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Posts posted by Nysba

  1. [#CSTART-6] The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave.


    I was in the chatroom, chatting, there were other people there too, and I refreshed the page.


    This happens. The link on the top of the page that says Chat doesn't have any number after it, like it was empty or smthing.


    I'm guessing this is somehow related to what happened yesterday..?

  2. I've got that Outstanding setup without the SSD with the 6970 and it's... well, outstanding.

    And it's around the 1000$ mark, depending on where you buy it.

    I recommend it


    Btw, do you already have any HDD or CD/DVD? Because there's just no reason to buy a new one for a new computer if you have a working one ready.

  3. Sorry all, my pc broke down and I've only just managed to get it fixed. I was intending to run morrowind with the latest graphical and audio mods applied and all the other fun stuff. I'm not sure my pc will take too kindly to it as oblivion causes enough bother. Its got the specs to run it with quarls textures and OOO but it does ctd a lot so I was gonna build a new one, budget about £1,500-£2,000

    I've never heard of a CTD caused by hardware.

  4. There's no one else but Lehcar and me who play/have played the Oracle games?


    Best. Game. EVAR!!!!!

    Although I haven't played any other Zelda games, but at least the best game for teh Gameboy.

    Probably played through both, linked, about... 6 times now?


    I liked OoA better because there were just too many seasons :D

    And the fact that OoA was mine and OoS was my brothers might have something to do with me liking OoA better because that's what I played first

  5. I have a similar laptop that can run Fallout: New Vegas on the highest settings with no lag, therefore I assume yours be able to run Skyrim on medium-high settings without issue.


    I don't thik FNV is as demanding as Skyrim though?! is it?

    If the laptop can run a fairly new game on the highest settings, I would be really suprised if it couldn't run a game that is released later this year.

    Maybe not on the highest possible graphic settings, but at least low-medium.

  6. But if the person went back in time and changed things so that he wouldn't go back in time, wouldn't that make him NOT go back in time and change the stuff, and therefore he would get the time machine to work? And would getting the time machine to work make him change stuff so that he couldn't get it to work again?
  7. this test is over 30 years old and is no longer valid


    1 - I have a clock that runs on 24 hour time instead of 12 hour time so the alarm would go off 13 hours later.


    2 - obviously the month still has the same number of days


    3 - depends upon the calendar system - it goes as high as 13


    4 - the electric switch


    5 - depends upon the way the body digests each of the pills - could be as long as 24 hours


    9 - you still have 3 apples - nothing happened to any of them

    Who said you had the 3 apples in the first place? No one. so you didn't have them.

    So you only have 2.


    And I don't think it matters if you use a 12 hour clock or 24 hour. You'd still get the same amount of sleep. If you set the clock to go off at 9 in the morning, it goes off at 9 in the morning.


    And that last question, about the bus driver, doesn't really work in text. You can always read the question again. But if someone asked you that face to face, it would (maybe) be harder.

  8. take the time and build one yourself according to your needs. it is much more satisfactory. trust me. learn about the tech, look at big shops and what poeple rate highly there. and then take your time. read reviews of the parts and look out what else is there, then make your decision. and stick to amd. it is a good choice. aswell as gigabyte motherboards. their working conditions appear pretty fine, so from that standpoint it can be bought. i dont know about the other companies, probably it is fine, atleast i hope, but it is always nice to know aswell i think. gigabyte is one of the few companies, who actually let you walk into the factory.

    I pretty much agree with this, except the part about sticking to AMD.

    If AMD doesn't fit your needs, then go with something else.

    And by reading reviews you'll find out what fits your needs.

  9. Granted, but they taste bad

    (and btw, I was thinking about granting Dice's wish, and I already typed it in, that exact same corruption lawl)


    I wish all the smilies in the chatroom worked. Or at least didn't break the auto scrolling.

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