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About MLeonhardt

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  1. Does anyone happen to have a backup of the original Pipe Weapons Overhaul mod? (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7556) I really liked the additional mods it added to pipe guns like the Axe stock and spiked hand grip, but since I last played the mod creator has deleted it and ported it into another mod, then deleted that one and now has a new mod with a lot of extra stuff that supposedly breaks the game and "requires a new game" that I don't want to mess with. I had considered downloading the new mod and just deleting the files that don't pertain to the pipe weapon overhaul changes, but cannot discern what's what just from the file preview. So, would anyone happen to have a backup of the old mod and be willing to share it? Would really appreciate it.
  2. A change to Weapon Vendor inventories to have them only stock Default versions of weapons (I.e. "Automatic Combat Rifle") and multiple copies of said default weapon, along with weapon mods separate from the actual weapon. For example, a Weapon Vendor under this mod would stock the following: Weapons Combat Rifle (4) Automatic Combat Rifle (3) Hunting Rifle (3) Sniper Rifle (2) 10mm Pistol (5) Pipe Pistol (4) 44. Pistol (2) Automatic Assault Rifle (2) Fragmentation Grenade (5) No overmodded weapons for minimal clutter.
  3. I've scoured the Nexus using every synonym for the word "shop" I can think of and have found nothing. All I'm looking for are mods that add new or change existing Workshop vendors for better settlement customization and immersion. like if I want a seafood restaurant, or a General Store that sells a little of everything instead of just junk. Am I looking in the wrong place, or are there not any mods like this? EDIT: In the event that there are no mods available, what all would go into creating new shops with specific inventories? i.e. things along these lines: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6547566-specialized-food-vendors/ Just duplicating the vanilla shops and changing lists of things they sell can't be too difficult right?
  4. Why would you want NPC Stand And Hammer Vertically for 24 hours straight?
  5. Havok is like super choosy about who gets to use their software. You have to like apply to get the real version, and have an actual business thats going to use it. Most people can't get it, which is a great handicap to really getting into deep modding of the game.
  6. There's also this that adds per-weapon colors, plus a whole ton of other cool stuff https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18826
  7. Would be cool but would much rather have AC parts for Automatron robots. Have the Cores be variants of the Sentry-bot torso, so you can equip Back weapons as well.
  8. Gonna low-key shill my abilities as a male voice actor here. If y'all wanna make a good sounding male Companion with custom dialogue, hit me up. I've always wanted to voice a Sentry Bot, or Deathclaw, or Zetan companion, but I could do a human guy as well. I usually stick with a companion until I want to go with another one. That said, some things that'll make me re-consider real fast are things like AI errors, where you're under attack and they're just standing there aiming at nothing while you're getting punched to custard by a Legendary Protectron, or they throw a grenade at the enemy you're engaging in melee range. Of course these things are usually a "Thanks, Todd" with no solution. Never really liked the affinity thing, for the previously stated reasons of inconvenient heart-to-hearts or awkward forced boning (Which is why a Robot or Deathclaw friend would be good, imho) I can shoot out a few of my ideas for the previously mentioned companions, if y'all are interested.
  9. That's awesome, man. Be sure to show us some progress whenever you're ready. I always wished the vault cave went downwards from the entrance instead of up, so its more like a "dungeon" is that makes sense.
  10. I was thinking about this since the grass is part of the base ground mesh, what if you had a "mask" over some floor parts that would obscure specifically the Ground Mesh?
  11. If there are two it actually could mean double the fire rate since you could twin-link them. Though if the goal is less heat generation it could maintain the same fire rate by having each gun fire at half the speed. Also
  12. Looks like it should work, but I have the same problem with them as I do the other mod. It's too "extra" Also I don't think it has ceiling and wall variants.
  13. So I'm trying to find a basic mod that adds the cute little "Bubble" defense turrets to workshops. there's this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11189 But its just too 'extra' I just want one with basic Laser, Auto Laser, and Machine Gun turrets. Anyone know where I can find one?
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