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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Good workaround. In the future if you find yourself in a similar situation you don't need a money cheat mod ... just open the console and use 'player.additem f <how much gold you need>' without the quote marks (so player.additem f 1000 would make you one thousand gold richer).
  2. My favourite for what LFact has brought up (a very valid point for what you are wanting to achieve) is BBB Designer Body Spell. Includes a number of options for males, including three versions of Roberts. Could make your project as simple as creating a vanilla male CM Companion, hitting him with the Body Spell and then finding appropriate armor and clothes for him.
  3. Have a look through this thread. Stemin and GnatGoSplat will have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't.
  4. I'm by no means a load order expert (probably neophyte would describe me better). I see a number of mods that affect magic (SupremeMagicka, MidasSpells and ConduitMagic). I have absolutely no experience with any of those but if I was troubleshooting I'd start by deactivating one or more of those and see if it makes a difference. If you can ID the one that's causing the problem you could try moving it in the load order relative to the other two and then try all three active. Sorry, when I'm out of my element I tend to throw darts and hope there's a dartboard in the vicinity. I noticed a couple of mods that are probably related to your SupremeMagicka (the two SM_ mods). Probably best to deactivate them at the same time as SupremeMagicka. - Edit - Try HeyYou's suggestion first ... far more experience there.
  5. Here's a link to How to post a load order. I always play a Dark Elf as well ... pretty sure you should have a lesser power Call Ancestral Guardian, a weak fire spell and a weak healing spell.
  6. You probably have already seen the tutorials on the CS Wiki (if not I can probably dig them up ... don't have links saved at the moment ... I know shocking isn't it). My own experience with pathgrids leads me to believe that all isn't as simple as 'they'll use the blue ones if they are there'. I have a bunch of girls I've added at White Stallion Lodge for instance. When the weather is nice they'll go outside for a swim. When they come back they sometimes have the most terrible time getting onto the porch so they can sit and get dry or go inside. I looked at the pathgrids and eliminated a node or two and made the proper path to follow to get onto the porch all blue nodes. I still find them walking in place at the spot in front of the porch that is too high for them to step on, trying to make to to the red node on the porch instead of going two steps to their left to the next blue node. Kinda' like some of Vilja's 'shortcuts' ... why walk straight to the Merchants Inn if you can take the circuitous route. Game engine shortcoming or 'feature' ... you decide.
  7. I thought I've read something like that somewhere ... perhaps it was one of kuertee's other mods. I use a couple of kuertee's mods (Magicka-based enchantment limits and NPCs yield). I find his mods well documented and appreciate how they don't try to change the whole world ... just pick something that could use a little tweaking and do just that. Haven't picked up the inventory mod, but it does look interesting. Even though I always have one or two of Emma's pack donkeys with me I still tend to load down my guy with everything but the kitchen sink.
  8. I'm no moderator but I don't see anything in your post that is outside of the rules myself. You point out some of the problems you've come across. That said you should also realize that Mortal Crag may not be at the root of all your problems. Mods can interact in unexpected ways. Some of that is within the mod author's control (if they are experienced enough to find and correct dirty edits for example). Some of it is pretty hard for them to find ... not all mod authors have all the popular mods installed, not to mention the huge number of more unknown mods. Hard to know everything that can go wrong with all the possible mod conflicts out there. For mods that are more than a simple armor or clothing addition to the game with no great quest attached I tend to follow along with the mod comments for quite a while before I install. Gives me a feel for the type of problems other's are having, and more importantly gives me a feel for the experience level of the mod author, while they are or aren't trying to find the root cause of the problems and suggest or release fixes. A good many mods I just follow after making my judgement so I have a bit of a head start when someone posts a problem on here.
  9. I've been following the Mortal Crag mod ... too many issues for this guy (for one it wasn't properly de-isolated).
  10. Have you sold a bunch of stuff to Rowley? Again from the UESP Wiki: If that's not the case you may need to go somewhere other than Wawnet Inn or Deepscorn and make a save. Exit the game and completely uninstall Deepscorn (deactivating may be enough ... not certain on that). Make another save without overwriting your first save ... this is your 'clean save' (as a side note you shouldn't use quicksave, even if you weren't making a clean save ... it's a known corrupter of save files). Exit again and re-install Deepscorn (or just reactivate if that's the route you chose). Load your clean save and go back to Deepscorn. Make sure you get the first journal update before you go inside. - Edit - I didn't see any mention of needing to belong to the Dark Brotherhood to play the mod.
  11. A bashed patch is something that you do using the utility Wyre Bash. What it does is take conflicts between mods and resolve them so the one you want to take effect does. As an example, if mod A turned all chainmail cuirass blue and all glass cuirass purple and mod B turned all daedric cuirass green but also turned all chainmail cuirass red and glass cuirass black if your load order was mod A and then mod B you'd wind up with red chainmail, black glass and green daedric. If your load order was mod B and then mod A you'd have blue chainmail, purple glass and green daedric. It can only be one way or the other using load order alone because the mod that loads last wins when two or more mods change the same thing. What if you wanted blue chainmail, black glass and green daedric? As you can't get that with load order alone you'll need to use a bashed patch. It allows you to pick which mod wins on which items and puts all the 'winning' changes in an esp that you then place at or near the end of your load order. In many cases for examples more complicated that the example I've shown it's the only way to get conflicting mods to work together. Once you start using a bashed patch there are certain details you need to keep in mind though. One is that if you add or delete mods you need to rebuild your bashed patch. If you don't there may be edits in the bashed patch that get overwritten by the new mod you installed (that will likely be lower on your load order than the bashed patch). You could also have edits in the bashed patch for mods that aren't installed anymore (not likely to lead to the desired results, obviously). The other part of the bashed patch story is using Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) to sort your load order. It works in conjunction with Wyre Bash (Wrye will see it's installed and use it). A little suggestion for your getting stuff out of Frostcrag problem. I use Emma's excellent Pack Donkeys. If you buy one of them and bring him to Frostcrag you can easily turn off the pack donkey's encumbrance using his menu and load all your stuff into his packs (they'll follow you inside, making it real simple). Take your pack donkey along when you go to a cell well away from Frostcrag when you do your update and then bring him along when you want to stock up the shelves in your new Frostcrag. Beware though, you may find you don't want to be without a pack donkey or two in your company after that ... I know I wouldn't think of playing without one (first thing I buy when I start a new character).
  12. If the map marker for Deepscorn shows on your map when you're not close to it (example when you are in Leyawiin) then you've discovered the spot (it will also be a darker colour in the vanilla game map interface). If that's the case (meaning that you have in fact discovered Deepscorn) then you may need to try the console command suggested to advance the quest. Before you do that though use the following console command: getstage DLCDeepscorn and see if it returns 10. Looking at the quest stage messages for Deepscorn you should see "I've arrived at Deepscorn Hollow. I should make my way inside this hidden lair." in your quest log if you've discovered it. Next you need to go inside and find a journal. After you have read the journal (open it like any other book and then close it is sufficient) you should get a further update saying "After reading the journal, I've learned that I can acquire everything I need to restore this place to its original state from Rowley Eardwulf at the Wawnet Inn just outside the Imperial City." Only after that quest update will Rowley offer the upgrades.
  13. Ok, no problem. We were all new to this once. The basics behind the problem in a nutshell is that mods you make with the Construction Set are just changes applied to some base starting point. If you were just creating a new character using vanilla races for example that base starting point would be Oblivion.esm version 1.2.0416 (which is why it's important for everyone to update to the latest version of Oblivion ... so all mods created have the same starting point). Those base starting points always have to be a master file (and are given the file extension .esm). The problem you are running into is that the custom race you are trying to use as a base for your CM Partner is in an esp file, and the custom CM Partner esp file you are trying to make is using that esp as a master, which won't work without using one of the workarounds. Here's a link to a CS Wiki article explaining in more detail: De-Isolation Tutorial. On top of the mentioned workarounds the simplest for a new modder to implement is probably to use Construction Set Extender, but that will require Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), something that you may have already installed as it's a requirement for so many mods these days. After you get it installed you will be able to create your custom partner using the method which has failed you using the regular Oblivion Construction Set.
  14. From the UESP Wiki page for Deepscorn Hollow (quest). Make sure when you go near Deepscorn Hollow you trigger the "You've found" message. Follow your map marker until you find the exact spot.
  15. Have you followed the tutorial that was included with CM Partners Basic? The file is CM Partners Creating Custom Partners.doc ... you'll want to pay attention to the section Using Custom Faces/Races near the bottom.
  16. When it's for personal use I generally edit the mod's original esp (I keep backups of course, plus I have the original download). The downside to this is if you make changes to a mod that afterwards has an update released. Most of my changes aren't very extensive, so I've learned to document what I've done in a text file. That makes it easier to redo my changes to the updated version. The only extensively modded original that I have is a mod that hasn't been updated in years.
  17. Yes I understand what you're after now. There is only one mod I can recall that had a bit of stuff you had to do after 'completing' the quest ... it was a manor and farms outside Chorrol but for the life of me the name escapes me at the moment. I think the on-going part was just keeping the bandits at bay. If I run across it or think of the name I'll edit this post. I think it would be a huge undertaking to do something like that for all Cyrodiil, but how much could one person micromanage? - Edit - Not positive but it may have been Hillsborough Estate, and I see that mod is under moderators review, so no joy there.
  18. I just finished making a tweak to my personal MyTweaks.esp that does something like what you're asking. The tweak consisted of a simple quest and script that changes how often cells respawn. I have a high level character who has nearly 6 million in gold ... the last thing he needs is more loot to drag back to the merchants. How often cells respawn can be set to any number (even less time than the default 72 hours if you wanted). Let me know if you'd be interested and I'll make a new esp with just that quest and script in it.
  19. Here's a CS Wiki article that will give you a little background on your original issue: De-Isolation Tutorial.
  20. Those would be vanilla assets found in the vanilla BSA files. When you uninstall something that replaces them they should revert to using the vanilla assets from the BSA automatically. The only thing that comes to mind is did you have a bashed patch with Better Cities installed, and did you rebuild your bashed patch after uninstalling BC?
  21. Best solution for extracting the archive downloaded from here is the free utility 7-Zip.
  22. As long as the quest is added by Elsweyr Anequina the referenceID of your missing Dremora should be 20073815 if Elsweyr is number 32 on your list and you started counting at zero (computers always start counting at zero). If you started counting at one then your Dremora should be refID 1f073815 (both examples using the last six digits of the number you gave in this post). Going with the assumption that your Elsweyr is 32nd on your list and you started counting at one, here's the console commands I'd use: prid 1f073815 and hit Enter moveto player and hit Enter Close the console If the Dremora doesn't appear reopen the console and: enable and hit Enter resurrect 1 and hit Enter moveto player and hit Enter Close the console I would do that first standing where she is supposed to be. If it doesn't work then I'd go to Cyrodiil and try it there.
  23. Where did Elsweyr: Anequina go?
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