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About BlazeStryker

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  1. Fun fact #1: Only basic robot parts, if any, can be looted from the robots in the game. Fun fact #2: Automatron includes a leveled list for vendors who sell robot parts. Fun fact #3: No vendor in the game uses this leveled list, therefore no vendor sells any robot parts. At all. What this means for players is if you want to build a cool robot, you HAVE to invest in crafting skills, some of which has steep requirements. What this means for a player going through the game with no crafting skills at all (and therefore needs to 1: scavenge weapon and armor mods or 2: spend caps at vendors to get decent guns and armor) can't build any cool robots. At all. Ball bearings to that. This is from the description of Salvage Robot Parts. (Link at the bottom) Fun Fact #4 is that it's a 2017 mod and may well need updating and/or patching with things like AEWS and Robot Parts (WIP) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25355
  2. The main reason I'm so interested in Nick the Third (Sorry, Naomi, but third-gen synths being vat-grown humans with implant tech in the driver's seat, they have exceeded even Professor Armitage's dream) is that memory limits don't happen with humans unless degeneration (natural or otherwise) starts working against the brain. Long-term memory is essentially .7z compression of experiential short-term memory and recalling older memories is a matter of decompressing the data into working cogitation. Nick's hardware does have all his braintape data and later experience but everything since he was activated is .wav format, uncompressed, and taking up a whole hell of a lot of limited space. It's amazing no one's offered to set up a terminal for the overage and I wouldn't put it past Amari to have set up a private memory pod for Nick as... a memory pod for Nick. The point is, the human brain remains the largest drive around, it's just not all that efficient and it's very biodegradable.
  3. His memory cache issues and frankly highly stressed hardware are a major part of his issues. My idea has long been for someone to find a synth like Sammy (the one that got shot up by Goodneighbor's triggerman patrols) then volunteer the lawbreaker to be Nick's new host in the manner of Curie's transfer in Emergent Behavior. He'd appreciate the irony since the Nick Valentine braintape was created in the first place as part of mandatory counseling after Nick's gal Jenny got killed and Eddie Winter got his immunity deal.
  4. It might help with the Workbench but the guardpost Resizing is another issue altogether.
  5. I find I have to say it here myself. Universal Actor Scale Remover does not stop component resizing in the Robot Workbench. Hellfire, Abbalovesyou's mod (a completely vital glory) predates Automatron entirely as far as I know. A similar mod needs to be made to stop robot bits from shifting size based on what you're glomping them onto. The resizing issue becomes much more noticeable when modded robot parts get added to the mix, such as putting any regular torso onto Securitron wheels. I mentioned this in the Securitron bug reports as part of the related issue of Securitrons shrinking when assigned to security posts but someone just suggested UASR again. It's not even a "vanilla bug", it's a vanilla trait, and fixing those is one of the main motives of modding to start with.
  6. ...can we have a mod made to check for names in workshop settlers on assignment to a plot/station/task and assign a name if one isn't found? It's been over a decade annd I am thoroughly sick of Settler. I doubt I'm the only one.
  7. You know what we need? An AI "old-style" music station voiced by an escaped Synth (Possibly the one you hear on Holotape at Bedford Station then personally escort for pickup for Old Man Stockton) who tells everyone about the history of the original pieces, including that half the stuff playing Pre-War was AI-generated stuff aping 1950s and early 1960s music since it was over a century after Cab Calloway! (Sometimes you just have to tear the band-aid off...) Oh, the name of it? I was thinking Echoes (AKA Synthetic Radio) but whoever has the actual talent may have their own ideas.
  8. Several. Specific modders have Discord channels, some involving Fallout 4 modding in general.
  9. Speaking of which, this might happen with Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul since it gives radiant quest giving to Piper, Curie, and everyone's favorite Psycho addict.
  10. I'll pass along the idea someone put in posts for Sell Paint To Abbot. Solomon wants to buy Mutated Fern... flower. No matter where you get it of how many, he only takes one and overpays madly. As happens so often with Fallout 4 trading, this needs WORK.
  11. Never mind, the site strangely called his removing the slightly buggy 1.1.2 an update. Mind you, I regard BASS and backgrading to 163 to be an upgrade so it's not like I have room to complain.
  12. My favorite Skyrim mod/quest is Clockwork, no question. Fallout 4 has two I simply cannot live without, namely Children of Ug-Qualtoth and The Machine and Her (With Fallout Who Regenerated as a close third).
  13. How, in the name of Jeebuz, did you guys manage to upload the update to Loot Detector Expansion into File Archives?
  14. What should happen about a month after Hole In The Wall is this: 1) the Secret 81 worldspace is removed and replaced by its copy, accessible by that elevator or walking though the no-longer secret entryway in 81's Generator Room. 2) This space should be cleaned up, expanded, and have a workshop active. 81 personnel would have access to the space and count as inhabitants if you managed to not tick off the people of Vault 81. If so, you're also an ally. 3) Ol' Rusty should be fixed up with spare parts left behind by Curie (and have a rust-red paintjob so his name still makes sense.
  15. Main Menu theme replacers are rife. I've liked HQ versions of Sam's theme, various Whovian tracks, and so on. Do you think it's too soon for someone to seek out permission for the addition of Mori Calliope's Go-Getters to the lists?
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