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Posts posted by Urwy

  1. Did you also replaced the snake_green and other this files? When i was doing this I replaced snake.xml with chicken.xml and this other snake files with Chicken.Chicken_white. I see that in for example chicken.xml is line "<object name" and in the next line (and previous) is directory to this file.. When we change it to snake.xml the directory still is unchanged. Maybe this directory need to be exactly this same as snake.xml, but other stuff like directory to textures, animations unchanged (chicken).


    Or maybe is there some line that is responsible for spawn percentage and locations where snake occurs? But then scripted locations of snake will not be deleted I think.


    I almost forgotten. I found entitylibrary_full\FC3 Encounters\Wildfile file Wildfile_snake.xml . I replaced it with Wildfile_rats.xml and changed name, but i I got error when packing as I wrote earlier. I think this file may be responsible for respawning snakes in non scripted locations.


    Yeah, i replaced every snake_******.xml file i could find in both the entitylibrary.fcb and entitylibrary_full.fcb.

    I''ll have a look if i missed the Wildlife_snake.xml. Thanks for the brainwave! :thumbsup:

  2. Hello my name is Tysonclyde and I would like to make a Far Cry Zombies mod. This mod will have a custom map made by me and also by you. I can't do this alone so I need your help to make this happen. Please leave an application in the description if you would like to join me.






    Programming Language:

    How well can you code:

    Hours able to Code:


    Legal Copy of Far Cry 3:

    Why do you want to do this:


    Hmm, Don't you think you should elaborate a bit on how you intend to do all this? Modding FC3 is still quite limited. And looking at the kind of mods currently available, i think its save to say anything other than changing values and textures isnt really going to happen. Unless you know something that i dont....


    And there's just one thing that really draws my attention, which is this:

    Legal Copy of Far Cry 3:


    Why on earth would you ask that? Of course people have a legal copy. Since the Nexus doesnt condone piracy, they'd be banned if they didnt.

  3. Just wondering, when do you think the release of the mod will be?


    Well, i just sent the PM's requesting for permissions. Once i have permission from the original authors i'll be uploading it to the nexus.

    I'm also considering adding Inakrin's addition body armors from his Poor BastUrd mod and tweaking them so the player can stand toe-to-toe with the heavies. (LMG-Launcher-Flamethrower loadout anyone? :devil: )

    Might try to increase spawns even further. If i can figure out how to do that.


    Also contemplating the switch from Realism Mod V1 by Panzerjager1943 to FC3 rebalanced by Mringy as a base for the weapons, as i currently dont think firing the guns feels right.

  4. Edit:

    i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)


    Ok i will wait, because I'm not as good as you at this stuff :biggrin:


    Eh... So far, no luck. Not because it doesnt work. It's because i cant find any bloody snakes! >.<

    I'd like to know a place where someone has encountered snakes before. And the large sinkhole north of amanaki outpost hasnt got any snakes in its ruins for me. (without ranaming anything.)



    The snake is in the second mission, when you must go and deactivate first radiotower. Snake is in front of stairs. But if you don't want to start new game and complete mission 1, you can download my savegame. Then, in game go to mission marker, and when you enter bunker, you should hear snake sound.




    Paste this into Ubiosft Game Launcher folder.


    Thanks for the save. It reminded me that i had a save of my own somewhere into the first mission.

    I tried replacing the snake.xml's in both the entitylibrary and entitylibrary_full and packing both into the patch.... No luck. And right now, i'm out of idea's. =(

  5. - The increased spawn ratios from the PoorBastUrd mod by Inakrin (not sure if it works yet.)

    still not sure?

    -snip-So that side effect syringes have in Inakrin's mod are not part of my mod, nor is anything else other than the increased spawns of which i can confirm they actually work.



    Btw, nice work on your mods! I admire your precision when it comes to weapon stats, though i find them a bit harsh for a game. To each his own, though. =)


    Hey would it be possible for you to release a mod that just increases spawns? Anyway thanks for doing this work. I can't wait to dl your mod!


    Well, me releasing this mod depends on whether or not i feel like sharing. (but i suppose i do =P) But besides that i'd need permission from at least three authors. (Inakrin, Panzerjager1943 and Chorizosss/Hereticus)

    As for the mod tha tjust increased the spawn ratio's; that part came from Inakrin's mod. So i'd nee permission to re-release parts of it. I guess i can start sending around requests sometime this weekend.


    Also, a little update on what my mod currently contains:


    - WELCOME TO NEVERLAND V2 : PICK YOUR CHOICE by Chorizosss/Hereticus

    - The increased spawn ratios from the PoorBastUrd mod by Inakrin

    - Realism Mod V1 by Panzerjager1943 (with tweaked attachments. Guns, rifles and snipers can have 3 attachments. shotguns and LMGs can have 2)

    - Fully unlocked skills at the start. They still have the "Kill X enemies with a >insert takedown here<" requirements.

    - Transparent message boxes by Ceano

    - Sleeker minimap by TOMSOLO

    (Hoping i didn't miss any.. :turned: )

  6. Edit:

    i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)


    Ok i will wait, because I'm not as good as you at this stuff :biggrin:


    Eh... So far, no luck. Not because it doesnt work. It's because i cant find any bloody snakes! >.<

    I'd like to know a place where someone has encountered snakes before. And the large sinkhole north of amanaki outpost hasnt got any snakes in its ruins for me. (without ranaming anything.)

  7. entitylibrary_full don't want to convert:



    When i set in properties of Dunia_Pack "run as administrator" i get this error:



    This yellow text means: The name of catalog (folder) is invalid.


    entitylibrary is converting with no problems. I checked every modified snake files and they are identical with original.


    Hmm. the only thing that comes to mind is something i read somewhere... They said that if you're pack/unpacking the main Dat/fat from a file path that's too long, it could cause errors like that. Although i'm not entirely certain if that's the case.

    Another thing that might work is merging the edited files from the main dat/fat with the 1.04 patch. It's a much smaller file and so far, every mod i know of uses the patch.dat/fat (and some dll's, but those have nothing to do with what we're trying here.)


    Example: unpacking the main and the patch, taking the renamed xml's from the main and inserting them into the correct folder, among the unpacked patch files. And finally repacking the patch, with the added xml's, and putting it into the FC3 install directory.


    If the unpacked patch already contains the files we want to rename/replace, we might as well use those. That way we can be sure we don't accidentally re-insert some bugged animal into the patch. =)



    i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)

  8. It doesn't work, I hear a snake :blink:


    EDIT: in entitylibrary_full is much more animals and much more snakes:










    I'll try with these files.


    Also in FC_3 Encounters>Wildfile is file Wildfile_Snake.xml


    Hmm... i suppose there's more to those snakes than meets the eye... I tried my thing with the monkeys.. Every monkey in amanaki village disappeared! no chickens, no monkeys. nothing. (although the chickens at the little hen-house were still there. :confused:

    Hope you're having more luck on those other files..

  9. Ok, I converted this file and found only 1 folder with animals .xml files. Snake is in "SimpleAnimal" and a chicken is in "FC3 Domestic". I copied chicken to the SimpleAnimal folder and changed name to snake. Now i should pack whole entitylibrary.fcb (how? When i'm use DuniaPack it's .dat and .fat extension) or just create the same folder structure and place only Snake.xml and paste it into unpacked patch.dat and then pack this and replace with this in game folder?


    I'm in mission, in which I enter the underground bunker, and at the start of this mission i hear snake. If I won't heard him after replacing file, I will be 99% sure that it's works fine.

    I also remember some underground ruins on the east side of the first island. On the land there was some big crate through I can see ground of this ruins, and 3 times i saw there a snake in this same place. Even if I killed him, he respawned after.


    Now you can drag the entitylibrary_converted.xml that was created when unpacking the fcb onto the Gibbed.Dunia2.ConvertBinaryObject.exe. That will create a new fcb. Delete the old fcb and rename the new fcb to entitylibrary.fcb.

    You can also delete the Entitylibrary_converted folder.

    Now go back to the root folder of the dunia tools and drag the patch_unpack folder onto the Gibbed.Dunia2.Pack.exe, which will cause it to pack the mod and create a .dat and a .fat.

    Rename both to patch.dat / patch.fat and paste them into your data_win32 folder (which is located in the FC3 install directory) Make sure you back up the original patch.dat/fat before you do so.

    When that is done you can fire up FC3 and give it a try.

  10. Is it possible to make a mod, that deletes snakes from the game? I know there are only sometimes in caves, and in few mission, but to someone with ophidiophobia like me it's difficult to complete those missions.


    I would be very grateful


    I'm not sure if this works, but it might be possible to replace the Snake.xml located in entitylibrary.fcb, with chicken.xml and rename it back to snake.xml.

    Not a clue what the possible side-effects might be. But if i'm right, no more snakes and lots of chickens in rakyat ruins. =)


    I'll wait untill i encounter a mission-related snake before i replace the file. That way i can be sure it's the snake that got replaced, and not some random chicken.


    I unpacked fc3_main.dat with Gibbed Dunia Tools and finded entitylibrary.fcb - how can I open this file? I tried with Dunia unpack nad winrar, but without result. I also saw in this same folder file called entitylibrary_full.fcb .


    You can unpack the .fcb by dragging it onto the ConvertBinary.exe that's part of the Gibbed dunia tools (if i recall the name correctly.) =)

    Haven't got a chance to test it myself, though i have thought of another way to test it; Remember those monkeys in the Amanaki village? See if those have a similar xml and replace it with the renamed chicken.xml. I might test it somewhere tonight or tomorrow.

  11. WELCOME TO NEVERLAND V2 have this and is cool..


    PoorBastUrd mod by Inakrin is compilation and this "9. Added some interesting side effect to all syringes and severity of side effects depends on the toxicity of the syringe (eg, the more "cheaty" syringe is the more funny effect you will gain. That's a dope y'know?)" is like your are drunk for 3 min WTF i cant do noting..


    Realism Mod V1 by Panzerjager1943 another compilation bahh..


    I'm only using parts of those mods. The compilation im making for personal use doesn't even resemble any of the complete mods it's comprised of.

    So that side effect syringes have in Inakrin's mod are not part of my mod, nor is anything else other than the increased spawns of which i can confirm they actually work.

    And with all due respect, it's a personal mod. You don't have to like it. The chance i'll be uploading it is near infinitesimally small. I just like the normalized weapon damage and additional attachments.

  12. is all for personal use. what parts of mods???????????????? is all compilation that i dont like. if they put individual like RAWS files that you can make your own compilation that will be BUUUUMMM of "cudos and endorose" all over the forum


    Using the Gibbed tools you can unpack any other mod and use files from it, just like you would when you'd use raw files. The only con is that you'll need to figure out which files you'll need, which does take some time to figure out.

    I'm doing the exact same thing for my personal compilation. This link helped me along putting together my mod. It might be of use to you too:


  13. Interesting. Thanks for the links.

    Only problem I see, is some of those modify too many things, more than necessary.


    Yeah, they do. I've been browsing some more though, and found this:









    There are other options available here. For example I could leave some of the icons at any level of opacity even without the big terrain rendering. Or you could put the health bar's opacity back up. Or remove it entirely. The text, as I said, is a mystery to me for now aside from changing its color.


    Here's the basic version. This includes the following changes:

    -Everything is now gone from the minimap. No icons, no terrain rendering, nothing's left. The world map is unchanged.

    -Health bar is about 40% opacity (it's more visible than the screenshot above). Same for the armor bar.

    -The health packs remaining text is no longer white, instead a neutral grey. I couldn't figure out how to make it disappear entirely without introducing a blank font.

    -The distance to waypoint text is unchanged. I couldn't find this in any .FEU file, and even if I did the best I could do is make it a different color.


    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/45455626/FC...ap_40pHBar.zip (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/45455626/FC3_NoMiniMap_40pHBar.zip)


    I might make some other variations if anyone's interested. For example I could put some of the icons back, or make a version with no health/armor bars at all. More importantly feel free to use what I did in your own mod. The files to get rid of the terrain rendering are in _UNKNOWN/gfx, there are 12801 of them and they're 1kb each (9kb if you go get them from your own fc3_main.dat). You also want the transparent "unknown" and "underground" minimap textures in ui\singleplayer\textures\hud\minimap (this is also where you find the textures for the fill on the health/armor bars).



    If you don't mind losing the minimap completely i could try and merge this with the 1.04 patch and the wallhack fix. Although i could, with a little luck, circumvent that mods deletion of the minimap terrain. It'd be good practice for me. =)


    Edit: Alternatively, i can try merging the wallhack fix with this:


    That way you'll have the minimap without enemies and collectables. And no wallhacks. (not sure if it also removes the class icons above the enemy npc's.

    But so far it sounds like your list in the OP, doesnt it? :happy:

  14. i really dont like the way is all going...

    like every time i need to overwrite my patch for what 1-2 mod that i like but all other things in that patch i dont like..

    is there any other forum beside this ---> http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/734046-Mods-for-Far-Cry-3

    to search all individual mods of this game to make my own compilation


    Not that i know of.

    If it's just for a personal compilation you can try using parts of mods here on the nexus. But like i said, thats just for personal use. You'll need permission from the original authors to release it publicly.

    Here's to hoping Ubi makes FC3 a bit more moddable with patch 1.05 . =)

  15. Is it possible to make a mod, that deletes snakes from the game? I know there are only sometimes in caves, and in few mission, but to someone with ophidiophobia like me it's difficult to complete those missions.


    I would be very grateful


    I'm not sure if this works, but it might be possible to replace the Snake.xml located in entitylibrary.fcb, with chicken.xml and rename it back to snake.xml.

    Not a clue what the possible side-effects might be. But if i'm right, no more snakes and lots of chickens in rakyat ruins. =)


    I'll wait untill i encounter a mission-related snake before i replace the file. That way i can be sure it's the snake that got replaced, and not some random chicken.

  16. I'm very interested in mods that could be used to enhance performance. This game doesn't run very well on my system, surprisingly. 2500k @ 3.9 ghz, 8 GB RAM, 2 GB 6970. Even at moderate levels, the game is very choppy especially while driving. I'm using DX11 exe.


    That's odd... My system hasn't lagged even once... (i3 3220, 8Gb ram, 1Gb GTX650ti) I'm running it on dx11 with most setting on high...

    Anyway, if turning down some settings doesn't solve anything for you, you could always try this mod:


  17. Great game so far, but one thing is really bothering me.

    The camera tagging makes no sense at all. I mean, why on earth would looking at enemies with a camera allow them to be viewed through walls like a wallhack?!? That mechanic ruins the game for me, because it affects the surprise (you are not going to unexpectedly encounter an enemy face to face) and "real life" factor of the game, so I decided to NOT use the camera.

    Problem now is the minimap. I can see in the minimap where are the enemies, and where are they facing, making things a little too easy.

    Those two things ruin the hardcore factor for me.

    Then there is the syringes that enable yet another wallhack and let you see animals and enemies, but you don't have to use them. Let's be honest, ubi put those in the game so kids don't start complaining that they can't find animals when hunting. Well, I think hunting without them is a blast and much more entertaining.


    If Ubi doesn't release a patch to address those things, I think we need a hardcore mod that at least:


    2. You can use the camera to look at a distance, useful for scouting enemy camps. But it DOESN'T tag enemies or animals.
    3. Minimap doesn't show enemies at all.


    • No syringes that enable any kind of enhanced perception (which are nothing more than a wallhack). Perhaps no syringes at all, except for the one for your health.


    Other items in the map that you don't want to see, you can disable them.

    Other things I am not so sure if they would make the game too much of a chore, for example disabling items flashing.


    There's already plenty of mods around that do either one of these things, or both. Some even disable flashing items. Most of them are compilations, so you'll get some extra stuff along with it. I'm sure there's something around that suits you.


    Poor BastUrd : http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/4/

    30day Compilation : http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/30/

    Hardcore modpack : http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/31/



    Came across a file that disables the Wallhack.


    Downside is that it's a raw file. So it still needs to be merged with the 1.04 patch.


    The guy also suggested a method that does the same, but uses a hex editor on the fc3.dll or fc3_d11.dll.

    So both still require some work.

  18. yeah... im full of ammo to

    when i look around the island i always come across of 2 pirates on foot my idea is to change that 2 pirates in 10 or more but..

    i don't have the knowledge to do that :(


    as for "kudos" i give you 1 because you make this thread lol


    Much appreciated! =)

    In case anyone is tracking this topic... I've also started digging through the interwebz and found some far-and-between forum posts that helped me along with compiling my own mod. For now it's just a personal compilation and includes:


    - WELCOME TO NEVERLAND V2 : PICK YOUR CHOICE by Chorizosss/Hereticus (works)

    - The increased spawn ratios from the PoorBastUrd mod by Inakrin (not sure if it works yet.)

    - Realism Mod V1 by Panzerjager1943 (Works)


    Having said that, i won't be releasing anything until i'm happy with the contents and i've obtained permission to release it from the original authors. (Because they did a bloody great job! I'm just copy-pasting parts from several mods together)


    I'll update some more once ive confirmed the increased spawns are working.

    Also, if anyone reading this is wondering which forum posts i meant:



  19. Edit:

    This topic is no longer a Request. So if any mod happens to read this, would you be so kind to transfer me to the Mod talk forums? =)


    This topic in a nutshell:

    I wanted to find a way to have more pirates roam the island. After looking all over the internet i stumbled upon Inakrin's Poor BastUrd compilation, which contained a way to increase spawns.

    Starting with several other mods i built a personal compilation. It's current contents can be found here


    Original post:


    Good day fellow forumites!


    I'd like to ask our pioneering modders for, what should be, a relatively simple mod:


    Would it be possible to create a mod which increases the amount of pirates spawned with say, 150% or even 200%? Alternatively, if someone has come across some sort of value i could tweak myself, would you be so kind to talk me though it? I myself am not new to modding, having made mods for STALKER and Skyrim. But so far FC3 has eluded me.


    I always seem to have way too much ammo for those few guys guarding the bases and patrols. Stumbling upon a 2 man patrol just doesnt give me that sinking feeling one should feel in a situation like that. A Patrol of 5 or 7 men should really do the trick. Same for bases; 7 guys guarding the base? One fell swoop with an LMG or quick rifle bursts and you're done. If the camp was guarded by around 15 guys it'd be a while lot more fun.


    In case someone decides to help me out here; Many thanks in advance! Thy shall bathe in Kudos! :biggrin:

  20. It might just be me, but does anyone feel like the Heavies are a little under powered in this game? Their weapons don't consistently hit their targets, something that really negates their theoretically superior firepower. But when they do, it doesn't feel all that more effective then just using an Assault with a rifle. While they do have explosives, I'm not too keen on loosing out on any loot since my money is very tight. I'm only up to the Base segment of the game. Will this change when I get Plasma? Because at this point I really can't find a function for my Heavies that isn't done better by my Assault troopers.

    Heavies start to shine when faced against robotic enemies (Such as the Sectopod and the Cyberdisk), since the 2x damage with HEAT ammo can reduce them from certain doom foes, to normal based ones. Also, suppression + danger zone + mayhem = surefire 3dmg + -30aim for enemies, moreso if they are close together.


    Also to be noted, rockets only destroy loot if they are the ones that kill enemies, but if you use them to "soften-up" enemies (and destroy their cover for allies to "deal the last blow"), it can be a superb way of getting an upper hand. That and shredder rocket increases damage by 1/3, so 2 heavies, 1 with rocketeer+shredder+heat ammo and 1 with supression + danger zone + mayhem can easily destroy a LOT of enemies in the late game.


    What he says is true. Even more so when you solely focus a heavy on explosives and he/she turns out to be

    a Psionic soldier!

    That way he/she gains powerfull abilities vs both robotic AND organic enemies. Meat and metals go in one end, goo comes out the other. :happy:

  21. "9 hours, £8.000 : Can it be done?! Yes it can!"


    I'm encouraged because they still needed over 9.000 when I checked just over an hour ago!


    And it's only getting better!

    7 hours left and only 3K left to go. =D

    If they keep pulling in people for the final funds-surge they'll be alright.




    Eh.. wut?.. Right, supporting kickstarters that originate from the modding community? hell yeah! Love to our fellow modders!

    I just hope that dreaded downfall is still a long while off for KS.

  22. All of the above.

    A little more clarification:


    Microsoft doesnt allow any software on their consoles which they havent checked themselves.

    So to prevent all kinds of legal poopstorms, both the nexus and bethesda wont endorse or support console modding. Be it in hardware, or software.


    Sorry mate, but that's the way it is.

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