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Posts posted by Nysba

  1. The first one was probably just trying to dodge him. You know when you're walking outside alone and someone walks the opposite way you are and you're both dodging the same way.

    But the 2nd one was obviously trying to hit him :P


    My whole life I've been trying to figure out why ppl watch racing because I find it more boring than soccer :ohdear: Is it an old-people hobby? People who can't drive don't watch it? Ahh, all the wasted evenings not watching TV because my dad was...

    So I'm not a follower and I'll never read this thread again. :mellow:



  2. The 6950 is surely a great card, especially for that price. Like hector said, if you go with the 6950 go with the 2gb version.

    You could possibly flash it to a 6970 too, a much more expensive card. Not that it's really needed, the 6950 should play pretty much any game at full res. or very nearly.


    It also leaves you more room for improvement than the 5850. If you need more GPU power, just buy another 6950 and you should be set for quite some time :P Whenever that time might come, the price will have dropped. Probably a lot.

  3. Are you on a desktop right now? The way I got confident enough to build my own PC was taking apart my old one. Which broke (before, not because I took it apart) so I didn't really care anymore. Well, I had changed the GPU and PSU already so I knew a little about the wires that are supposed to be attached but that's it.

    And I also watched this. A few times (skipping the later parts)


    [insert Nike slogan here]

  4. You will not find anyone who would tell you that the extra $90 is worth it unless you REALLY need the hyperthreading on the 2600. The difference in cache size is, from what I've read, nothing to even think about. Would help if we knew what you used your computer for. Gaming only: 2500 all the way. If you do something like video editing which apparently needs/takes advantage of hyper threading then you could probably consider the 2600. But the 2500 should still be more than adequate for that job.


    The K in the end means it's unlocked and you can overclock. If it does not have the K in the end, it means you can't overclock it. Or at least not a lot, afaik you can overclock the non-K models some but it's minimal.


    I say go with the K version. Unless your're 100% sure you'll never ever want to overclock.


    I'd go with the K version myself, mainly because I want to be able to overclock (and I already have it :P ) and secondly beacuse the K is actually cheaper here LOL! I don't know why but the 2600k is 2 euros cheaper here than the 2600k, and 2500k is 9 euros cheaper than the 2500 ;D


    E: And the 100 MHz difference in the stock speeds is nothing to even think about.

  5. The only differences between those 2 powersupplies seem to be the brand (other is xigmatek, other is cooler master) and the cheaper one is non-modular. Which means all the cables are already attached. The more expensive one is modular, which means you can choose what cables you want to attach. Should make cable management a whole lot easier.


    I reaaallllly doubt the compatibility is an issue because those power supplies seem to be standard size. Even with bigger PSUs I doubt it would be an issue with that case.

  6. http://tweakers.net/reviews/1934/5/intel-core-i7-2600k-en-i5-2500k-benchmarks-desktop-benchmarks.html


    That link there shows performances in programs like Sony Vegas and then gaming benchmarks and stuff. The 2600k is clearly better.


    Even the 2500k seems to perform better than the 1100T, at least in most cases I've seen, and the price difference isn't a lot between those 2.


    I don't really know what exactly differentiates 2 CPUs from each other if they have the same amount of cores and frequency, but there's a clear difference when looking at the charts.

    Here's some more charts.

    The 1100T seems to lag behind both the 2600K AND the 2500K, but sometimes surpasses the 2500K. Never the 2600K though.


    E: Also, what the above said.

  7. I know nothing about monitors, sry


    I'd take the more expensive mobo, just because it's not that much more expensive.


    About the case, I'd say scrap both of those and think about the HAF 932. Maybe even the HAF 942, aka HAF X (I haz it, love it :P ) if you have the money. But it's expensive. The HAF X that is, the 932 isn't that expensive as far as I know.

  8. Replace the i7 2600k with the i5 2500k for a bit of money saving, which shouldn't affect you too much. Google "i7 2600k or i5 2500k" and you'll get over 9000 forum threads and reviews telling you to go with the 2500k ;D And if you feel like it, you could use the money saved on this for a CPU cooler or a nicer case. Or all of them :P or maybe use that little bit of extra cash for a HD 6950 graphics card.


    I chose my case thinking about upgradeability, the room for hardware. Of course it's nice to have a case that doesn't look like a donkey's ass but that comes in at a very close 2nd place for me.

  9. It's not about the type of cooling, it's about the temperatures. And more precisely about the voltages (afaik) but no need to get into that right now.

    The cooler does NOT affect performance in any way, unless the processor's temperature does.

    Every. Single. Processor. WILL benefit from good cooling over bad cooling, obviously. When it comes to lifetime. This one isn't an exception


    If you're asking which one of those is a better cooler, no one can tell you because you have to be much more precise on what this Liquid CPU Cooling System is.

    But usually those custom, more expensive liquid cooling systems are better than the air coolers.

  10. Well we do now that giants wont attack you if you don't provoke them, but yeah it would be nice to be a nature friend lol, then again we have conjuration so maybe not.


    I was just thinkin why are wolf attacking the mamoths? Even today african lion doesn't stand a chance against a full grown elephant not even with a whole pack of females. And wolves are much much smaller,it doesnt make any sense. oh well.

    Nowhere does it say that wolves attack mammoths

  11. Compatibility is no problem when it comes to something like a Graphics card, as long the motherboard has a PCI-E slot in it. Which is like, every mobo out there.

    And of course there could also be the case-size problem, but not with that HAF 932

  12. I don't really know anything about HDDs or DVD drives, but what I do know is that PSU (power supply) is overkill, at least for now. Unless you go SLI, and since you have 1500 more on the budget, I say go for it. It would be overkill probably, for most games, but at least you won't lag :P

    and with SLI the 1000Watt PSU wouldn't be overkill, at least as much as what it would be with only 1 GPU.

    But if you're not going SLI and just want to have the 1 GTX 570, a 600-700 Watt power supply should be enough. But with the 1000 you'll have lots of upgrade room ;)


    About the CPU cooler, check out the NH-D14, one of the best, if not THE best, air coolers out there. Should fit in your case, but make sure to find out for yourself.


    EDIT: Now that I look at your list there again, you CANNOT put an LGA 1155 CPU, the i7 2600k, into a motherboard with the LGA 1366 socket, the X58A. So change the motherboard. The LGA 1155 motherboards are also generally cheaper than the 1366 ones (the one you have in your list) so that's a plus too.

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