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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Well thanks, but DrakeTheDragon is the real brains behind 'this operation' ... I'm just a copy & paste kinda' guy. It's good to know that you have it sorted out.
  2. What is Vilja's disposition towards your character? If it's low make sure your character isn't wearing anything that would lower personality and maybe stop by a wayshrine to be sure you aren't suffering from any disease or the like that may lower your personality.
  3. Do you mean in the whole mod there is only one NPC? If the mod only uses one esp file (in other words if there is only one ElsweyrAnequina.esp and not an ElsweyreAnequinaThis.esp and an ElsweyrAnequinaThat.esp) then all of the items that the mod adds will have the same first two digits (any vanilla Oblivion items that it uses will have 00). I'm sure the mod must have towns. Unless those towns are completely empty find an NPC that does not exist anywhere except in that mod (in other words is not a vanilla Oblivion NPC found in any of the towns in vanilla Oblivion). Open the console and click on that NPC. The first two digits are all you need. Do the prid console command starting with those two digits and then the last six digits of your missing NPCs referenceID (very important it's the refID and not the baseID). The method I've shown you doesn't care how you lost the NPC or where they are. By doing the prid and then moveto player first if they are alive they'll be moved to you. If they are dead then the enable, resurrect 1 and moveto player will bring them back to life and move them to you. The only thing outside of an incorrect refID that might screw things up (and I emphasize might because I don't think it would but the possibility is there) would be that the commands may not work if you are in Elsweyr and they are in Cyrodiil or vice versa. Easiest way to find out that is try the commands once while your character is in Elsweyr and if it doesn't work once while in Cyrodiil. If those number you have in your post are decimal numbers the hexadecimal equivalents are 21 for decimal 33 and 22 for decimal 34. Hexadecimal 20 is decimal 32, hexadecimal 1f is decimal 31. Here's a link to a hexadecimal calculator Google found for me ... DECIMAL to BINARY and HEXADECIMAL Converter.
  4. The only other thing that comes to mind is something like missing normal file. I don't know much about it but I do know that the normal needs to be the same base name and then an underscore and letter n. The game is also very picky about having other underscores in the name. If the helmet texture file is named MyHelmet.dds then make sure the normal is called MyHelmet_n.dds. If the helmet texture is named something like MyHelmet_r.dds (perhaps because it's red) then the normal would be called MyHelmet_r_n.dds which would not work.
  5. Add to your list the ability to quickly drop all those extras when you plan on fighting a bad guy you run across (like the scene in Saving Private Ryan where they prepare to assault the machine gun nest at the destroyed radar station) but if you get jumped and don't have a chance to unload all your excess baggage you have a substantial penalty to your agility and endurance. Don't worry ... I've been known to go for a ramble or two on occasion.
  6. I have a text file I call 'Drakes tips' where I keep track of posts DrakeThe Dragon has posted on various questions dealing with things I haven't learned yet ... turn the posts into a Question/Answer format. This is a lengthy one so I'll put it in spoilers (and I do hope you don't mind me reposting Drake): If that doesn't help perhaps Drake will suggest other possibilities.
  7. I use kuertee's Magicka-based enchantment limits to allow multiple enchantments on equipment, and then try to balance between 'I want it all' and 'I am a purist'. It's easy to get carried away, but does alleviate the need to chose between an enchantment that will improve encumbrance (strength or feather) and one that will enhance other gameplay aspects (fortify magika or elemental shield for example). Unbalances the vanilla balances in a manner I find acceptable.
  8. The safest and most foolproof way of updating Companion Vilja is to take anything you want to save from her inventory, leave her waiting in an interior cell somewhere (as long as you are in a different cell it's good) and then make a save. Exit the game, deactivate 1em_Vilja.esp, start the game and load your save. The game will warn you about missing content ... just continue, it's alright. Make another save (using the save menu from the Esc menu and don't overwrite ... make a new save). This is the 'clean save'. Update both 1em_Vilja.esp and 1em_Vilja.bsa with version 4.01 and version 4 for the BSA. Activate 1em_Vilja.esp and load your clean save. Go to where you left Vilja and check out her options (found off her 'How are your skills progressing' menu option). On a side note quicksave and autosave are known problem causers (quicksave in particular can lead to save file corruption). My advice is never use quicksave and only load from an autosave if you'd lose more progress than you care to if you load your most recent regular save. Only save using the Esc menu save or named saves using the console command 'save <SaveName>'. If need be you can get Vilja back to about where you were in her old questline by visiting Heneri at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn and cast Vilja's start combat spell on Heneri. And as Emma says in the Vilja manual ... if you haven't got far enough into Vilja's quests to meet Heneri there's no reason to need this (because you've only progressed a small way into the story).
  9. Which would get around the note in the Permissions and credits about needing to get permission from the authors of the assets the mod uses (beyond permission from Protomouse). How are you Hickory ... haven't seen you around Oblivion Nexus in a coons age!!!
  10. Best bet is always to get the vanilla game at the highest settings that are stable and playable first and then start adding mods. That way you'll know what is the best the game can do and judge which mods are slowing things down or crashing the game (well providing you don't add a whole bunch of mods at once that is).
  11. Not without their refID. When you say '010' is common with NPC mods you possess I'm going to assume you're getting that number from the Construction Set (where you'll see that vanilla NPCs are 00 and any mod added are 01 when you only have Oblivion.esm and the NPC mod esp loaded). The actual in-game first two digits are determined by the load order when that NPC mod is started in the game (so that same NPC that was for instance 01073815 when you looked at her in the CS would now be 04073815 in the game if the mod was 5th on the mod list (fourth down from Oblivion.esm). I hate base 16 math (heck I could have even screwed up that example) so what I do is find something else that the same mod adds to the game that hasn't gone missing and click on it in the console. The referenceID of that item will appear at the top of the screen. Write down the first two numbers ... those are the digits that you will replace in your missing NPC. If Joe the Baker is added to the game by the same mod, and Joe the Baker has the refID 4e0231b1 then to get your missing NPC back you will enter the following console commands: prid 4e073815 (the NPC's name and the referenceID 4e073815 will now be displayed at the top of your screen) moveto player Close the console If the NPC doesn't appear then open the console again (and you will notice that the NPC's refID is still displayed at the top of the screen) and enter the following commands: enable resurrect 1 moveto player Close the console. Note that it's a number one after resurrect ... that's so the NPC doesn't lose all their stuff. Once you get the proper first two digits and the rest of the referenceID this can't fail ... I use it all the time. - Edit - Another method is the 'load an old save and go find the NPC' method. In the old save click your missing NPC to get the refID displayed on the top of the screen. Write it down and exit. Load your recent save and use the refID from the old save ... it won't change unless you add or delete mods in between checking the old save and loading your recent one.
  12. If you want your item to replace a vanilla item in the game you'll need two things. First you need the exact path used inside the vanilla BSA file that includes the vanilla object you want to replace. I use the BSA Browser utility in Oblivion Mod Manager myself (Utilities button and then BSA Browser). For your daedric helmet you'd open 'Oblivion - meshes.bsa', sort by folder and scroll down to 'meshes\armor\daedric'. You'll see that there are two valid file paths ... 'meshes\armor\daedric\f\helmet.nif' and 'meshes\armor\daedric\m\helmet.nif' (one for male helmets and one for female ... some items may only have a single universal gendered nif). To replace the vanilla daedric helmet your file must be named helmet.nif and it's location in the game folders must be 'Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\daedric\m\helmet.nif' and/or 'Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\daedric\f\helmet.nif' (depending on if you're replacing both male and female helmets or just one gender). Now if you don't want to replace the vanilla daedric helmet you'll need to make your own unique file path ... e.g. Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\MyDaedricStuff\f\helmet.nif and then make sure you create a new item in the Construction Set and point to the new file (and you'll be creating an esp to put the new item in the game). For a replacer to work the second part of the puzzle is archive invalidation (a method of telling the game to use newer assets if they are named the same and located in the same relative game path). Easiest way to do that is again using OBMM and from the Utilities button select Archive Invalidation. Select the BSA Redirection option and leave all other items at their default. Note that OBMM doesn't have a save button ... it saves the changes only when you close the program.
  13. So why did Bethesda include weight and encumbrance in the game? Gameplay balance. Regardless of what units they may have said they were using, in fact what they are is units of gameplay hindrance. If you turn off encumbrance altogether for instance, the game plays out differently. You only need to sell stuff when you need more gold for example, and can carry every last enchanted item you ever come across ... forever. Having encumbrance forces you to make decisions ... on what to take when you're looting and what to leave, or perhaps you're like me and the decision is how often to seek out a buyer for my loot. The meat of the game isn't running around killing things ... it's deciding how to work around the limitations (challenges) the game designers have provided.
  14. I thought the Wrye Bash tweaks were supposed to make showing amulets and rings possible even with armor/clothing that was set to hide rings. I'm not sure that it is supposed to make wearing two lefts or two rights possible for NPCs. I just used the CS to make an opposite handed copy of any I found useful (and made them zero weight while I was at it so I could easily 'give' one to any NPC, companion or not).
  15. It may be a wrong first two digits for her referenceID. If you can find another NPC that is added to the game by the same mod you can get the correct first two digits to use. If you've done that or they are the same as the ones you've been trying I'm not sure what the problem may be. I use that method on mod added NPCs all the time (often I'll get tired of resurrecting them and just make them essential ... wouldn't work out if the mod required you to kill them later of course). If you resort to the restart the game method make sure you get her refID the first time you meet her in the game. Just open the console while she's standing in front of you and click on her with the mouse. Her referenceID will appear along with her name at the top of the screen. Write it down somewhere you'll remember (and because you've done that nothing out of the ordinary will happen to her).
  16. Oblivion is an older game and can't take advantage of modern hardware the way a newer game can. Skyrim maxed does not equal Oblivion maxed. What Oblivion wants is as fast as possible single core processor and no tasks running in the background (antivirus, IM etc.). When the game came out it was the benchmark, capable of crushing the stoutest machines of the day. Modern machines haven't pushed the limits on the things that Oblivion craves ... raw speed in the form of CPU and GPU cycles. Modern machines got 'faster' by doing more in parallel on multiple cored CPUs (there has been progress on the GPU front in terms of raw speed, but a lot of the newest GPU technologies are wasted on Oblivion). Try to strike a balance between maxed and stable that you can live with and enjoy the game.
  17. That's the symptom I'm talking about. Could be I only started noticing it after my old guy got well leveled up. I mostly see it after an arrow kill now that you mention that, and he is rather good with a bow (but seldom uses anything other than possibly poisoned vanilla arrows ... even the enchanted arrows are vanilla Oblivion plus Thieves Den). My new guy isn't much good with the bow yet ... and I can't say I've noticed the flying on death with him (I really haven't paid much attention to looking out for it in a long time ... just one of those things I've accepted and moved on). On a side note (a 'Is your's bigger than mine' kinda' thing) my furthest launch on death was from the top of the hill at the switchback corner SE of Sercen. The marauder landed at the Sercen entrance after flying over everything in between. At first I thought it might be a 'flying back to editor location' thing, but after checking in the CS I saw that wasn't it. OK ... let the record attempts begin! - Edit - Nephenee's post jogs the memory once again ... I have seen it after console kills (meaning that strength or ability to use weapons isn't to blame).
  18. The quest doesn't have a prize per se, but the initial quest with Companion Vilja is a gathering quest for ingredients (and you won't find many more gifted scripters than CDCooley and Emma). At the very least you'll have a great companion.
  19. The way that armor and clothes work in the game is they 'become' the body part they cover. For example if you put a vanilla chainmail cuirass (which shows a fair amount of skin on females) on your custom race Khajiit what you'll see is the custom race textures on the head (providing your aren't wearing a helmet) but vanilla Khajiit textures on the shoulders and arms. Take off the chainmail cuirass and your naked custom race Khajiit will be back to all custom textures. What 'stock replacer' mods do is fix the exposed skin issue by replacing the textures that the mesh is pointing to with ones compatible with the specific race/body they are intended for. Bottom line is if you want everything to look right together you need to get all the compatible pieces together (if they are even available for your Snow Leopards).
  20. Bumping here will get you strikes or banned (depending on the circumstances). You'll probably have more luck getting an answer to this type of question by posting it in the Mod Detectives thread pinned at the top of this Mod Talk section.
  21. Actually it is something that got introduced with the latest versions of Growlf's skeleton and persists with all skeletons based off that (Universal Skeleton Nif and BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton are the two I'm familiar with). The fact that this is not widely reported tells me that it's something not specific to most people's setup. Either that or Growlf's skeleton and derivatives are not widely used (is Coronerra's skeleton still the most widely used??). The hanging weapon seems to be only affecting one handed weapons. I first noticed it when using arrows poisoned with a paralyze effect or spells also with a paralyze effect, but occasionally a knockdown kill will also give the effect. Even less frequently reported is the 'flying backwards through the air on death' effect. I started seeing that myself at about the same time as the hanging weapons. Do you get that one as well diosoth and Xenavire?
  22. Follow the link to the UESP Wiki page ... almost everything I know about console commands came from that page and experimentation.
  23. Yes 01073815 is the same as 1073815 ... leading zeros are not significant but all zeros to the right of an alphanumeric digit are significant.
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