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Everything posted by Nysba

  1. Todd said in some interview, might have been the conversation with Notch, that they would like to do it but they're not going to have time to figure out all the problems etc. for Skyrim
  2. Hmm, moar finns popping up :P
  3. The first post of this thread... "New Engine: "Creation Engine"" It's actually the 5th line in the whole thread.
  4. Hey! I'm active too...

    Although only in the chat :P

  5. Video and video editing software? The first things that come to mind are Fraps and Sony Vegas, but neither of them are free. (except a trial version for Fraps, dunno about Vegas)
  6. A passenger died though (Assuming he was the one driving the car, I read that they don't know whether or not he was actually the driver) E: Oh, it's in that tmz.com link
  7. I really doubt the size would matter unless you put a HUUUUGGGEEEE picture there, unless you put that spoiler inside another spoiler and a warning :P I mean that's pretty much what spoilers are for, right? (and the obvious, like the name suggests, "don't click here unless you want your game/movie etc. to be spoiled")
  8. Also, maybe this would fit better in the forum games section? And is there any way to rezise these? They're kinda big Also, @OP, if you put a http:// in the front of that link, it turns into a real link so ppl don't have to copypaste ;) E: Ok, decided to put in spoilers so it won't take up the whole screen (even if it doesn't ;D ) A tip to anyone looking for the funny combinations, if something looks weird, swapping the pokemons will still have it looking weird :P so do it
  9. lol, didn't realize I could vote for many, for whatever reason, so I'll change my votes. WoW and DotA (haha ub3r) (don't play either of them anymore, but have played) TF, HL and Counter strike. Although I've only played TF2 and CS 1.6 ans Source. All of the half lifes though.
  10. then we are addicted. If cats are evil...
  11. He asked about GPU. The only GPU I know of that can be unlocked/flashed to a better one is the 6950 (to the 6970). Google should give you loads of tutorials and guides for that. Because I assume not a lot of ppl here have done it themselves. N3C14R pretty much explained it, but not how to do it.
  12. Nysba

    Formula 1

    The first one was probably just trying to dodge him. You know when you're walking outside alone and someone walks the opposite way you are and you're both dodging the same way. But the 2nd one was obviously trying to hit him :P My whole life I've been trying to figure out why ppl watch racing because I find it more boring than soccer :ohdear: Is it an old-people hobby? People who can't drive don't watch it? Ahh, all the wasted evenings not watching TV because my dad was... So I'm not a follower and I'll never read this thread again. :mellow: Bai.
  13. I'm only having trouble with the chat, nothing else. Haven't tried downloading anything. This might be the reason why there's only like 5 ppl in the chat at one time the whole day lol
  14. Is it just me lagging or is your picture changing all the time? lol
  15. The 6950 is surely a great card, especially for that price. Like hector said, if you go with the 6950 go with the 2gb version. You could possibly flash it to a 6970 too, a much more expensive card. Not that it's really needed, the 6950 should play pretty much any game at full res. or very nearly. It also leaves you more room for improvement than the 5850. If you need more GPU power, just buy another 6950 and you should be set for quite some time :P Whenever that time might come, the price will have dropped. Probably a lot.
  16. Intel for better, AMD for cheaper. AMD for you, it's pretty much known (as far as i know) for budget builds but still good quality.
  17. Still, I really doubt you'd break anything if you built it yourself. That video covers pretty much everything if I recall correctly. And the pressure of not screwing up is much less when you're not doing it with parts that cost like $500.
  18. Are you on a desktop right now? The way I got confident enough to build my own PC was taking apart my old one. Which broke (before, not because I took it apart) so I didn't really care anymore. Well, I had changed the GPU and PSU already so I knew a little about the wires that are supposed to be attached but that's it. And I also watched this. A few times (skipping the later parts) [insert Nike slogan here]
  19. If the vampires are actually going to be like that, and you can become one, it'd be epic
  20. You will not find anyone who would tell you that the extra $90 is worth it unless you REALLY need the hyperthreading on the 2600. The difference in cache size is, from what I've read, nothing to even think about. Would help if we knew what you used your computer for. Gaming only: 2500 all the way. If you do something like video editing which apparently needs/takes advantage of hyper threading then you could probably consider the 2600. But the 2500 should still be more than adequate for that job. The K in the end means it's unlocked and you can overclock. If it does not have the K in the end, it means you can't overclock it. Or at least not a lot, afaik you can overclock the non-K models some but it's minimal. I say go with the K version. Unless your're 100% sure you'll never ever want to overclock. I'd go with the K version myself, mainly because I want to be able to overclock (and I already have it :P ) and secondly beacuse the K is actually cheaper here LOL! I don't know why but the 2600k is 2 euros cheaper here than the 2600k, and 2500k is 9 euros cheaper than the 2500 ;D E: And the 100 MHz difference in the stock speeds is nothing to even think about.
  21. omg... I'm definitely getting this game if it has buttons of Awesome
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