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Everything posted by skizophrenic

  1. I like how you titled this post like a craigs list ad.
  2. Total Realism Overhaul is what you're looking for.
  3. @OP You're correct except for one detail: you wouldn't need to make a new esp. When you load up skyrim and mod B, just set mod B as the active file and the changes will be saved to mod B.
  4. In case you're still confused, you'd use the getgoldamount function I linked if you're progressing the quest via script, or the GetGold condition function if you're progressing it via the quest page.
  5. You should read this: http://imperial-library.info/content/final-report-trebonius If you aren't concerned with being "lore-friendly" then my only question is: What happens after you defeat alduin and come back to the dwarven city?
  6. Are you asking for how to have the quest npc know if the player has enough gold or how to have a message displayed to the player when they have enough? Cause the latter seems redundant. As for the former, use the getgoldamount function (http://www.creationkit.com/GetGoldAmount_-_Actor) as a condition for that part of the quest.
  7. I'm just guessing, but I believe this would be offensive to the gay community.
  8. I believe you have to create an outfit consisting of the equipment you want to use, and assign him that outfit.
  9. That is fascinating lore, albeit confusing. I would love to see a mod based around this and, if I can make a suggestion, perhaps a piece of the mod could be finding the last dwarf and helping him regain his memory.
  10. http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus You really couldn't find that?
  11. Theres a faction called JobMerchantFaction which has options for setting up a vendor. I haven't played around with this or anything, but it's what I found at first glance.
  12. Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("TwoHanded", 20) Edit: Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("TwoHanded",20) is probably what you're looking for.
  13. In your object window, under items > outfit, you can right click on the right pane of the objects window and create a new outfit that can consist of any armor you want (drag and drop armor peices into the outfit window) and can then be equipped to any npc.
  14. Searched high and low and all I found is removeallitems: http://www.creationkit.com/RemoveAllItems_-_ObjectReference It's rather extreme, but you could un-equip and remove everything to a remote container and either return it later or have the player retrieve it.
  15. I would search the nexus, there's probably a similar mod in the works that you could join. But if you do attempt it on your own, may I make a suggestion? Couches. Sometimes it doesn't matter how many beds you have, you aren't welcome in any of them...
  16. There's Game.Player().GetItemCount(itemname) operator number like: If Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IronDagger) >= 1 effect EndIf Edit: I may have misunderstood you if you were asking for a function that returned which peices of armor the actor is wearing, in that case idk. Edit 2: There's also the IsEquipped function.
  17. @campana You'll understand more after you watch the vid, but what you said is the whole point of the argument: you played to see what happened next. While the story might have been amazing, what about the game? Did the story and mechanics actually mesh into a gameplay-driven narrative or did they simply co-exist on the same CD? I'm a huge fan of final fantasy, so I would never diss a story driven game just because it's a story driven game, but I think the best games are those that lay a foundation on which the players can build their own story and feel the same emotions while playing rather than watching or listening.
  18. I don't understand the problem, the script I quoted should be your answer: If (utility.RandomInt() <= PERCENT CHANCE TO ACTIVATE) If Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(YOURWEAPON) >=1 WEAPON EFFECT Else FAIL EFFECT EndIf EndIf Edit: Someone else found a better solution, but this is still an option if the effect has more conditions (the razor checked if the target was immune)
  19. Have you all seen the script named DA07MehrunesRazorMagicEffectScript?
  20. Don't make magic houses, they all end up being haunted at the end.
  21. It's easy to add new npcs (although it's still a pain to add new models), quests, and dialogue to the game through the creation kit. @thelonewarrior Maybe you edited a preset rather than an actor?
  22. I just cracked open the creation kit, so I'm jumping the gun a little, but I was wondering has anyone found a way to create new user interfaces? I don't mean editing the existing UI, but rather creating a new UI(windows, menu, icons, etc) for a system that doesn't yet exist.
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