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Posts posted by Nysba


    You do realize, you are allowed to post links here right? No need to break the link up with spaces etc...


    It is a link. That works.


    I will watch the video and edit this message then


    E: Yeah, doesn't really add anything new to this thread, sounds like the newest update in the "New Information". But it's a good video if anyone wants to watch.


    Info from the video that I didn't know about: The nords don't like elves :P

    You can cook meat etc.

  2. I look at these more like "Top most recommended games"

    If I'm looking for a game to buy, and can't decide between a few games, I won't decide which one to pick by looking at the rank they're at on these lists. It's about them being on the list or not :P

    And maybe not even that


    What I'm trying to say is there's no 1 best game.

    Like mods here on The Nexus :D

  3. I also noticed that it is easier to fall through portals now...or maybe that is just me.

    Yeah, it felt much smoother than Portal 1, which felt just like CS:S or HL2. Not that smooth, kinda blocky you might say.



    And the story was pretty awesome, especially compared to Portal 1 which I just felt like it was only about doing the tests, nothing more.


    Haven't played co-op yet, waiting for people to buy it, but sounds very interesting.


    Do recommend.

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