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Everything posted by MLeonhardt

  1. Well he's mainly asking for Protectron Charging stations. Robot Home Defense adds Protectrons and Charging stations you can build http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5787/? But as far as I know they do not actually "sleep" in them.
  2. Oh man there's so much potential for this. What if like, Nate's father in law never liked him Let's call him Stan Stan survived the apocalypse, but was captured and turned into a super mutant. Being the surly bastard he is, he resisted turning into a violent retard. So now he lives at his small house tending his mutant begonias and ripping the limbs off Raiders. At first he's furious that his daughter was killed, but then wants to join you to exact revenge. Then he spends his entire time as your companion chastising you. It'd be completely different if you're playing as Nora. Stan would want to come with you to protect you and help you find Shaun.
  3. I think it's cool we're able to mass produce basic weapons But I would like an "Advanced" weapon Forge that can craft weapons that spawn with mods already attached. So, for example, drop a .50 Marksman's Sniper Rifle into the AWF, along with all the necessary materials to construct the base rifle, plus all the mods for it. Then turn it on and it starts pumping out more .50 Marksman's Sniper Rifles.
  4. Just found this http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3844/? And boy is it neat.
  5. For now I recommend using a mod that lets you craft Vanilla signs and posters since my mod just replaces the textures of those. Although if I learn how to create standalone craftable objects in settlements I may consider releasing that. Vault Posters: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8362/? Other Posters: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10222/? Oh awesome, that'll work then. Great work on the new update as well. Downloading now. On a sidenote, did you ever get the "Idiot Savant" popup replaced? It's annoying and I hate it but I did realize it's still Vault Boy. Have not done that one. It's kind of weird, and I haven't used that perk yet. In fact there are a ton of perks I have yet to make :smile: I'm a cheatin sadboy and just batch commanded all the perks to a fresh character so I could experience wasteland godhood without having to max my level fresh out of the vault. Idiot Savant is the most annoying damn thing. Whenever it activates it plays this loud "DURRRRR" noise and completely ruins my immersion in my badass synth hunting gal. Currently looking for a mod to disable it, or else I'll just command remove the perk
  6. For now I recommend using a mod that lets you craft Vanilla signs and posters since my mod just replaces the textures of those. Although if I learn how to create standalone craftable objects in settlements I may consider releasing that. Vault Posters: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8362/? Other Posters: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10222/? Oh awesome, that'll work then. Great work on the new update as well. Downloading now. On a sidenote, did you ever get the "Idiot Savant" popup replaced? It's annoying and I hate it but I did realize it's still Vault Boy.
  7. Would you be able to include the Vault Girl-ified posters and work signs as decorations for Settlements?
  8. And if you try to do it in Fallout 4, open world format, you WILL have to fill in all the space you don't see. Good luck m8
  9. Hmm, the Gamma Gun splitter doesn't look like it's in the vanilla game. How do I look up the omod ID of a modded weapon mod? Further, I'd prefer something more simple than console commands. I tried using Any Mod Any Weapon, but all splitter mods turn the missiles into lasers.
  10. Gotcha right here fam http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11465/? I use this one personally because I like the deployable turrets. There's also this one http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8115/?
  11. I just wanna be able to fire like a scattering of like 6 missiles at once, like a shotgun. Then if I have the Targeting Computer mod they'll arc around and hit the target on all sides.
  12. Something I'd like to see is a way to separate Automatron parts to have different colors. I.e. make a robot with a Red head, Blue Body, White Left Arm, Yellow Right Arm, and Green Legs
  13. There's a console command that scraps everything scrappable. ~ scrapall [Enter] You gotta do it while in the workshop interface. Don't do it with mods like Spring Cleaning or Scrap Everything or it'll completely strip your settlements bare.
  14. Railroad has one, Brotherhood has one outdoors at the Airport Why can't I f*#@ing have one?
  15. I had an idea similar to this. Like a more "Rockety" jetpack And you can jump high and burn people with your launch exhaust.
  16. So is there possibility that these flying vehicles will be able to be controlled by NPCs?
  17. The ability to sleep on couches, and sit and wait on beds. For when you get home from a long day of murder hobo-ing and just wanna fall face first into your dirty, irradiated, half eaten sofa and drift on off to dream land. Or for when you and your lover have plans for the evening and you want to wait patiently on the bed as Curie gets out of her Power Armor. [T] would remain as the "Wait" button, but now pressing T while sitting on a bed only passes time, and does not put you to sleep. [R] would become the new sleep key, available on couches, benches, and beds, next to the [T] button. For Survival Mode, couches would be treated as Sleeping Bags, so 3 hours max of sleep.
  18. Sort of related, but what was that one mod that turned them into a skeleton instead of an ash/goo pile?
  19. Only ONLY ONLY if they have a unique full auto "Never Ending" version that plays exceedingly loudly as you shoot it.
  20. I have a mod idea in mind that relies on how an actual flying enemy would work. Something that's always bugged the dickens out of me about the Fallout series is that all the flying enemies, Cazadores, Bloatflies, Stingwings, Eyebots, Mr. Gutsys, etc never actually fly, but just float close to the ground. Heck, you can even stand on a short cliff and shoot at them with no danger, despite their supposed ability to fly. Now, Vertibirds do pose quite a threat due to their firepower and flight ability, but encountering one is quite rare, and virtually nonexistent if you side with the Brotherhood of Steel. In this aspect, they're basically Dragons from Skyrim, only somehow much more rare. I've killed thousands of dragons, but only like 3 Vertibirds. Now, I'm just a simple Voice Actor, but I was wondering, is there anything in the code that would allow winged/jet propelled enemies to actually fly, or at the very least float higher than 3 feet off the ground? Maybe mimicking Vertibird behavior and patrolling an area in the sky, but on a much smaller scale could work? Though for the Melee oriented Stingwing and Bloodbug it might not be useful for them to be able to fly far out of reach. Another possible idea would be simulating NoClip, but retaining collision, just eliminating Gravity, so they can "walk on air", but still be hit by bullets and such. Or maybe a combination of both where they follow a Vertibird path until they decide to attack, where they then shoot or make a beeline to their target to strike. Imagine what new aspects to combat flying enemies could bring. Imagine a swarm of Stingwings attacking a settlement, flying over your walls and defenses to attack your civilians on the inside. Imagine what it would open up in the ways of new flying enemies through mods!
  21. And of course raiders trolling the other HAM users. Survivor: "Hello... Hello? Is anyone alive out there!?" Raider: "No one else is alive now shut the hell up!" Female Survivor: "Minutemen! Someone! Please! My child has been kidnapped!" Raider *mockingly*: "Please! Please! Save my stupid brat!"
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