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Everything posted by threefoldmind

  1. To further add to the idea (In an unskilled way) you may want to have several fixed prices per material each with a percentage chance of failure, based on your Persuasion ability (Which is one of the subsections of Speechcraft.
  2. I don't know why this hasn't been done yet but I would love to have a bound shield.
  3. Hey could someone make me a mod for this outfit. I know it isnt a great sampling of it but I hope it is good enough. I think her buff jacket looks amazing. http://8e8460c4912582c4e519-11fcbfd88ed5b90cfb46edba899033c9.r65.cf1.rackcdn.com/sales/cardscans/MTG/CNS/en/nonfoil/SelvalaExplorerReturned.jpg
  4. Stuff like that would be great, or a way to actually make investing in resto feel like it means something....
  5. Well... I just want to be a healer... not play "restoration also is murder"
  6. So I want to play Skyrim as a healer. You know alchemy, illusion, alteration, and worst of all Restoration. Now I do not want to be a priest mind you but a Healer. I want to feel like I am helping people with my magic. The problem is, healers in Skyrim aren't really a thing. Because, Restoration is not a valid school of Magic. I mean sure turning undead is sort of cool, but when it gets down to it, even in SkyRE you would rather chew your own foot off than play a Restoration mage. I mean what is their use? So I want to ask you, players and modders of Skyrim.... Are there any mods that make playing a Healer worth it. From Quests to find a cure to a disease, to spells that make restoration not a worthless piece of crap, to gear that makes it easier, to gods that may actually give 2 shits about you and your name.
  7. Well I am actually pretty sure it was one of the legal "grey" things, as not outlawing looting promotes murdering people in droves. I mean if I kill a ton of people and you come along and take the things that actually illegal and probably has been for quite some time.
  8. This is actually mostly incorrect. Excluding the instance you mentioned it is not "promoted". You see when prisoners are running away they tend to do illegal things. It happens. And you were running away with a known war criminal (Betrayed his kingdom). Not to mention people do illegal things for the sake of survival a lot. It Is Still Illegal. Option #2 seems like the thing that would be needed. Like each corpse is treated as a container owned by their faction and yeah just like any other crime no one sees no one cares. Because that is how it goes.
  9. So I would love to have a shop keeper mod, like something where you run your own shop. Like you have to stock it yourself and you have a shop keeper npc and at points items from the shop chest will disappear and be replaced with an appropriate amount of gold.
  10. Oh that looks like a great one. I have added Immersive Patrols and such that way I get some war zones and such in my travels and I decided I am going with the Thief Archtype using SkyRE focusing on Way Faring and Alchemy. The Wood Elf Emoria trying to strike it big as an alchemist. Is there a mod to let you set up a shop?
  11. So I am running Hunterborn, Frostfall, RND, OBIS, and a lot of other things and this really helps one to feel like they are a part of the world of Skyrim. The fact that eating drinking and sleeping are all major things that need to happen well it is a very nice touch. I am having a slight issue with it all though. I just don't feel like part of the.... part of the infrastructure. I don't know very well how to explain, but even when on Legendary difficulty where I get an Extreme man vs man (or Actor vs Actor as it would be), running all my mods with Man vs Nature, I still feel like it is hard to make yourself feel like you have a place in Skyrim. Like it feel like I am still the Outsider. Don't get me wrong Trade Routes and Trade and Barter help some, as I collect goods in one city travel to another city to sell and that helps. I get to see the world and change it and take advantage of a venue yet unforeseen in video games. And hell even Animated Prostitution helps some, as when you use the Roleplay version of it you develop intimate relationships and people skills to sleep with others. I still feel like something is missing. Something important.... I just don't know what yet. So the question here is, with all these mods set up to overwhelm a player and force them into the mindset of a helpless citizen of Skyrim, what do you think would add to the immersion?
  12. Well I mean it is wrong and all. For every crime there should be a bounty.
  13. I had a mod that added an animation to collecting herbs and now I cant find it. Like the character would stop bend over to pick flowers and then i could move on.
  14. Thank you for bringing this up :) You see the idea is not "Dont loot the bodies" it is I want it to be a crime to loot people, like it is in real life. You cant just rummage through a dead persons pockets and take their stuff, thats not okay, and I want the game to view it the same way. Maybe after becoming Thane of a city the General Store or a newly available Merchant acts as a "fence" of sorts allowing you to sell what was taken from the dead.
  15. Interesting NPCS is a good one, lots of new followers. I would love to find a "Pretty Boys of Skyrim" mod.
  16. Couldn't you just have it not remove the owned tag?
  17. So it actually really really bugs me that no one has a problem with you Looting someone who has been murdered. Like its kind of messed up. I want a mod that makes it a crime to loot someone. Because I should not be able to just walk onto a field with a bunch of dead soldiers and take their stuff and have the rest of their buddies go "well he wasnt using it"
  18. Is there a mod that forces you to keep just 1 of the Standing Stone Boons? I mean I like being able to switch but its just not... well it doesnt feel real if I can just change it.
  19. I wanted to play a bard for a long time and the best I found is people just setting them as powers. I may suggest making them Staff like items but that doesnt quite fix the problem I guess.
  20. So I want to play a character like Tyrion Lannister from GoT but all these mods and such stuff are lacking something specific. The first major feat accomplished by Tyrion is to buy himself a horde. I mean I am sure this is kind of difficult but, is there any mods that let you buy bandits to follow you? Like pay them to not murder your face. Like let the player figure out how to calm them but once that is done I would love something that lets me hire anyone.
  21. I love you, now I am not dragon born, can raise an army, and am being assailed by dragons and the harsh nature of the frozen north.... You have made me so happy!
  22. Is there a mod that makes it 1) So I am not dovahkiin 2) Dragons From start of game
  23. Guild Starter is a great idea, but there is not actually that much to it. Maybe now that I have added so many new NPCs to the game it will feel more Genuine though. I also started using Tundra defense which I am most likely just going to use as my home in the game, and if I start up Guild start again will make that my guild home (So Many NPCs!)
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