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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Fifth paragraph of the mod description ... "Since it's an NVSE plugin, nvac.dll goes in your Data\NVSE\Plugins folder." Since the game you are applying it to is Oblivion I'd suggest Data\Oblivion\OBSE\Plugins folder. Edit ... Also see the sticky post.
  2. I primarily use it for giving BBB meshes alternative weightings. I use the number of vertexes to change some of the more subtle effects of using mesh B's weightings on mesh A. The default is 3 ... I mostly use values of 6 or higher.
  3. My understanding of TRI files (from what I've read ... no first hand experience) is that the vertex count needs to remain exactly as it was in the original ... if you are editing an existing TRI.
  4. Have a look at Mesh Rigger ... a Skyrim utility but it works with Oblivion too (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87672).
  5. Vanilla archers always have one iron arrow in their inventory along with their leveled list arrows.
  6. The trick with flags is to only use those that are absolutely needed (and the same goes for conditions).
  7. In my experience none of the vanilla merchants open right on the hour ... some can be nearly an hour late.
  8. Yes ... if your package is supposed to start at 6pm you see what package is running before it rolls past 6 and the check again right after the hour ticks over (or wait a minute or two in game time). If it changes to your package ID then you know something other than an AI package could be interfering (example a script). If it doesn't switch to your package ID you need to find what is stopping your package from triggering. For example I use conditions a lot and sometimes I have a brain cramp with them where it's my condition stopping the package from starting when that isn't what I intended under the current in game conditions. You can also examine the vanilla package they're executing before yours to see what conditions or flags it has set (example must complete). The game parses thru the listed packages from top to bottom each cycle, and if two packages have the same time then the upper one will always execute unless it fails any conditions that are set (then the lower one with the same time gets a chance). The system that Bethesda provided is powerful when well understood and implemented ... but it's also easy to shoot your own foot (get me to take off my shoes for you some time).
  9. Something I use extensively while testing and troubleshooting AI packages is the console command getcurrentpackage. Open the console while the NPC is onscreen and click on them so that their refID is displayed. Type in the command and hit Enter and the ID of the package will be displayed. I generally get the package from before the time of the package I want them to execute and then once the time of my package has passed I issue the console command again. You can get the ID numbers of the vanilla packages and yours by double clicking the collapsed column just right of the first column in their AI packages list.
  10. Blue's Engine Fixes is different than EngineBugFixes by Tiawar.
  11. Have a look at Blue's Engine Fixes.
  12. Try beginning the texture and normal map names with a letter rather than a number and see if it makes a difference.
  13. It'It's not super recent but Bevilex' Mod list for Oblivion - Graphics might make a good starting place ( https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47591 ).
  14. Just a guess as I don't play FO3 ... your cell has no pathgrid.
  15. Something that may or may not be related .... some users of any skeleton.nif replacer that is based on later versions of Growlf's skeleton.nif (as found in Universal Skeleton NIF https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37596 and used as the base for killermonkey99's BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40739 for example) get the flying through the air on death part of the bug shown in the video. The part where they then bounce back apparently unharmed is different however.
  16. +1 for JimboUK's idea ... neat and tidy by default with the option for actually utility when you want it!
  17. For reporting a mod the Report Abuse button is right where it has always been ... below the About This Mod section and above the Requirements and Permissions and Credits drop downs. To report a mod comment the Report button is also right where it has always been ... top right corner of the comment you want to report. To report a Forum post you use the three dots ( ... ) at the top right to open the selection for either Report or Share that post (which is a change with the new Forum format).
  18. Do you use EngineBugFixes (it has a fix for the stuck animation vanilla game bug). https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47085
  19. You need to replace the 01 part with the mod index hexadecimal number from your load order. You can get it from the Mods tab in Wrye Bash.
  20. Then I would suggest the setstage and TCL solution suggested on that UESP Wiki page. One caveat before doing the setstage MS02 90 command ... I would suggest getstage MS02 first to see what stage is reported (you can find the listing of quest stages at the bottom of that Wiki page).
  21. Sounds to me like the vanilla game bug. See the Bugs section on this UESP Wiki page for the workarounds https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Where_Spirits_Have_Lease
  22. MOO has compatibility for the big popular other overhauls built in via INIs that can be adjusted to customise what you will get in-game. MOO needs to load after the bashed patch because MOO uses empty level list that it then populates after game start using those selections from the INIs. Wrye Bash deletes empty level lists as part of building the bashed patch, breaking MOO.
  23. There are two versions available ... the original by kuertee and the Refined version by Quabla. The Refined version has even more factors affecting the chances for yielding.
  24. The old story of watched pots and boiling water. A rubber chicken will never be ready to eat if you don't look away from the pot.
  25. Worked a treat for me too. I'd already kudoed you in the past so the best I can offer is 1000 internets (whatever the heck they are ... maybe they're tasty). Nice sleuthing!!
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