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Everything posted by Clawdius69Talonious
I know that feeling
SkyRe or Requiem - Which one and why?
Clawdius69Talonious replied to aciits's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Personally I am really enjoying SkyRe, with the community uncapper for additional perks (and nothing else, the rest of it didn't suit my tastes). Whichever direction you choose to go, I really recommend the following mods for immersion: No Health Regen Done Right http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1402894 Frostfall http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13685 True Compass http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=8787 Improved Interior Lighting (For Enhanced Lighting Mods) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13434 Enhanced Dynamic Weather System http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=9485 More Rain http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=8989 Vibrant Auroras http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13641 Sounds of Skyrim, Dungeons and Wilds: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13231 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=9106 Realistic Lighting: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=7648 and Spells Give Off Light: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=8794 I find that this makes for an extraordinarily compelling and immersive game. The very real threat of the weather, the lack of denoted unexplored locations (or even explored locations) and quest arrows on the compass, and darkness that actually makes you greatful for nights when you can see the Auroras so the darkness isn't so pervasive. Dungeons filled with creepy sounds and patches of dark that make using Cat Eye potions (or the Khajit skill) or a torch (or with the spells give off light mod, breaking out a bright spell) in order to see makes the game feel more ominous. The battles in SkyRe are already intense, but having to put away your torch and pull out your shield, judging the location of the incoming undead by their glowing eyes... It has all come together for what is hands down the most enjoyable playthroughs of Skyrim I have had so far. SkyUI and such are nice, but the listed mods really all have contributed heavily to an atmosphere of a wilderness where the weather is as dangerous as the enemies, where you have to take shelter in dark and cavernous dungeons where you may meet your end... It all works together to make the world feel more alive. I was using Tired and Injured http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=57552438 instead of No Health Regen Done Right but no matter how often or where I slept, my character remained permanantly "Tired" (perhaps due to the recurring disease issue) so I went with the earlier NHR:DR I was also looking forward to Imps More Complex Needs http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=13056 to round out the immersion factor, but again the longer I slept the longer my character seemed to think they had gone without sleeping. Hopefully those issues are rounded out. I am using the beta 1.9 patch, so some of my issues with those mods may spring from there. A little extra free content is always fun, too: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=97512100 http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=16345 -
Since Skyrim was released the files on Steam's servers were reformatted to Steam's new content system. While this makes for smaller downloads in the future, it is unavoidable that in order to structure the files in the new way they must be reorganized and many reacquired. It is a time intensive process, but you will only have to go through it once after an installation.
Same thing for me, hopefully they get it sorted pretty quick, I'm sure they're aware of it. Could always roll back out of beta and use the SKSE 1.06.09, but that seems like a hassle... they usually are pretty quick about addressing such things, I just hope Bethesda doesn't them immediately roll out another patch for the beta. C'est la vie. As an aside, I really wish Bethesda would have done a little more with Skyrim's capabilities on PC. When it shipped the game wasn't even large address aware... I hope that with the next generation of consoles approaching future Bethesda games will have a little more capability in that regard, since everyone should be playing nicely in the X86 pool.
LE Dual Casting Perk Adjustment
Clawdius69Talonious replied to ace4sure's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I didn't click through the other links, but there is a perk in the destruction tree that causes some dual casts to stumble opponents. It is, in my experience, extraordinarily useful compared to any other method of combat when it comes to certain creatures found in the realm. -
Up to 4, I am in total agreement. I wouldn't mind 5, but you lost me at 6. 7 almost rehashes 1. I'd love to see a system where quests received a priority, with colors assigned to them. Dark blue quests for Stormcloaks, Red for Imperial, green quests for main storyline, yellow for sidequests, and the standard grey for misc. quests. It would be easier to keep track of them on the compass. Also, the light blue for set markers wouldn't have to change.
LE [REQ] Spell - Bound Dagger
Clawdius69Talonious replied to Morilibus's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
http://www.angryb.com/images/meatwad.jpg Look, fellas, I do not want to do anything illegal here. But I would kill somebody, in front of they own mama, for a bound pick axe that I could use to mine. -
No offense, but it seems like you could almost go and play The Sims for that sort of thing. I mean, I loved the idea of being able to buy your own fortress, proposed in another thread. It would be even more awesome if you could pay to have nearby areas mined, and set up a mining trade from your fortress. But to be a simple farmer and not even a dragonborn? That seems a little off, to me. To each their own, I suppose...
I didn't really miss your point, so much as I refused to acknowledge it. http://evansheline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/demotivational-posters-ninjas.jpg
LE 1st Person Horse View and Combat
Clawdius69Talonious replied to RemagDiv's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I'm fairly sure I was able to play Oblivion and see in first person when mounted. As for horse combat, I imagine that they ran into some technical problems, or they would have considered adding it in Skyrim. -
Spoilers below: After you become the master of the thieves guild, you gain the shadowcloak of nocturnal ability which will allow you once a day to go invisible when you stealth, repeatedly, throughout a 120 second period. So you see no mod is really needed.
I'm not convinced that the OP doesn't just want to snag a pair of scimitars from the Alkir warriors and play out his dreams to be a certain violet eyed dual scimitar wielding dark elf many of us are familiar with.
I have to bump this, as it only recieved 10 views. I really do think that it wouldn't be difficult to implement and could add quite a bit to encounters in the wilderness.
Loot Scaling - Horrible Design
Clawdius69Talonious replied to benny00000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It would be nice if, at least, the Daedric quest items would be able to be improved by bringing them back to the Daedra in question to have them "upgraded" by another quest. three quests apiece post acquisition could be added via the radiant story system without much trouble in a mod I would imagine. I found it quite disturbing that Mehrunes' Razor was utter garbage, even after I upgraded it with my smithing skills to legendary. I could turn any ebony dagger into a blade that did quite a bit more damage than it, although it didn't have the "chance" for something more. I certainly might have even used the thing, if I didn't already have the ability to one shot a giant with my 30x sneak attack with any dagger I upgraded. I guess it would have still looked really nice on a plaque, in the house in Windhelm. -
I have played, and enjoyed, far buggier releases than Skyrim. I was one of the -very- few people who purchased, and enjoyed, Trespasser when it came out. I have my own complaints, many and varied, about Skyrim. However, I will say this. I have spent 131 hours in Skyrim, and in those hours I have perhaps experienced 200 brief lag spikes, and one CTD. I have never been stuck in the terrain (something that has been an issue in previous Bethesda games, and countless games by other developers) in such a way where I could not eventually jump or wiggle my way out, I have never experienced a game breaking bug (unless you consider being able to abuse some NPCs persuasion responses infinitely game breaking), and personally having spent 60 dollars at a rate of what has for me, so far, been a rate of less than 50 cents an hour for entertainment seems like describing the game as excrement is at least a little harsh. If you're not enjoying your time with the game, go on vacation, spend thanksgiving with your family. I'm sure that the folks at Bethesda have been looking forward to the same. However, it wouldn't surprise me to see the creation kit come out before the end of the year, and then the mod community can begin their work in earnest. If you choose to play while you complain, you should look into upgrading your video and sound drivers, and perhaps things you consider inconsequential such as your keyboard and mouse drivers. There can be a great many factors at play when it comes to crashes, but it never hurts to have the latest drivers.
The idea behind my own personal complaints, is that the game is -so- amazing, that it's hard to understand why these obvious flaws were introduced. Primarily, those flaws are due to the fact that their primary control scheme was the use of a controller rather than mouse and keyboard. Secondarily there are logical flaws. I don't know about you, but for me, when I smelt 25lbs of "solid" metal and end up with 5lbs of ingots, or smelt 2lbs of "plate" metal and end up with 3lbs of ingots I am flummoxed. The same, or worse, occurs when I tan leather from skins, and despite having reduced their water content and presumably scraped all the fur off of them, I end up with between 2 and nearly 4 times the weight in leather. I enjoy good roleplaying, but when I cooked 40 pieces of gecko that weighed 1lb apiece, and ended up with 80 gecko steaks that weighed 1lb apiece in Fallout New Vegas (I am aware, that was Obsidian's game, and not under Bethesda's purview, but the same idea applies) my mind fairly boggles. How was I able to hop, skip, and jump the entire way to the fire (or tanning/stretching equipment) with so much meat that I was no longer able to move after it was cooked (replace with skins/tanned as needed). I am a bit of a foodie, so I can tell you that pre-cooked weight will always be higher when it comes to steaks. Another bit that boggles my mind is that some ingredients weigh half a pound, but the end result of them mixed in a potion with other ingredients weighs... half a pound! Hell, giants toe and troll fat weigh 1lb IIRC, but mix them together and if you'd get a potion at all, it would weigh half a pound. These things are logical fallacies. In a game that is so beautiful, where they apparently spent a lot of time determining where snow would fall with the wind directions and the like, it seems like a major oversight to not see to these basic issues. Perhaps we're picking at nits, but especially for the people who routinely mod Bethesda games, it must feel like Bethesda is relying on their efforts to make the wonderful game that Bethesda designed, to really make sense on a more fundemental level.
well this thread seems to have fallen off the front of this forum, so I'll go ahead and bump it to say this: I may -may- have possibly accidentally hit my scroll wheel to make me jump to third person. I don't think that's what was happening, the sheer number of times it happened, but it could have been. That being said, I want to bring up another thing that annoys me. When I'm sneaking, and I interact with anything, I stay crouched. I am no longer sneaking, but I am still crouched in animation, and at crouched height. This makes it hard to notice that I am not actually sneaking, and for those people who choose not to use the sneak icon, impossible for them to really notice that they are in fact not sneaking, unless they are familiar with this glitch. Some skills are almost too easy to level up, smithing, especially with the Ancient Knowledge buff becomes insanely easy to raise. Contrast this with Speech, which I spent almost the entire game with my assassin working on, and barely hit 70 despite being buffed with the thief stone which buffs the speed at which it is raised... I bartered 1782 times, and I gained over 400k gold, and yet without training speech I wasn't even 80 speech. This seems a little off to me, considering how easy it is to get 100 smithing. Mind you, I don't agree with the fellow who says in another thread that smithing can be raised to 100 by level 10. Unless you just don't level, raising any skill to 100 will get you to level 17 or so, even if you neglect every other skill. I'm not proud to admit it, but I abused a speech raising glitch on my second character where an NPC can be paid to give you information until you have adequate speech to persuade him, and then you can persuade him an infinite number of times. I felt it almost necessary, considering my previous experience with trying to raise speech. When you're exploring Dwemer ruins you find "solid dwemer metal" that weighs 25lbs. However, if you smelt it, it gives you 5 ingots, where both small and large dwemer plate metal weigh 2, and give you 3 ingots each. This falls under the same catagory as my previous complaints about tanning leather and having it weigh more than the skin it came from. To me, even if this "solid" dwemer metal was in fact wrapped around a lead brick, that doesn't justify something that weighs 2lbs turning into 3 ingots that weigh 1lb apiece. Dwemer armors require iron and steel, so perhaps these bricks contain some of those metals? However, you are robbed of them, if that would be the case, when you smelt the Dwemer metal. It still bothers me that "steel" is an alloy, not of carbon and iron, but of "corundum" and iron. Perhaps they should be called Conundrum ingots, because they leave me with quite the quandary. What is the purpose of charcoal, if it doesn't provide the carbon for smelting steel? Besides a single quest where you use a piece to make a rubbing, I have never found a use for it. Mind you, with only 130 hours spent in the game, I haven't seen nearly all there is to see. Still, I am left wondering why Bethesda chose to change the laws of metallurgy for their Elder Scrolls series. Mind you, I've enjoyed the time I've spent in game, or else I wouldn't be spending 8+ hours a day in game. Still, when you spend this much time in a game you notice it's faults, and you want it to get better. It is my hope that someone at Bethesda peruses these forums, and even if that is not the case some of my other concerns could easily be addressed by modders. ***edit*** Also it comes to mind that you are unable to deposit some items in your house chests, I mean I understand, I may need it for some quest. However by the time I ended my playthrough (or at least stopped it for the time being) on my assassin, I had something like 40lbs of garbage items and I had -no- idea where I should bring them to. I googled a couple of them, but seriously... Is it that hard to put a damned journal, or note, or something next to some of these things so that we can be told where they belong? I mean, I get that the dagger of Khavordouche has been lost for ages, so it wouldn't have a note next to it but perhaps a journal outside one of the dragon claw doors the devs were so fond of, saying they wished they could find it? Or when I had the book of King Olaf, perhaps someone in Solitude could have run up to me and said "I'm from the Bard's College, is it true you've been to blah blah, have you seen this book?" this sort of thing would be useful, even reasonable in a world where a messenger runs up to me and says "I've got something for you, for your eyes only... Yes, this guy is asking me to tell everyone in the entire world about his stupid museum" well which is it? is it for me, or everyone? How about I've got something you might be interested in, and none of the put it in your hands only nonsense... How much would it take to get that voice actor to have done one additional line? Alright, end rant,
Personally, as Daedric gear is the best weaponry in the game, I'd have loved to have seen multiple skins for each type of Daedric weapon. I know that I made all my daedric weapons myself, so if I could have chosen from a variety of them it would be easier at a glance to discern which of the half dozen knives I took to carrying I was using at any given time. I'm hoping the mod community will take care of that shortly after the dev kit is released.
I don't think this would take a whole lot of doing. The NPC enemies are always visible from a great distance, making it somewhat easier than I'd like to shoot them with an arrow or spell, wait until their buddies pop in, and shoot at them while they close the distance. Personally I feel that a logical choice for a bandit raid would involve something similar to the scene in Book of Eli with the old woman and the shopping cart. Of course, the best place for bandits in skyrim to hide would be in a blind. Take a wooden wall, dig a hole, cover it with snow after you put a few bandits inside, voila! I know it seems weird, especially when I found the formula so tired and predictable in Doom 3 (shoot enemy in front of you, turn around, shoot the two coming out of the two hidden compartments. Why would a human company build hidden recesses scattered throughout their base, that only the enemy seems to have access to?). But I feel that snow blinds could offer quite a bit to the game. I'm not entirely sure how they would have to be handled. If perhaps you could just give them to the game as a resource, one melee bandit one ranged bandit and some randomized bait, and allow the game to distribute it throughout the land that would be awesome. If not, perhaps someone developing a mod will see this and like the idea and incorporate it, I just had a dream about playing where this happened and when I got up I thought that was something of a missed opportunity. But it doesn't seem like it would require much to create, a snow covered piece of wood is already in there somewhere, no doubt. I suppose then it would just be a matter of how you could incorporate them, which I suppose comes down to how the Radiant story AI places items in the world.
I forgot to complain about the fact that the game will often decide that I'm not taking advantage of third person view enough, and correct that for me. What I think happened here is that the game is supposed to swap you from third person, to first person, when you're too close to a wall. However, the opposite is happening, I'll be fighting a dragon or something along those lines, and boom I'm in third person for no reason. I've had it happen when my hand was entirely off the keyboard adjusting the volume on my speakers, so I know it's not me jostling the f key. I figure it has to be some errant bit of code in a function meant to swap from third to first that is doing the opposite. I have it happen to me multiple times in every dragon fight, which is the most annoying time for it to happen. The game puts me in third person, with my character model obscuring my view of the skies. Very frustrating.
Awesome, I was doing the move the mouse a hair click move a hair click move a hair click, at least now I'll be able to hit enter y down enter y etc, that will help a lot with enchanting as well. All in all, very good information to have.
The NPC thing is especially annoying because they actually fixed it in Fallout 3/New Vegas so at the slightest movement the NPC companions are pushed, and if you stand next to them they'll back off and give you a little space. I've got some gripes as well, they haven't stopped me from spending 126 hours in game since release, but they are as follows. There's no option when stretching leather to stretch all the skins you have at once, instead of disappearing from the list skin types you are out of are simply greyed out. You can't just hit enter repeatedly (which would be a little better, but seriously who doesn't just want to turn all their skins into leather?) because to say "yes" you must use the mouse. This wouldn't be quite so bad, except you can't click yes, even with the mouse, without moving the mouse a little bit. The same thing bothers me about ore, why no "smelt as many ingots of this type as possible" command? Enchanting is even worse, to enchant an item you must click the mouse at least six times, and that's if you're hitting enter twice to select the enchantment. You can't simply hit enter enter r enter, either. For some reason it seemed reasonable to force you to click yes with the mouse, but somehow I doubt that using a controller you have to guide the pointer over to hit yes. And, if that -is- the case, then the interface isn't merely poorly thought out with regards to mouse and keyboard controls, which would baffle me. But the worst part of enchanting for me is, there's no repeat previous enchantment option. To get 100 enchanting without shelling out major cash (also, to make a little profit) you may end up enchanting a few hundred iron daggers with absorb life. If there is another copy of the item, and another soul gem of the same ranking we should be able to repeat it with fewer clicks. Instead of forcing us to select it all again, it could default to being selected. We'd still have to say "yes" to the enchantment. The other primary instance where the game screams "No one properly play tested me with a mouse!" is when you're in a menu, be it shop, or enchanting menu or what have you. If you click a pixel to the left of the word you want, it drops back a level (or at least asks, in the case of enchanting). This can lead to repeated need to click to buy, if you get frustrated and try to hurry you might click a hair to the left again and have to start the whole process over. The game also sometimes decides that it's not concerned about where you're clicking, and will require you to give additional input before it will again acknowledge the location of the cursor, and if you click before realizing it you'll go with what you just said (for me it often brings me back into a shop interface, which is more than a little frustrating). Sometimes I really feel like they playtested long enough to discern at what locations I would require a local map, and which instances it would behoove me to see the world map. Then they swapped them, so I only ever see the local map when I want to fast travel, and the world map always greets me when I'm looking for specific locations inside a town. Perhaps they could have put in some sort of if then statement, if entrances to other locations is fewer than 2, default to world view, if it's greater than 2, default to local? I'd love it if there was at least the option to have the most recent quest default to on. I'd also have loved some sort of color coding system, green for primary quest locations, yellow for secondary, red for misc... I know a lot of people feel that the quest markers break immersion, but I personally like having them around to help me orient myself. It does become a little problematic when I enable multiple quest markers, and have no way of knowing which is closest, which is all the way across the world, which is for what quest without marking one of my own blue marks on the map. The other thing that really bothers me about the map are the quest markers, when I click on a quest marker in a town, I am in fact asking the game to fast travel there. I'm not telling the game to ignore me while I pixel hunt for the icon beneath the location, as hilarious as that may be. I understand that this too is a result of the game being developed with a controller in mind, and it will be patched out before long almost certainly. But again, it's the sort of thing that a few hours of playing with a mouse and keyboard would have made fairly obvious. the Steam overlay is fairly buggy with Skyrim, for some of my friends it doesn't even work, for those that it works for it constantly thinks the shift key is being held down. After the shift key is pressed it usually works fine... But other times it will require a push of the capslock key before it realizes that I DON'T NEED TO SCREAM EVERYTHING I AM TYPING. all in all it's quite frustrating. My other complaint is that it pauses the game for me when I pop up the Steam overlay. I know where the escape key is, sometimes I'd like to regen mana or stamina or something along those lines while talking to someone on Steam. Another gripe I have about crafting is, in what way is it even remotely logical for leather to weigh more after it's been dried, tanned, and stretched? This is like when I cooked a bunch of Gecko steaks in New Vegas and was suddenly over weight. Cooking a steak, or drying pelts, makes the item weigh less because there's less water. Arrows are weightless, but frost salts have a significant weight. Why? Do I have to lug around the bowl they're in? The same with Bone Meal, it weighs as much as a pair of gloves or a hat. I get why dragon bones would be heavy, but I find it hard to understand why the pinch of bone meal you'd use for a potion weighs 1/4 what an iron dagger weighs. That's all I can think of for the moment, I'm almost certainly missing some frustrating aspects of the game. Most of them really feel like they're centered around the fact that they wanted the game to play well on a controller. I have a controller, collecting dust, but I wouldn't ever use it for anything besides Street Fighter IV.
Two hours? I spent quite awhile longer than that in one dungeon in the Mage guild quest line. Beyond that there are a great many side quests that you seem to be completely ignoring. You remind me of the people who claim to have played the Portal 2 single player content in less than four hours. I've spent 126 hours since release in game, and I feel as though I've barely scratched the surface of what the game has to offer. Each time I venture out into the world I discover something new, often a few things. It would seem you're doing something wrong, or trolling.
I had over 500 AC with LIGHT dragon armor on my assassin character. (mind you I had necklace, ring, hat, and blacksmith apron all enchanted for +25% smithing upgrades. And on top of that I drank a pot to give me another +50%, making my legendary improvement quite impressive) That being said, I have been sticking with the whole robes etc thing on my second play through as a mage. Yes, it makes you quite squishy, but the trick is not letting anything hit you. It adds a new dimension to the game, compared to my playthrough as a thief. I haven't played through a heavy armor character yet, but I imagine that there would be significantly more armor value for fully upgraded Daedric.