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About BlazeStryker

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  1. The Nick Diamond affection/loyalty quest (which was slapped on so awkwardly as part of the effort to put Fallout 4 on rails) is Long Time Coming. It was crammed in to steer you into the Institute, it breaks rather easily, and other quests got interrupted to make sure you will do this thing because the scriptwriters think we're morons. Steps are taken at times to fix this hot mess. This thread's apparently by a fanfic fan wanting to put added content into Subversion. Personally, I think Subversion's not broken. But personal opinions are just that--personal.
  2. As the BASS seems to need Galaxy64.dll for 163 whether you're on GOG or not, it just makes sense to have Galaxy64.dll available for download. I don't even want to go into the sheer amount of phishing fishing links if you try to search for it.
  3. You probably have NeG conflicts with non NeG mods. Hopefully none of them are turning weapon debris on because that is a hard no-sell.
  4. I'm fairly sure USO will clash with Sim Settlements, Homemaker, HZS Homebuilder, etc. unless you run Settlement Menu Manager.
  5. The Baka series doesn't work in NG. Therefore, Memory scrap heap is karked from the start. It goes from there.
  6. While Freeze Time While In Workshop doesn't make everyone stop moving, it does invoke the console command set timescale to 0 (Or at least it should), restoring your preference afterward. That being said, if you have another mod that sets your timescale it may well override MCM.
  7. Yes? I have questions. First, how does one do that? Note, if this involves the Castration Kit it is a hard pass. Second, would that even help for mods dependent on the content? I refer to the Coffee and Donuts, Modern Furniture, and Arcade creations especially since the first is used by several Sim Settlements pieces and the others have Robco support mods.
  8. GAWD but I hate the NeG version. I'll make Fallout 4 work, MY way, and Break-Head-sa can just sit and spin on it.
  9. I forgot to download my CC content before upgrading the New Busted to Old Faithful (that is to say, from NeG to 163) but I honestly don't know if the backgrader would have disabled them anyway. (Yes, I said it; backgrading from NG to 163 is an UPGRADE.)
  10. I'd like to be able to play with the stuff I "own". Selfish of me, I know...
  11. Basically, you now need to be updated to 980 to get your creation club content, by which I mean the stuff you already obtained before the anti-FOLON Degradation. That includes dogs, jumpsuits, skins for things, modern furnishings, the arcade pack, and Slocum's Joe.
  12. The dev build is currently giving out those false positives to antivirus and so is the exe that the installer... installs! I let them know on the Discord.
  13. Well, I just confirmed that it's not just me; Faster Workshop, the lag bypass mod that opens workshop and lets the game recount every item all over again in the background instead of making you wait, doesn't work in 980. People say to shut up and let them kick us. I say they're wrong. The Degrade WAS made to break mods and do an Enderal on FOLON. So in all honestly, every single abandonware or 163 mod that got crippled by Bethesda's jerking us all off should be free to re-release as the 980 version. Or even the New Grift/NG version if you insist on it.
  14. While we're on the subject, some mods can be ESL files but don't actually work if you give them an ESL flag. Mods that add to Looksmenu options and are not already ESL flagged by the mod author are a very good example.
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