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Posts posted by geekminxen

  1. Steam shows me at a measly 314, but similarly, that's not counting offline and console play (or modding time)-- my total with those is well over 1000. FNV is my all-time favorite game and the one that convinced me to never bother getting another Fallout/TES game on console.

  2. Great ideas! Thank you! I'd love to implement a bunch of these-- I'll have to see how many my limited scripting skills can make work :), and I'll definitely give credit for the ideas for the ones I use. Thanks!

  3. I'd like to design some quests the Courier can do for the Chairmen, and other than run-of-the-mill fetch quests, I'm having trouble kickstarting my brain into thinking of any. What do you think would be an interesting thing to do for them? Conversely, what would you hate? Any thoughts?

  4. Apologies if this has been answered before, but I can't find it if it has...is there a way to convert .nif files to .stl files, or at least convert nifs to something that can be opened in SolidWorks or Inventor?




  5. I'm trying to shut off the ambush that occurs if the player meets with Benny in the Presidential Suite in the Tops and agrees to work with him & the Chairmen. I've managed so far to get the attack not to occur after Benny leaves the room, but I can't get the elevator to enable again. I've put enable commands in the agreement topic's results script and have tried to track down any scripts relating to this particular elevator, but I still can't get it to work. Any ideas for the desperate over here? :)

  6. If someone would be willing, I have a problem I haven't been able to track down. I did a companion mod and when the companion joins up with the player and grants his perk, the message saying "you've been given a perk" sometimes appears twice and then the game freezes. It doesn't happen every time, but it happens often enough that I'd love to get rid of it. I just can't find where the problem is. Any help is much appreciated.


  7. Thank you both! I'm trying to make a NV character into a FO3 NPC, so I'll check out Exchanger. :) Thanks as always, guys!


    Edit: Crud, I just realized I asked for the wrong thing. I want to move someone from NV to FO3, not the other way around. I found the NV version of the face exchanger, but it looks like it's only for PC saves. Am I missing something? Besides brain cells, I mean?

  8. I have a forcegreet conversation I want to trigger two days after an NPC is taken on as a companion. My thought was to put the dialogue and timer script in their own quest, then have the quest started in the end results dialogue where the NPC agrees to go along with the player. After two days the NPC would carry out the forcegreet, then the quest would end. I'm thinking the script for this could be very simple, but I'm terrible at scripting...help? :)
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