks for your vote of confidence. This will take me some time to finish though. It isn't the doing, it is the recording of the details that is slowing me down. As ArmeniusLOD pointed out, a lot of the information out there is outdated and it is easy to become misinformed. Sometimes even the sources you trusted in the past can become irrelevant as their contents become obsolete. @ ArmeniusLOD Your Bain Packages & Active Mod Files lists are very helpfull (so I have swiped them by quoting you in this post). The more I see (containing relevant components, of course) the better understanding I get, and I often use other people's lists as reference when I attempt problem solving. Your point about restoring a clean Bashed Patch is well raised too, thanks for the reminder. I must remember to place that information at the relevant positions. I have decided to proceed with installing uFCOM on a fresh install as CorePC recommends, adding all other mods after. We will see what problems or conflicts that brings, if any. I may then do a TESIV:POSitive Template install. To see if that produces any different results. You can mention this attempt to whomever you wish, I am happy to share. However, it won't really be of much use until it is completed.
  22. I need to do a bit more reading before I try to get my head around the .BSA decisions I have to make. I am reluctant to use the testing/beta BSAs as I want to K.I.S.S. as much as possible by using the complete component archives (as I did last time). I still have several BAIN archives I created with the component .BSAs renamed for FCOM, but some are sure to be outdated now. I will need to work out whether to go through the same .BSA renaming steps, or if TheNiceOne's MMM OMOD Installer 1.6.1 and FCOM OMOD Installer 1.1 do all or part of that renaming. I will return to using the TESIV:POSItive template and install the FCOM/overhaul components accordingly in my final install. I think I will try an install of just the FCOM parts first though, as a practice run to figure it out. I have yet to finish the game even once. I got hooked on installing mods and have never managed to complete it. I know what you mean about :wallbash: I burned myself out on that last install and wandered off for a few months myself to overdose on a PvP FPS Shooter. Now that I've returned to oblivion, with a new hunger for it, I-MUST-MOD-IT-RIGHT before I can be happy to play it. I shall review my previous install notes and make a new list of all the mods I propose to install and stick it on here somewhere in a few days.
  23. Cheers ArmeniusLOD, your replies are a great help. You are indeed correct that I desire the most up-to-date experience possible. I am in the habit of reading everything I can find on a mod while noting discrepancies and contradictions. As you can see this often adds to my confusion when I stumble accross statements such as Arthmoor made early in his UOP-S mod's official thread. Your previous reply has already helped convinced me to use Arthmoor's Supplimentals.
  24. @ luxwing0go Thanks for the kind thoughts. I run the game at 1440x900 with all settings on high and I enjoy the eye candy and distant stuff (lands, trees, etc). My CTDs weren't terribly frequent and were probably the game just running out of memory resources or overrunning buffers over time, as it does when heavily modded. Well, apart from the IC waterfront CTDs. I will leave Apachii Goddess Store out this time, initially at least. I tried disabling the Streamline esp (and others) but the only effect was a decrease in performance and FPS (plus it is my main game save method, apart from manual saves, as I have all autosaves disabled in oblivion.ini). I will record my Streamline settings as I progress through this excercise. @ ArmeniusLOD Oh dear. Was it really necessary to quote my entire first post? That quote is going to become obsolete, will be missing (and may contain misleading or incorrect) information, as I will be editing the original several more times. Never mind. On to the points you raised. Wrye Bash BAIN is my preferred mod installation method, but some mods are only available in OMOD format so OBMM is also required. This install is far too complex to be done with OBMM alone, Bashed Patch is a must. Some of the mods I installed using BAIN last time, will be replaced by OMOD versions this time due to the release of more recent OMOD scripts. I am still wrestling with the details of the OOO+MMM+ObWarCry+Fran+TT+COBL+FCOM, et al, install. It is very frustrating and difficult to find accurate and up to date information, as all later sources of information refer to older sources that contain some outdated aspects which are not dealt with in a structured way by the newer sources. So there is a lot of going round in circles and rereading, trying to determine the correct relationships between the many available parts, and figure out what is obsolete. I wanted to refrain from using MOBS or OMOBS but, it seems, that OMOBS is virtually compulsory if installing both OOO and FCOM. I still think it would be unwise to install UOP Supplimentals. As an explanation why, in my frst post I linked to Arthmoor's statement in the Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplementals Official thread... Which made me think that UOP Supplimentals was non-compliant with MOBS/OMOBS and FCOM.I will read your middle paragraph again and try to figure out what to do. Damn all these intricate relationships between mods, sometimes they make my brain hurt. *edit* \FACEPALM It says right there on the Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplementals description page at TESNexus "MOBS users - download this as well." Most CTDs were as you described, but there were some individual repeatable ones and other little glitches that made the game less than perfect. I want perfect, or as close as I can get. ;) I have been using OSR in my previous builds and found it gave a noticeable improvement to performance. This improvement can be increased when it is used in tandem with Streamline, as long as both are initiated with the correct parameters. I thank you both for your input.
  25. ================================================================== Patches & Making Them Do What You Want Them To: ================================================================== Warning: Not for the faint-hearted or uninitiated, attempting the following procedures can totally screw up your game installation if you get them wrong! I sometimes find little discrepancies that annoy me, and I seek out ways to rectify them. For example, take the Dark Green Glass Armor mod used to change the color of glass armour, weapons, & ammunition from bright snot green... http://a4nic8er.com/images/TES4/TES4_GrnArm01.jpg ...to a dark green. It has some issues. To use it with Frans (and FCOM) it needs to be patched. This is quite simple, I extract it to a folder and overwrirte the esp with the one from Dark_Green_Glass_Comp-17621 then rename the folder "Dark_Green_Glass_Armor4FRAN-2996+17621" and 7-Zip the contents to create "Dark_Green_Glass_Armor4FRAN-2996+17621.7z" After installing that With Wry Bash, I go to the Mods tab, activate "Darkgreen Glass Armor.esp", run BOSS, check that the file now has "Graphics" tag and manually tag it with "NoMerge" (because I don't ever want to merge it and overwrite any OOO/FCOM stats, I only want the graphics imported). Then I rebuild Bashed Patch (selecting the mod in "Import Graphics" section). http://a4nic8er.com/images/TES4/TES4_GrnArm02.jpg Oh bugger, the helmet fails to get the effect and is still bright snot green. In Wrye Bash I right-click over any mod > File > "New Mod..." which creates a "New Mod.esp", and activate it (or you can copy "Blank.esp" from \oblivion\Mopy\Extras\ folder to \oblivion\Data\ folder). I then open the oblivion/Data/ folder, find "New Mod.esp" (or "Blank.esp") and rename it "a4Override-GRAPHICS.esp". Next, in \oblivion\Data\BOSS\ folder I create "userlist.txt" and add this to it... (which tells BOSS to recognise my esp and always place it before my Bashed patch and also to add Bash Tags to the esp in Wrye Bash and a message to the log file). Now I exit Wrye Bash and run TES4Edit (which will, as default, have the current load order you last used in Wrye Bash and/or the game) and also select "Darkgreen Glass Armor.esp" & the "Override-GRAPHICS.esp" (making them active in TES4Edit, but not affecting the Wrye Bash or game load order). Don't select any Mod Groups in the second pop-up window. Once TES4Edit has taken it's time to load, I click on the + to left of "Darkgreen Glass Armor.esp" and the + to left of "Armor". The culprit is at the top of that list - FormID 0003633F. Click on that FormID # to change the right panel view to If you look in the right hand window you will see that "Oblivion WarCry EV.esp" wins the "MODL - Model Filename conflict" and is imported into the Bashed patch. I click on that FormID number in the left panel and then right-click > "Copy as override into..." (have to say yes to the pop-up) and select "a4Override-GRAPHICS.esp" then exit TES4Edit, answering yes to save the "Override-GRAPHICS.esp". This should also add Darkgreen Glass Armor.esp" as a master for "Override-GRAPHICS.esp". Tip: Each time you edit a mod with TES4Edit it creates a backup with the format "modname.esp.backup.year_month_day_hour-minutes_seconds" (i.e."a4Override-GRAPHICS.esp.backup.2011_05_21_14_59_31"). To restore that earlier version simply go to your ]oblivion\Data\ folder, delete the current mod file and rename the backup by removing everything after ".esp" from the name. You will have to rebuild your Bashed Patch if you change mod files, or the game will not recognise the changes and will try to load the data in the older Bashed Patch. If you do a lot of editing, it pays to clean up frequently and delete the backups you no longer need. Next, I start Wrye Bash and tag "a4Override-GRAPHICS.esp" with "NoMerge" & "Graphics" tags. I don't want to inadvertantly merge any stats or prices into the bashed patch, I only want to import the graphics from this esp file. Run BOSS. Rebuild Bashed Patch (be sure to select the "Override-GRAPHICS.esp" in the "Import Graphics" section). Exit Wrye Bash. Check it out with TES4Edit. (the "Override-GRAPHICS.esp" wins the "MODL - Model Filename" conflict & "Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp" wins the "Data - value" conflict). Play. http://a4nic8er.com/images/TES4/TES4_GrnArm03.jpg I use this method to correct other small errors when I discover them. I will add some more here as I deal with them. --------------- Here is another one I use Harvest_Flora_v3_0_1-2037.zip and Pitcher_Plant_and_Lily_Ingredients_v1_0-15609.7z. Harvest Flora uses a script to handle an error with the original oblivion Pitcher Plant having no ingredient. Unfortunately, this and a script in the UOP which also fixes this error do so by making Pitcher Plants unharvestable. Here's how I make them harvestable again. I create a new esp, rename it "a4Override-SCRIPTS.esp", activate it and start TES4Edit. In left panel find and expand + "Harvest [Flora].esp" + Flora and scroll down to FormID 00189D78 Pitcher Plant (the only red one). We see, in the right panel, that "HarvestFloraOff [sCPT:46006A8A]" wins the conflict and is imported into Bashed patch, (directly above "Pitcher Plant Nectar" [iNGR:4A000CE6]) but we don't want that script to win (nor "UOPPitcherPlantFixScript [sCPT:090498B7]" from the UOP). In the left panel, right-click on the 00189D78 Pitcher Plant FormID # > "Copy as override into..." the "Override-SCRIPTS.esp" (answering yes to add "Harvest [Flora].esp" as a master). In the left panel, left-click on the FormID # above or below the Pitcher Plant (Morning Glory or Primrose). In right panel, right click "HarvestFloraAnim [sCPT:61000CE6]" (in the SCRI - Script row, "Harvest [Flora].esp" column) and select edit. Answer yes, then right-click > "copy" the value from the pop-up and then click the cancel button to close the pop-up. In the left panel scroll down and find the Override-SCRIPTS.esp, expand Flora, and left-click the Pitcher Plant. In the right panel, right-click "HarvestFloraOff [sCPT:61006A8A]" (in the SCRI - Script row, "Override-SCRIPTS.esp" column) and select edit, then right-click > "paste" the value into the pop-up and click the OK button to close the pop-up. Now left-click and drag-and-drop "Pitcher Plant Nectar" [iNGR:4A000CE6] from "Pitcher Plant and Lilly Ingredients.esp" column, (PFIG - Ingredient row) to "a4Override-SCRIPTS.esp", (PFIG - Ingredient row) (answering yes to add "Pitcher Plant and Lilly Ingredients.esp" to masters). Close TES4Edit, saving your "Override-SCRIPTS.esp" (should be the only file on the list to save - or we did something wrong). I add this to "userlist.txt" ... Run BOSS Rebuild Bashed Patch, selecting the "Override-SCRIPTS.esp" in the "Import Script Contents" & "Import Scripts" sections (I also select "Harvest Chance [100%]" in "Tweak Assorted"). Check it out with TES4Edit (the "Override-SCRIPTS.esp" wins the "SRI - Script" conflict & "PFIG - Ingredient" conflict). The "PFIG - Ingredient" would be blank if we didn't do the "Script Contents" section of this adjustment, making the Pitcher Plants harvestable but they would give no ingredients. --------------- ========================================================= ============== TWEAKING: ============== ========================================================= After reading the following sources http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_8.html http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=oblivion_ini_tweaks http://www.oblivionmodwiki.com/index.php/Tweak_Oblivion http://www.atomicmpc.com.au/Tools/Print.aspx?CIID=36546 http://www.oldblivion.com/?page=docs&title=oblivion.ini here are the tweaks I sometimes use (some improve performance, while others alter graphics settings to my personal preferences and have a negative impact on performance): -------------------------- ATI-specific tweaks: Download and install ATI Tray Tools, then adjust 'Flip queue size' from '3' to '2' to reduce the number of frames rendered ahead (setting to '1' causes lag with "Storms & Sounds" lightning). nVidea-specific tweaks: Download and install Coolbits. Then, in your driver properties, navigate to Performance & Quality Settings > Additional Direct3D Settings, then set Frames to render ahead from '3' to '1' (untested, included for nVidea card users). -------------------------- sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini Master = { bReplaceHeap = 1 FPS_Management = { bAllowSlowMotion = 1 MaximumFPS = 30 MinimumFPS = 10 Heap = { iHeapSize = 512 (tried setting this at 1024 but would sometimes CTD on fast travel) Disable VSync and let OSR manage the framerate, since it is more efficient at doing it through the CPU cycles? -------------------------- Oblivion.ini Graphics tweaks (some need TES4LODGen to be run before the changes can be seen in game): [General]uGridDistantTreeRange=20 Default=15. Sets the visibility of distant trees. High values will reduce performance and increase area loading times. uGridDistantCount=22 Default=25. Lower = higher fps, but less than 22 cuts off parts of IC when viewed from Frostcrag. uGridsToLoad=5 Default=5. Controls the distance at which LOD objects and textures are scaled to their full quality. If increased, upping iPreloadSizeLimit is required to prevent crashing due to the extra grids in memory. Grids, being a multiple of cells, take a chunk of memory each. Note: If set above 5, [Water] uNumDepthGrids may need to be decreased to =1 (making water less transparent). The results of this are also affected by the size of the textures you have installed: Default Oblivion + uGridsToLoad=7: ~230M 2048x2048 textures + uGridsToLoad=7: ~303M 4096x4096 textures + uGridsToLoad=7: ~430M [Display]bAllow30Shaders=1 Allows (but does not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0 on graphics cards which support it. *3 bDoCanopyShadowPass=1 =0 turns off tree shadows. bUseRefractionShader=1 =0 disables most particle effects for Oblivion Gates and summoned creatures. bShadowsOnGrass=0 Disables shadows on grass. fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000.0000 Default=2000.0000. Sets the distance at which grass starts to fade. fGrassEndDistance=8000.0000 Default=3000.0000. Sets the distance at which grass ends. Note: These settings appear to be overruled by the ones in the [Grass] section, below. [Water]uNumDepthGrids=2 Default=3. Sets depth of water visibility. Lower = less transparent, better FPS. Note: If [General] uGridsToLoad is set above =5, this may have to be set to =1. [interface]fDlgFocus=6.3000 Default=2.1000. Sets distance when in conversations with NPCs [speedTree]iTreeClonesAllowed=2 Default=1. Sets the number of possible tree clones (copies of the same basic tree type) which are generated. The higher the value, the greater the potential to improve FPS and stuttering by reducing texture types and processing time. iCanopyShadowScale=1024 Default=512. Determines the appearance of tree shadow textures. Lower = finer but more tiling, higher can = less FPS. bForceFullLOD=1 Default=0. Forces higher level of detail on trees, may have a small performance impact. [Grass]iMinGrassSize=120 Default=80. Controls the density of grass clumps. Higher the value, the less tightly packed grassy areas will be, resulting in more empty spaces in grassland less FPS decrease in heavily grassed areas. Note: This setting is overwritten if Wrye Bash INI Edits "Grass, Fade 4k-5k [Oblivion].ini" or "Grass, ~Fade 2k-3k [Oblivion].ini" are used later. fGrassEndDistance=5000.0000 fGrassStartFadeDistance=4000.0000 Note: You can lower either or both of these values to increase performance, and also by reducing the difference between the FadeDistance and EndDistance. Note: These settings are overwritten if Wrye Bash INI Edits "Grass, Fade 4k-5k [Oblivion].ini" or "Grass, ~Fade 2k-3k [Oblivion].ini" are used later. iGrassDensityEvalSize=4 Default=2. Affects density via clump size/spacing. It seems that the higher the number, the less grass tufts per clump and more distance between clumps. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=2 Default=2. Sets the number of unique grass types per terrain texture (1 to 4). 4 should let you see all types. Affects performance: Higher number = lowerFPS. [blurShaderHDRInterior]fBrightScale=1.7500 Default 2.2500. Sets the brightness of HDR lighting effects in interior cells. fBlurRadius=6.0000 Default=7.0000. Sets the radius of HDR lighting effects in interior cells. Audio tweaks: [Audio]bDSoundHWAcceleration=1 Setting to 0 disables hardware sound acceleration. Reduces audio quality, may prevent some crashes. iMaxImpactSoundCount=64 Sets the maximum number of channels used for sound effects. Can crash your system if set too low, particularly with hardware acceleration enabled. Memory tweaks: [General]iPreloadSizeLimit=262144000 (250MB). Default=26214400 (25MB). 104857600=(100MB). Sets the maximum amount of data (in bytes) that can be loaded into memory whenever the game loads an area. Make sure to raise your Cell Buffer values accordingly. uInterior Cell Buffer=12 Default=3. Controls the maximum amount of interior cells that can be stored in RAM/Video RAM at one time. uExterior Cell Buffer=144 Default=36. Controls the maximum amount of exterior cells that can be stored in RAM/Video RAM at one time. bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0 Set to 0 to take advantage of additional memory allocation, or if set to 1 it will actively work against the benefits of the other memory tweaks. Multi-core CPU Multithreading tweaks: [General]bUseThreadedBlood=1 Default=0 bUseThreadedMorpher=1 Default=0 bUseThreadedTempEffects=1 Default=0 bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1 Default=0 [HAVOK]iNumHavokThreads=10 Default=1. (tweak guides suggest 3 or 5) *4 [OPENMP]iThreads=9 Default=3. (tweak guides suggest 9 or 10) *4 Sets a limit to the maximum number of threads in the pool, not the number of threads that will run continuously. You don't suddenly get Uber Performance by setting a high value here, you only allow Oblivion to use more threads if they will be of benefit. iOpenMPLevel=30 Default=10. Presumably sets the priority of the threads, for which 10 is 'Above normal' in Windows. Best not to touch this, too low and you'll hinder the performance of the threads, too high and you'll hinder the performance of everything else. [Pathfinding]bUseBackgroundPathing=1 Default=1. Loading tweaks: [backgroundLoad]bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1 Default=0 bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1 Default=0 bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1 Default=0 bUseBackgroundFileLoader=1 Default=0. Setting to =1 increases loading times! *3 Check the "RendererInfo.txt" file in your \My Games\Oblivion directory to see if your card supports 3.0 Shaders. To force the game to use 3.0 Shaders after making the above "Oblivion.ini" change, you will also need to look at your RenderInfo.txt file again, and on the last line of the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 17). Then go to the \Oblivion\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage017.sdp to shaderpackage017._bak. Now copy shaderpackage019.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage017.sdp in this example). This will force Oblivion to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game, which may increase (or reduce) performance. *4 As the defaullt settings for iThreads is 3x iNumHavokThreads I decided to make any adjustments accordingly; =3 & =9, or =4 & =12, or =5 & =15. I am now using =10 & =30, as I have increased [General] iPreloadSizeLimit 10x and applied the 4GB_patch. Note: (Windows 32 bit) Each thread's stack occupies 64KB of address space even if only 4KB of it is used. http://blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/archive/2009/07/08/3261309.aspx -------------------------- Console tip: If performance is sluggish use console command "setdebugtext 5" to check the CPU time allocated to the processing of scripts (is around 0.2% in unmodded game). If you’re quick with the console key to pause the display you’ll see the total number of scripts being executed. ========================================================= ===================== MEMORY USAGE: ===================== WARNING: This section is only relevant for 64-bit operating systems. Do not attempt this f you have a 32-bit version of Windows. Furthermore, I take no responsibility for any game or program not working or if your computer blows up (neither should happen but if it does, you can't blame me). After installing the meshes and textures in the ==COSMETIC, RACE, & BODY MODS== section, I was reaching the 32-bit 1.8GB memory ceiling and experiencing CTDs. I decided to apply the 4GB_Patch. I am very grateful to kynalvarus for doing all the hard work (and posting his results on Bethsoft & Steam forums) thereby making this so easy. 1 - Applied the patch to "Oblivion.exe" 2 - Applied the patch to "GameOverlayRenderer.dll" (NOT "GameOverlayRenderer64.dll" which will already have LAA tag). This step is vital for the Steam version, not required for non-Steam version. 3 - Rebooted. 4 - Started Oblivion, which started Steam 5 - Steam began to "Update Steam installation" and took a minute to do so. 6 - Oblivion started. 7 - Loaded a saved game, which was created shortly before a prior CTD. 8 - Continued playing and got to 2.1GB memory usage without crashing. The game has not yet exceeded that 2.1GB, as cell purging frequently drops it back below 1.5GB. Update: I discovered that, in order to make this patch "stick", I have to always put Steam into Offline Mode before I launch Oblivion, as "GameOverlayRenderer.dll" now gets replaced with a non-patched version the next time Steam connects and updates. I created a copy of the patched version and renamed it "GameOverlayRenderer.dll.4GB" for when I have to replace the .dll after I play any Steam games in Online Mode. I find it is quite easy to notice the performance drop in Oblivion when an unpatched version of the .dll is operating. ========================================================= ===================== FINAL WORDS: ===================== After a month spent playing Steam version modded as described above, experiencing occaisional stutter/lag (caused by script processing) and fairly regular crash-to-desktop (usually when riding a mount fast in the wilderness), I decided to conduct two further experiments. First up, I changed the install order to comply stictly with the TESIV:POSItive template (as shown at TESCCosi, Oblivion:A General Order for Installing Mods). This resulted in very frequent crashes when entering interior cells (buildings, caves, forts, etc.) and no reduction in the script processing stutters/lag. Second, I backed up my Wrye Bash settings, archived the Steam Oblivion files (ESM, BSAs, the DLCs, DLC resources & DLCList.txt, etc.) and completely uninstalled the Steam version of Oblivion. I then installed Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition and reinstalled the tools and mods as described in the above posts (using the original files from the Steam version). The results were quite astounding. I have been unable to cause the game to crash through normal play, there is no stuttering/lag at all! I have deduced that the method that Valve implemented OBSE scripting by ensuring that it is only run via their Steam Game Overlay severely compromises the performance (even if the GameOverlayRenderer.dll is 4_GB patched) and a heavily moded Steam version of Oblivion will never run as well as a Bethesda version. Who is to blame, Valve for screwing up OBSE, or Bethesda for allowing them to? My conclusion (and experience) is that the Steam GOTY is fine to play if you only intend to use a few mods for cosmetics, etc. but not for a highly modded game with a lot of OBSE scripting. The truth is that using a Bethesda Softworks disk install is far superior to the Steam version if you install a lot of mods. In the six months since I installed the 5th Anniversary version (and permanently mounted the DVD with VirtualCloneDrive) I have not experienced any stuttering nor had a single crash. BAIN Packages Active Mod Files =========================================================
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