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Posts posted by Urwy

  1. I suppose someone could post a rant about their size such as this one:




    UESP - Dwemer Appearance

    Contrary to many legends, archaeological evidence of known Dwemer ruins leads one to believe that they were about the same size as the typical human or elf, evidenced by the fact that all existing Dwarven armor is average sized (although some claim that "dwarven armor" is either the outer shells of machines or mismatched pieces from various devices).[31] It's speculated that the moniker "dwarf" may have been given long ago by the Giants of the Velothi Mountains, who would have perceived them to be unusually small and thus deemed them to be "Dwarves".


    TES Wiki - Dwemer biology

    The Dwemer are often referred to as "Dwarves" in western cultures, although they were no shorter than a human and the name seems to have been derived from a supposed encounter with giants who saw the Dwemer as short.




    But im just gonna spoiler it for those who do not wish to read it :P

    I'm not gonna judge a mod on a single image. I suppose it wouldn't be lore-friendly... But the lore be damned. We'd have a lot less cool mods if everything has to be lore friendly :turned:

    So i'd say you're doing a fine job so far. Nothing wrong with releasing a personal interpretation of the lore.

    Besides, what if those giants from the Velothi Mountains werent really giants when compared to the other Man and Mer? :rolleyes:



    Why can i only choose 1 option in the poll!? O.o

    I'd like a quest explaining their reappearance. But another lore race would be sweet as well! (moarmer anyone? ^^ Get bonuses while its raining? penalties/weakness to frost?)

  2. Well, if this model still needs animations aka a working NIF, let me know. I might be able to get stuff like weight painting the model and setting it up in nifskope done.

    It's possible that i can get the CK stuff done as well, but i usually dont enjoy using the CK that much >.>


    If anyone has doubt about me being able to get this done.. Proof:



    I´m having some issues on that mod, but so far there´s no clue as to what's causing it, so im just hoping it doesn't affect every model i do :P

  3. Good day Nexus!


    Right, let me get straight to the point:


    I've been working on several new crossbow models recently, and initially didnt encounter any issues.

    But now some problems are showing up and i havent been able to solve it for the past 2 days :wallbash: .


    The main problem is that the bow's arms dont flex ingame, even though it seems to work perfectly in both 3ds max and nifskope. So the problem seems to occor somewhere between saving the Nif from nifskope and equipping it in skyrim.

    This problem doesnt just affect the bow arms, but also the loading lever, roller nut and trigger. The only thing that does animate ingame is the bow string. :confused:


    What also confounds me is the fact that when i change the NiTriShape's value in the Block list to anything other than the "Crossbow:0 (17)" (say "CrossBowBone_L01" which a node on the skeleton) the separate objects the models is composed of seem to snap to another node instead of the model's centerpoint. But that is the only condition i have found so far in which ALL objects seem to animate perfectly, even though they seem deformed and in the wrong place.


    Does anyone have any clue as the what might be causing this? or possibly even how this could be solved?


    I'd very much like to see this issue resolved, otherwise im stuck with a bunch of broken models ='(


    Software used:


    3ds Max 2010 32-bit

    Niftools 3.7.1

    Nifskope 1.1.0 RC7


    The i followed to the letter to add the weights, handle export settings, import settings, etc.



    Forum topic which suggested i revert back to Niftool 3.7.1 (as i was using 3.7.3 before.)




    I should also mention that i have been in contact with with 2 other modders.

    What i got from them was that i either need to keep exporting from 3ds max until it works, or "It's awkward".

    No i didnt post this with the intention of making a fool out of them. It's just that both answers come down to luck. And i just dont seem to have that much luck these days, so im hoping for something that i can control =) Still, thanks for your help guys! ;)


    The subject of this issue:



    In nifskope with custom names = Broken animation



    Ingame With custom names = Broken animation. Notice the distance between the bow arms and loop in the string prior to being shot.



    Ingame With custom names = Broken animation. Notice the lack of distance between the bow arms and loop in the string after being shot.



    Ingame with skeleton node names for the bow arms = Working animation, but deformed and incorrect positions.




  4. Hmm, mind if i asked you a question about crossbows in general? No? well here it is anyway ;)


    Did you get that Crossbow animated? As in all the vertices weight painted and skinned? Because the corresponding animation is showing some glitched on my end..

    I've replaced the vanilla loading mechanism with something a bit more elvish, but now the lever wont move. Same for the crossbow arms. So the only thing that actually moves is the string itself :unsure:

    I was wondering how you got it to move, and was hoping you might be able to tell me how to solve this.

    I'm pretty sure i added weights to every vertex the model has, and assigned them to the correct nodes. Nifskope shows the animation perfectly, but ingame it just doesnt move.


    Any idea why nifskope shows the correct animation, while Skyrim doesnt show any animation at all ingame? :sad: Ive been banging my head on this all day, and still no luck. :wallbash:


    Ok, bit more on topic:

    Sweet model you made for that crossbow! :D I like the fact that its longer than usual. Seems more menacing :devil:

  5. Problem Resolved!


    Good day fellow modders!


    As the title might've hinted, I'm looking for some help or advice on transferring the existing skinweights form the vanilla crossbow to my remodelled crossbow.









    Since there isnt a nifscript plugin for blender 2.63 and Skyrim, i've hit a bit of a brick wall. I'm aware that it is possible to do this by using blender 2.49 and the accompanying nifscripts, but last time i used that version of blender it left some poor impressions on me. All my previous mods allowed me to import/export Obj files, but these dont support skin weights, so that's a no-go.

    So perhaps someone who knows his/her way around 3ds Max or similar could help me out here :turned: As you can see the weapon is fully meshed and textured as it's just a vanilla remodel, but all that's missing for it to function properly are the skin weights.


    Once i know how to add skinweights to new models i intent to do some more remodelling of the other crossbows. The enhanced crossbows to be more specific, as they simply shouldnt look the same as their weaker counterparts. This´ll add some more visual distinction between them.


    So if anyone has some good advice/tips or is willing to add those weights, it'll be highly appreciated if you'd post them either in this topic, or a PM.






    In the meantime i've took the liberty of grabbing a 3ds max demo with the Maxtools.

    Started skinning and i'm starting to see why some people see skinning as a pain in the arse :laugh:

    First attempt seemed to work, but wasent satisfactory. If anyone thinks he can beat me to it, i dare you! :tongue:



    Got the mesh Skinned by now... If only the darned CK would cooperate.. >.>



    More updates... Looked like the mesh had a glitch in it, as the CK crashed as soon as i changed a model to that mesh. That's resolved now. Esp should be up in a few mins :)

  6. I am asking how much does it offer in terms of models, functions etc?




    Well, it does have some very pretty Falmer architecture :) Aside from that it adds the obvious crossbows and animations for them, some new armor and weapon models/textures, the possibility to learn how to do condition perk trees (like the vampire/werewolf perk trees that are only active in the corresponding form), Shiny new fortress models/textures, armored troll meshes (though modders couldve done this even without the DLC).


    As for functions and the background scripts; i'm not sure. I havent been digging through it in the CK yet. (not sure if i'm able to, as some modders are reporting issues when trying to load the DLC in the CK.)



  7. There is actually a repeating crossbow IRL, it involves the new bolts dropping into the firing slot from a box attached to the top.


    You mind posting the link of that mod so we can all enjoy it :D


    In real life.. :P i dont think he ment there's a mod of it ;)

    I also believe he was talking about this thing: http://www.atarn.org/chinese/Image34.gif http://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/vg/image/1342/09/1342098716092.jpg

  8. I don't know about you guys, but skyrim loadings are super long for me and I was wondering if someone could make a mod that allows me to play a tetris or a mini game?


    I believe something like that is already out there... If only i could remember the name..... :wallbash:



    Found it!

    Though it's not tetris....


  9. Hmm, while i think some of the abilities you mention are quite OP, i do like the idea of having to sift through the entire province once or twice to get enough pieces to craft another crest, which in turn allows you to great some pretty shiny dwarven armor.


    The armor itself could just be a retextured set of dwarven armor, like the shield. (add some glowmaps to the models and your done... maybe a special effect here or there..)


    While im at it... Some suggestions for abilities:



    Dwarven Aetherium Helmet: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven helmet - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: at night, when aetherius radiates energy from the heavens, you gain the ability of foresight. Showing every location on your map )but still leaving it undiscovered))


    Dwarven Aetherium Armor: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven armor - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: When struck and you have less than 25% health, this has a chance to create a blinding flash, rendering you invisible and creating multiple mirror images of you that distract your attackers )


    Dwarven Aetherium Boots: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven boots - 1 Gold Ingot - 2 Refined Moonstones

    (Ability: This can make you jump from High places like Mountains without killing yourself and it musent make you Etheral/Ghost like, it should just have the ability

    when in combat, you can crouch twice in rapid succession to release a pulse of energy, knocking back your opponents. Needs a grand soul to operate (give empty grand soulgem on equip, once filled with a grand soul enable the effect and replace filled gem with empty gem))


    Dwarven Aetherium Gauntlets: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven gauntlets - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: You become immune to disarming shouts and bashing has a chance to knock the target down/stagger/paralyse (can be done by adding a Bashing perk through the enchantment))


    Dwarven Aetherium Dagger: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven dagger - 1 Gold Ingot

    (Ability: Absorb Souls from anyone to a Soul Gem and gives a Perk Point. When all Perk Trees are full, it should just absorb Souls from anyone to a Soul Gem each constitutive strike increases your attackspeed, up to 50%. (5% increase per hit)) That should fun to dualwield with valdr's dagger or mehrunes razor ^^


    Dwarven Aetherium Sword: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven sword- 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: Swinging your weapon, but not hitting anything/ground casts a chain lighting. only once every 2 or 3 secs. Succesful strike does shock damage)


    Dwarven Aetherium War Axe: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven Ingot - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: )


    Dwarven Aetherium Mace: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven Ingot - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: )


    Dwarven Aetherium Great Sword: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven Ingot - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: )


    Dwarven Aetherium Battle Axe: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven Ingot - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: )


    Dwarven Aetherium War Hammer: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven Ingot - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: )


    Dwarven Aetherium Bow: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven bow - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: 50% Speed OR shoots lightning bolts. Can be upgraded to chain lightning)


    Dwarven Aetherium Arrow: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven Ingot - 1 Gold Ingot - 1 Firewood

    (Ability: )


    Dwarven Aetherium Crossbow: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven crossbow- 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: 50% chance to stagger and 25% chance to ragdoll. Does shock damage over time)


    Dwarven Aetherium Enhanced Crossbow: 1 Crest - 1 Dwarven enhanced crossbow - 1 Gold Ingot -

    (Ability: 85% chance to stagger and 45% chance to ragdoll. Does more shock damage over time OR Shock blast (E.g. Firestorm, but with shock visuals))




    Not a complete list of suggestions, but atleast its something =)

  10. Fus roh dah me scotty! :teehee:


    Not so sure i'd be wanting to run around in one of those uniforms... unless it has some armour plating and comes with a phaser...

    Or having the ability to beam down a vendor in our time of need =)

  11. Actually, i believe that Tree of life shield isnt that complicated at all.

    Its more or less a phototextured disc with this image:






    Now i'm not saying i can do that just as easy, but i sure as hell am gonna try it XD

    I've set my mind on this one:






    wish me luck, fingers crossed and hope it'll actually work :tongue:

  12. Over at Beth forums, shadeMe has created a SKSE plugin that bypasses the hardcode on Harkon's verlet cloth.

    This means people with some know how can make capes and cloth with verlet physics. Hair has not yet been tested.

    Here's the thread:



    Nevermind the capes! Bring on the flails! =D


    But seriously, that's awesome news! :woot: I can't wait to see what other amazing developments this will bring :biggrin:

  13. wicked cheers people, i'll give that a go!


    Just make a copy of the dragonbane enchantment and attached effects, rename it and remove the shaders/visuals from its effects. :)


    But its probably easier to create your own enchantment, and set several conditions for it to take effect:


    IsUndead = 1

    Getisrace = Werewolfbeastrace = 1

    HasKeyword = ActorTypeDragon = 1


    That way it should only affect undead, werewolfs and dragons, and saves you from using a script at all =)


    Just a wild guess though. As i tend to figure these things out by trail and error. :turned:



    yeah this sounds easier, im gonna try that, does undead include vampires? or is that another condition??


    Not entirely sure about that, but i would say it does. If it doesnt you can always try things like `HasKeyword` and pick a keyword related to vampires.

    But like i said, it usually takes me several reboots of skyrim to be sure.

  14. Just make a copy of the dragonbane enchantment and attached effects, rename it and remove the shaders/visuals from its effects. :)


    But its probably easier to create your own enchantment, and set several conditions for it to take effect:


    IsUndead = 1

    Getisrace = Werewolfbeastrace = 1

    HasKeyword = ActorTypeDragon = 1


    That way it should only affect undead, werewolfs and dragons, and saves you from using a script at all =)


    Just a wild guess though. As i tend to figure these things out by trail and error. :turned:




    Meh! Ironman beat me to it... :ninja: I must be typing bloody slow =(

  15. What do they do mate? are they easy to work?


    BOSS, or "Better Oblivion Sorting Software" automaticly sorts the mods for you and rearranges them in the most correct order possible.

    Wrye Bash is a more sophisticated mod manager, which can also build a so called "Bashed patch" which aims to increase compatibility between mods by merging their leveled lists into a single leveled list without the conflicts of the original lists.

    For me, Wrye bash also warns me when it cant recognise a mod due to a corrupt file or similar.


    Boss is a piece of cake to use. Just start the program and it'll start sorting and rearranging. that's all you need to do.

    Wrye bash is a little more complex if you aim to use all its functions. But creating a bashed patch and sorting mods is just a few clicks away =)

  16. But isnt that exactly what NMM and Wrye bash allow you to do? manage mods and loadorders and launch skyrim?

    The only advantage the Skyrim launcher has atm is the ability to change your video settings. (though Wrye bash also allows this in a limited way.)

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