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Everything posted by Nysba

  1. I had the image of G15 having that too, only being a bit cheaper. Don't know if it's cheaper or not but just a guess E: Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind paying that money for it. Not in my situation atm, with my money, but if I had money to buy something computer-related, then I might actually buy it. I'd still rather get the G15 which would probably be cheaper From a thread on overclock.net: "G15 has an LCD + Orange Leds and its smaller + cost cheaper does what its supposed to just like the G19. G19 has a color LCD with multi color back-lighting with more macro keys and is a little bigger + cost more."
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUY0tP5jYIo A 2 hour tutorial on building it yourself Helped me, has helped others I've linked this to before Watch it ;)
  3. I would TOTALLY..not buy that. The G19 is like 130-150€ here, 150€ is about 214 USD, 200 AUS. Even if that was half the normal price I wouldn't buy it since there's lots of other things to buy with that sort of money. I have yet to come across a keyboard with such features that I would pay more than 100€ for. But of course I don't know too much about the G19 but I doubt it would be too different. Mice, on the other hand... or shall I say RATs? :D I say nay
  4. imo it is for 3d multi monitor gaming. You will need at least 2GB vram for virtually any sort of multi monitor gaming. Add 3d into the mix and you will basically be pushing the card pretty far. lol, didn't think of that Ok, maybe in that kind of an extreme case someone could actually think about buying it without being crazy, or if they are extreme enthusiasts and want big, big benchmark scores But I'll always assume people don't have that setup unless they say so
  5. The 6990 (and 590) is in a completely different category when it comes to overkill than the GTX 580. There's no reason to get it and it shouldn't be even considered by anyone who doesn't actually need it for their job or smthing.
  6. GTX 580 is overkill, but if you've got a lot extra money you can solely dedicate on buying a new graphics card, sure, go ahead and buy it. For good performance but still fairly cheap, check out the HD 6950. For a little extra cash over the 6950, the 6970/GTX 570. But I think the 560 Ti is decent too. The 6950 is in the 250 dollar range AFAIK, so if you get even more extra money you could buy another one for crossfire, which should have you set for any games for a while.
  7. Do you already have the hard drive(s) you need and CD/DVD/whatever you need? From like your old computer or smthing?
  8. http://www.diablowiki.net/Diablo_3_Beta "The 3rd quarter reference in the earning's call today was a calendar quarter, meaning that we're aiming to launch the Diablo III beta between July 1st and September 30th. Keep in mind that it's our current goal, and of course that can change as development continues." So yes, the beta isn't actually out yet btw this was posted on the Blizzard forums on May 9th so plans might have changed
  9. Ever gonna join the chat again? lol
  10. In the starting post: "I have been toying with the idea of over clocking my CPU, a AMD Phenom X4 2.6Ghz." And I think this was already decided, that he can't OC without paying money he doesn't have, or am I mistaken?
  11. Everything will improve in the time this takes to reach PCs... And so will consoles. Nevermind anything I said :D
  12. PC exclusive games that are HUUGE and would be troubling to stuff onto a CD/DVD or hard drive for the consoles, anyone?
  13. Nysba


    Looks like a perfect game for me, getting kinda bored of minecraft right about now (read: over 9000 hours ago) And the amount videos already on Youtube about this makes me want to boycott it :D Not that I'm going to
  14. Every single time before my graphics card stops responding my youtube videos turn green. Every. Time. Then after a while BSOD. So yes, restarting works.
  15. The idea of your characters appearance changing throughout the game sounds good. As an idea. Scarring like that and getting huge would totally ruin it. It has to be done by small changes. Maybe growing hair and beard and stuff like that. Bruises that go away in time. Not something that completely changes the way your character looks permanently.
  16. Welcome back :D
  17. First things first, are you using the stock cooler? The one that came with the CPU. If you haven't changed it to something better, I really doubt you can get any good clocks without going overboard with the temperatures. I don't know about AMD CPU's, so look around google and try to find the max temperatures your CPU can handle. Then check what temperatures you're getting now, with a stress-test program such as Prime95 or something similar. And again, ask google what a good cooler would be, the NH-D14 comes to mind first, a massive top-of-the-line cooler. CPU really depends very little on the case cooling afaik. Although if there's no airflow whatsoever, it'll hurt the temperatures. But yeah, that case looks fine. And if you do decide to overclock, make sure to read guides and don't just go straight ahead and increase the clocks and voltage way too far
  18. I read about this issue somewhere and it doesn't seem to be too rare. Make sure you've installed the latest drivers
  19. I think he meant i3-Sandy Bridge cpu (3.1 GHZ), 4GB DRR3 1600 RAM, a 500GB hard drive, and a Radeon 6750 graphics card for the 686$ in total As far as I know, Intel's coming out with some new chipset this year/next year, so I kinda doubt that there will be too many GOOD CPU's to upgrade to on the LGA 1155, 3 years from now. Which the 2500K is. It's still a good CPU, no doubt. You should also consider the HD 6950 And tbh, it's pretty much impossible to predict what will be good/decent in 3 years, unless you compare to what speed the technology has improven in the last 10 years.
  20. Just started reading The Shining. After watching the movie. Does anyone have any idea how much of a difference should I be expecting?
  21. Pretty sure every modern PSU has a 24-pin, either by having a removable 4 pins so it's either 20 or 24, or just having a normal 24. I wouldn't worry about that. Don't know anything about ATX/ATX 12V
  22. The doctor called today. He wanted me to inform you that I have a cough. He might've mentioned something about me winning something, too.
  23. You do realize, you are allowed to post links here right? No need to break the link up with spaces etc... It is a link. That works. I will watch the video and edit this message then E: Yeah, doesn't really add anything new to this thread, sounds like the newest update in the "New Information". But it's a good video if anyone wants to watch. Info from the video that I didn't know about: The nords don't like elves :P You can cook meat etc.
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