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Status Updates posted by MikeRyan

  1. BOOO!

    the masked man says boo! >:D

  2. yup, just got in
  3. you take care too naomi *hugs*
  4. one of the more annoying things i know, when you recognise a song but you cant place it
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Yea right! But it doesn't need to be a song for me.
  5. If any one wanna play some battlefield 2 or minecraft or similar, tell me. Got a hamachi server up and more people would be fun.
  6. Well lets have some fun shall we? post a question in a comment below and ill make a video after a certain number of weeks/questions and answer!
    1. AurianaValoria1


      What's your favorite food?
    2. thelaughingrouge


      Yea, I got a question, What'd U do with my Dang COOKIES!!!


    3. thelaughingrouge


      Yea, I got a question, What'd U do with my Dang COOKIES!!!


  7. feeling random so ill leave a random comment.

    Hmmm ah i know! cheesecake!

  8. O_O

    who are you to dare and add me?!?!

    :P its ok, hello on you

  9. Hi there uni!

    Im doing great, i do have a bit of a cold but im still great.

  10. in soviet russia, the jokes are on you!
  11. random comment!!


  12. If any of you want any of my contact info, pm me. Im not giving it out on my profile
  13. yup, bor nere i skåne. Kul att se en svensk! :D
  14. ello! just randomly p..oking...in...

    near stockholm?

    hur nära då? (how close?) if you dont mind me asking

  15. booooooo!

    you are now scared! >:D

  16. just poking in saying hello!

    hope everything is good with ya

  17. Thanks for checking in! *waves* have a good day!
  18. have a free comment!

    i think i can spare some cheese and crackers too, if i find them that is

  19. if friendly teasing is ok.....



  20. "nothing is impossible, impossible is just a word invented and used by people who are not trying hard enough"
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Elsarian


      So your saying that, if you tried hard enough, you could slam a revolving door? Interesting XD.
    3. MikeRyan


      well chuck norris does that every day elsa
    4. Deleted54170User


      Try, try, try! Doesn't anybody, "Do" anymore?! LOL
  21. i had a feeling there was a catch

    looks like i was right

  22. hmm how much will this cost me?
  23. Hello mr darkedge42392, this is an automated message from MikeRyans guns 'n' fun stuff, we just wanted to infrom you that your order is confirmed and will arrive soon. Enjoy your various guns and drinks!
  24. ok so no rude comments, is friendly teasing ok?
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