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  1. There are more tabs in this game. They also assigned a couple of function keys for quicksave and quickload and were well aware that Steam likes to reserve F12 for screenshots.
  2. In many cases, those animations are to give the game engine needed time for what you're doing, particularly in the case of terminals and workstations. The same can be said for the forced first-person view in workshop mode.
  3. Raiders like using victims' parts as gruesome totems, and the remains of animals are often scrapped by humans, eaten by Super Mutants, scattered by nature, etc. The overabundance of human skeletons is down to the game designers being overdramatic when it comes to setting an atmosphere. There is (I kid you not) a skeleton sitting in a chair in the building where the Supermutants fighting Diamond City troops are holed up. My usual solution to an obnoxious skeleton in or near a settlement is to scrap the sucker. (In the case of "near", open console, get the id showing the whatever's code, disable, get inside the settlement border, moveto player, enable, and use/store/scrap it as you please as it becomes registered as a workshop object. Changing the whole world is a royal b!tch, especially without effing up other mods, so try tricks like these as you care to. You'll save yourself a lot of aggravation (and get a lot of bone for crafting!) Peace!
  4. Life Finds a Way puts many critters and plants back into the ecosystem. Most all of them are mutated over the last 210 years, but a good chunk of it is due more to adapting to new niches in the ecosystem than just radioactivity. As I mourned way back before reforestation mods became widely available and updated, it's hardly like all the greenery around Chernobyl died. (Hell, the main reason the Bathysphere's F4 lore has the Institute obsessed with the idea that surface civilization is doomed was to explain them never trying to repopulate the wasteland with unmutated creatures) I love Fallout 4 as much as anyone but all the non-"antique" globes being the same model (blown off its axis, never mind it not having fallen over or even being in a Vault)... It is very clear we got handed a toolbox with a great many missing tools. For environs, there are a few options like Boston Natural Surroundings or A Forest. Find something that fits into how you think life would settle back down to as the world recovered from the War.
  5. Using a protein soup (Organic salvage) and a bastardized version of the Institute Synth Maker, replicate foodstuffs including mod-added? It's got to be less sus than Soylent (and I say this gently as a longtime fan of both Shallow's Snacks mods)
  6. As far as I can tell, projects grow explosively like cancers until they fragment and die or drive the modders so insane they stop and upload, then polish repeatedly. As for Grenade in the mouth, Saints Row the Third has your back as it's one of the two finishers for Brutes.
  7. While re-watching the clip of General McCallister's well-earned demise in the first Lethal Weapon movie, I came across a comment from three years back how another person re-watching that same clip had just realized the grenade the General was reaching for frantically was missing its pin. I sympathised with the commenter (late, I know) and mused how I didn't know how fireproof that model of grenade was as some explosives and gunpowder munitions really will cook off and explode. While specifying the difference between that and "cooking" a grenade so it goes BOA (Boom On Arrival), it occurred to me that the grenades in Fallout 4 don't start their countdown until you throw them but the pin-pulling sound comes as you prepare to throw. This... is not all that realistic. I don't want players to go boom due to Cherry Bomb Foolishness but making the timer a bit longer and starting it when you first ready yourself to throw it is more realistic.
  8. Many mods increase the potential length of power lines. One reason Bethesda nerfed the length to start with becomes readily apparent. The lines, not being high-tension, dip down in the center the longer they are, making it so you usually cannot even use that added length with shorter pylons or non-pylon connectors.
  9. So. I'm running the Neg. It's a start at Wildwood Cemetary. These mod-breaker grift-meisters at the Bathysphere have spoken of technical boosts over and over again, but I'm in a crypt and the rain is coming in like I was standing outside of it. Enough is enough. Every roof, every floor/ceiling above your head, every overhead texture that counts as coverage should block the fricking rain. Even things that drip should, you know, drip like the condensation-coated ceilings of 111! This isn't fricking Hogwarts and even the Great Hall's ceiling just showed the outside, it didn't let the rain in. This rain blockage must be a script on all applicable overhead surfaces, deco and Workshop items alike.
  10. ...which Mystic Pines Settlement mod works well with the NeG, OG Sim Settlements, and BNS?
  11. Fun fact #1: Only basic robot parts, if any, can be looted from the robots in the game. Fun fact #2: Automatron includes a leveled list for vendors who sell robot parts. Fun fact #3: No vendor in the game uses this leveled list, therefore no vendor sells any robot parts. At all. What this means for players is if you want to build a cool robot, you HAVE to invest in crafting skills, some of which has steep requirements. What this means for a player going through the game with no crafting skills at all (and therefore needs to 1: scavenge weapon and armor mods or 2: spend caps at vendors to get decent guns and armor) can't build any cool robots. At all. Ball bearings to that. This is from the description of Salvage Robot Parts. (Link at the bottom) Fun Fact #4 is that it's a 2017 mod and may well need updating and/or patching with things like AEWS and Robot Parts (WIP) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25355
  12. The main reason I'm so interested in Nick the Third (Sorry, Naomi, but third-gen synths being vat-grown humans with implant tech in the driver's seat, they have exceeded even Professor Armitage's dream) is that memory limits don't happen with humans unless degeneration (natural or otherwise) starts working against the brain. Long-term memory is essentially .7z compression of experiential short-term memory and recalling older memories is a matter of decompressing the data into working cogitation. Nick's hardware does have all his braintape data and later experience but everything since he was activated is .wav format, uncompressed, and taking up a whole hell of a lot of limited space. It's amazing no one's offered to set up a terminal for the overage and I wouldn't put it past Amari to have set up a private memory pod for Nick as... a memory pod for Nick. The point is, the human brain remains the largest drive around, it's just not all that efficient and it's very biodegradable.
  13. His memory cache issues and frankly highly stressed hardware are a major part of his issues. My idea has long been for someone to find a synth like Sammy (the one that got shot up by Goodneighbor's triggerman patrols) then volunteer the lawbreaker to be Nick's new host in the manner of Curie's transfer in Emergent Behavior. He'd appreciate the irony since the Nick Valentine braintape was created in the first place as part of mandatory counseling after Nick's gal Jenny got killed and Eddie Winter got his immunity deal.
  14. It might help with the Workbench but the guardpost Resizing is another issue altogether.
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