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Posts posted by geekminxen

  1. I love this home mod; it's beautiful, perfect for my Redguard character, and it seems to work great for other people. However, for me it crashes frequently (pretty much unplayable) in and around the house, particularly when accessing storage containers. I've used LOOT for my mod order and it isn't finding any conflicts.


    Has anyone else had this problem with mod houses? I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what it is....

  2. I've created a summon spell for my horse. Right now it duplicates the horse instead of moving him. What do I need to do to change that? And what is the best way to change the duration so that the horse doesn't disappear after awhile?


    This is the current script, courtesy of skinnytecboy:




    Bool Ready = True

    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    If Ready; if we're ready

    MS03Horse.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), 100, 0, 100, true)
    Ready = False
    Ready = True






    Thanks for any help!

  3. I'd like to create a summon spell for my horse. I found a tutorial on yt that basically worked, but it duplicates the horse instead of moving him. What do I need to do to change that? And what is the best way to change the duration so that the horse doesn't disappear after awhile?


    Thanks for any help!



  4. Hey, thanks to both of you. I'm trying One with Nature and it works for the most part. I still get some skeever attacks, though. I'm going to start documenting where it happens and get the ref IDs of the critters. Maybe there's another mod interfering because otherwise, that mod seems to be working very well.


    Thanks for the druid mod recs, too. I'm using all of those right now. :)

  5. I need a recommendation. I've tried several "friendly animals" mods, but always wind up with skeevers still attacking me. Since they are the animals I most want to avoid fights with, this is kind of a bummer. ;) Can anyone vouch for a mod that definitely makes skeevers friendly?


    Thank you!


  6. Thank you both for trying to help me. Please be patient with me, as I understand very little that you've talked about. But I'm trying. ;)


    First off, I need to clarify my first post. I'm not trying to put the "failed" (suspected) hard drive back in...I think it may have sounded like I was. The new hard drive is a Seagate Desktop, 2TB.


    The computer with its new hard drive and new install of Windows 7 has been hooked to 2 different monitors now with two different cables, and did the same thing with both of them-- sometimes it boots up like a charm, sometimes it doesn't. Poor old thing.


    So it looks like from your advice that I should check if there was a "master/slave/or other" setting, and/or clear the CMOS...I will investigate both of those unless told otherwise. For anything very involved, it may have to wait until mid-week when I have more tech-inclined help in the house. :)


    Thank you!

  7. Got the monitor issue resolved. The computer still has other problems, but at least that is out of the way. And of course, it was an embarrassingly simple fix (7 needed to update).


    I really appreciate the trouble you're going to in order to help me, obobski. My computer has a core i7-2600 CPU and 8GB RAM. The hard drive was 1TB (it is now 2). I can't remember the original graphics card specs, but I upgraded it to an NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 some time ago. We don't think the power supply will support the better graphics card, but I don't know about the rest of the computer. As I said, I'm pretty ignorant in these things.


    The hard drive spins up (you can feel/hear it) and doesn't make any abnormal noises. I don't know if we tried going into the BIOS to look for it-- I'll have to ask my boyfriend if that's one of the things he tried. I'll let you know.


    Thank you!

  8. We had to replace the hard drive in my Asus Essentio CM6850. Now when I turn it on, it doesn't always send a signal to the monitor. Sometimes it powers up just fine-- you can hear everything power up, then it cycles down (the sound softens; I'm not sure if there's a term for it as I'm not very computer savvy, but you can definitely hear it get quieter) and I get the Asus and sign up screens like normal. Sometimes (about 50% of the time) everything powers up but doesn't get quieter, and I get the message on the monitor that it's saving power because it's not getting a signal.

    The hard drive replacement came after the computer froze on me and wouldn't reboot. We couldn't access the hard drive using a known good computer, or with a SATA cable (though we could access other hard drives with the cable, so we knew that was working). Now I'm thinking more than the hard drive failed, but I have no idea what. I would appreciate any thoughts and advice. Thank you!


  9. obobski and mark5916, thanks tons for your recommendations. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply, though....


    At this point, my budget is as far under $800 as possible. We're currently trying to revive my old Asus (Essentio CM6850) with a new hard drive and a fresh install of Windows 7. It's what I'm using right now, though I can't get the new OS install to play nice with the monitor-- that's a whole other complaint, though. Urk. If I can get that straightened out, then I'll look at upgrading it eventually with one of the video cards and power supply you guys are recommending here (it currently won't play FO4). If not, then we'll go the total build route. I REALLY appreciate your help on this!


    obobski, we think the hard drive has failed because we've tried hooking it up to a working computer and it couldn't find it. We also tried accessing it with a SATA cable, and the computer couldn't find it that way, either (we also tried that with a known good drive, and it found it). We replaced just the hard drive in the failed computer and it's back up and running (though currently giving me lip, as I complained above, but I think that's the system reinstall-- don't know, though). If you have any other thoughts, though, I'd be happy to hear them.


    And thank you for the kind words about my mod. I'm glad so many people have liked it!

  10. My gaming rig died and I need to replace it. We're looking at building one around what I already have to work with, and I'm not very tech-savvy, so if anyone can advise me, that would be great. I need to build around DDR3 RAM and Windows 7 64 bit (and being able to play Fallout 4). I have a 2TB HDD (Seagate, if that matters). I need a power supply, motherboard, CPU, and graphics card. For the card, I'm favoring the Nvidia GeForce GTX 750.


    I need the build to be as inexpensive as possible, though, because my last backup failed (unbeknownst to me, sadly), so I'll soon be investing way too much money in recovering data off the old rig's hard drive...including the updates to my mod I was working on. Yay.


    Thanks for any help!



  11. You're not alone. I found 4 to be very shallow, especially compared to NV. I didn't like being told who I was (in an "RPG"), the world is not as interesting...basically everything you pointed out.


    I did finish the game, but the DLC is going to have to be awfully spectacular to make me want it. I'm also really hoping that mods will come along to "save" the game for me, but I just don't know. It's really lacking compared to the other games.

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