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Everything posted by femshepping

  1. There are a bunch of links on the TWB page for tutorials. This was there as well: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41052
  2. This is really nice to offer - I have noticed many typos around the place too! I am sure someone will take you up on the offer.
  3. Well... what kind?? There are so many mod categories. Youâre going to need to be more specific.
  4. I have never had a problem with it. If someone is running 200+ mods, crashes probably are not the fault of just one mod.
  5. This is illegal to port those assets to the Nexus. Unfortunately, unless itâs made from scratch, no one will touch this.
  6. Probably the only/closest thing Iâve seen is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33412?tab=images
  7. It is probably always going to clip if the breasts are large and bouncy. Some meshes are not generally optimised to work with physics.
  8. And usually those mods are stolen and pay walled or filled with viruses. Most mod authors are happy for translations to be done if asked.
  9. Thanks so much everyone for your replies. I followed this tutorial to build the settlement: https://stuyk.com/mod-a-custom-settlement-for-fallout-4/ , and everything is functioning as it should minus being able to send settlers there (it doesn't come up in the list) so it must be the workshopparentquest.
  10. Thank you so much! If I can’t find anything I might have to reverse engineer those mods. All I’ve got from tutorials is “you have to change the scripts” but no actual guide on what script to change :( lol. Thanks again! :)
  11. Unfortunately due to copyright these mods can't be made.
  12. Hi everyone, I have a fully functioning custom settlement however I'm struggling with finding out how to be able to make my settlement come up in the little menu when you dismiss your follower. Every tutorial I've found for custom settlements doesn't mention it. If anyone has a link to a tutorial that does or can help I'd really appreciate it! Thank you :)
  13. In response to post #73983663. It’s actually not.
  14. This cannot be ported because it requires using console commands to apply the poses to characters. You cannot open the console to use console commands on XBOX.
  15. People care. I care. Most people, however, lack the knowledge to model and implement the rabbit then make it a follower and function correctly in game. Very sorry for your loss. I hope youâre ok, OP.
  16. They literally said why they would like that mod. I think it is a nice idea, especially for people like OP who have modded their own dog in game. (Edited because I posted from my phone)
  17. I would say it's because the vanilla armour has not been optimised for the mod by the mod author.
  18. Hey there, you can use something like Armorsmith Extended, which adds more clothing slots etc so you can wear lots of things all at once, however the mod you want to use will have to be compatible with it! Other than that, you could try your hand in Fallout 4 Edit to see what pieces of clothing you want to use use what slot and make sure they aren't conflicting so you can wear them together. Here is a great post where someone has explained how to do this. Hope this helps!
  19. Not sure if original post is funny or a bit sad.
  20. I read a lot of questions, and many times I give an answer because I have a lot of time on my hands, and love going through the mods looking for ideas. Many times an answer is given, and in cases like this one, I never get any response from the person who originally asked the question. I don't know if you got sick and can't answer, died, used the suggestion and decided it wasn't worth the time to respond, or totally hated the answer, and again,ÃÂ decided it wasn't worth the time to respond. The first two options are pretty much beyond your control, the second two aren't. It definitely makes me feel like I/you wasted my time. FYI, if people have not checked the follow this topic box, they will not get a notification that someone has replied (which I found out the hard way also!). The hostility is a little bit of an overreaction, considering OP probably is not even aware they have received a reply.
  21. Hey mate, if you just want to make replacers for yourself, you can just find the vanilla outfit that you want to replace, rename the outfit you want to replace it to the vanilla name, then drop it into the vanilla meshes' folder and click yes to overwrite :) you don't need to make an ESP for it. Hope that helps :)
  22. I think this is the closest that anyone has got, but it probably needs a little tweaking: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5419/
  23. These are my favourite male textures: Younger Male Face Texture Natural Male Texture Real HD Face Textures
  24. It might (and that's a big might) be possible.. but I don't think anyone is going to attempt it when there are already quite a few ways to edit your character's face. As for the lighting, maybe try a new ENB or something? I've never found the lighting to be an issue and if I have all of the required mods for presets there's no reason for them not to look how they are supposed to.
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