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Everything posted by ElioraArin

  1. I am expanding the mod to include roasted pumpkin seeds, cookies, muffins & seasoned roast. Foods are now divided into 3 snacks, 3 light meals & 3 heavy meals - regeneration effects of snacks last for 2 in game hours, light meals for 3 & heavy for 4. Fortification effects of beverages last for 1 in game hour. You will be able to give some pumpkin drinks & foods to your children. All consumables added by the mod will be compatible with iNeed. Cake is now a delectable item that will restore a portion of health, stamina & magicka.
  2. I still haven't found a resource for anything technically savoury, but i have found something that can pass for what i need it to ;)
  3. So far I have made a standalone pumpkin that can be found in random loot or purchased from general merchants & then planted in Hearthfire plots. There are recipes for pumpkin tea, juice, hot drink, soup, stew, stuffed baked, savoury pastry, dessert pie & cake. Pumpkin beverages restore & fortify health, stamina or magicka. Pumpkin foods fortify health, stamina or magicka regeneration. I probably won't have much time to finish it off for a couple of days, but I believe I'll get it uploaded for you at some stage early next week.
  4. Thanks for your help, it must have been a mod I had that gave it a unique savoury texture rather than a dessert one - I can't seem to find a modders resource file that includes savoury pies or quiches, only sweet ones. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks but I tried that already & it's just the standard apple pie & texture ... shouldn't it be completely different - unless I had a mod that changed it & I didn't even realise?
  6. Does anyone know the Creation Kit name for the pies that you get at the Bards College festival? I can't find them - which is doubly annoying when I know that I have come across them in the past ... !
  7. I'll make you a standalone plantable pumpkin, with some recipes, I can also make it appear in random clutter & be sold by merchants if you like. Just be aware that mods that add plantables are not compatible with each other unless you patch them. Although it will be easy it may take a week or two as I have other things going.
  8. When you say similar to leather but not leather I'm assuming you still mean something that still really looks like armor, however have you come across www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44592 ? It looks like very warm & heavily padded woollen travel clothes - very lore friendly but not vanilla based, with black, brown, forest green & multi coloured variants. It is a really well done mod that I wouldn't be without as it is absolutely perfect for believable armoured clothing in a cold environment. I've never played as or dressed a Khajiit, but I think they would look great in this armor, & it would still allow them to move freely - like in Morrowind when the acrobatics & martial arts that they excelled in were still a thing ... :D
  9. It is a shame that there isn't an option to download KS Hairdo's in packages, even just one for men & one for women with beast race styles separate. It is such an INCREDIBLE mod that I am so grateful for, & the frequent updates are fantastic, but it has become so massively HUGE - in game as well as downloading.
  10. Have you tried "Extensive Follower Framework" www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933 ? Believe me "Immersive Horses" will be worth making the change! I used to use AFT & changed to EFF, I have only used it a little in mod testing so far but it seems to be fine, & overall it has better reviews than other follower managing mods - from what I have seen anyway.
  11. Until now I thought that I must have been the only one being driven nuts by this ridiculous oversight!!!
  12. Oh he is gorgeous! I love huskies & malamutes, I know someone who breeds huskies & since I can't afford to buy one at the moment they let me take one of theirs out on nature walks - she has the most incredible bright blue & wolfish eyes!! I would absolutely LOVE a mod that adds a husky follower who can keep up with horses when you are galloping, I have looked & looked to no avail ... one with incredible blue eyes that you can name yourself would be even better!!!
  13. Absolutely! It is far too easy to take those things for granted. I can't believe I also forgot to thank the texture mages who share their fabulous work with people who just want to mod! Am I wrong or is working with textures a whole other art form in itself?!
  14. The title says it all really, I would just like to express my gratitude to all modders who take the time to help out others whether by answering questions in the forums or through various forms of tutorials. You are appreciated!
  15. I am working on a mod that adapts vanilla foods, & due to the volume of items it is difficult to keep track of everything that I have done. Is it completely safe to change the item IDs of vanilla objects that I have adapted so that they will be listed with my mod added items, ie change the vanilla SweetRoll ID to _MFBIcedBun, or will this cause conflicts with other mods?
  16. I do that when I want to make a havoc a static & it works beautifully - brilliant for designing interiors with clutter displays that don't fly around & can be accessed as custom storage! But sadly it didn't have any effect when I tried to make a static act like a havoc :(
  17. Thank you! I will look into this the first chance I get :D
  18. I know this section is for the CK, but I figure it is the best place to find someone who probably also knows their way around Nifskope? My experience with Nifskope is extremely limited so please bear with me! I am currently trying to change some custom static meshes to act as a havoc - I want to use them on food items so they need to act like other playable objects if dropped from the inventory. So far I have managed to get the item I'm currently working on to drop to the floor normally, but it remains in a rigid position & doesn't bounce or roll a little when it hits, which frankly looks dumb - even if I keep the mod for my own use & don't release it it would bug me! I have followed tips from other threads I have found on the subject, most of which have not worked for me, but these are the steps I have found that do seem to have gotten me this far: * Open bhkRigidBody * Change Layer OblivionLayer from OL_HAVOC to OL_CLUTTER * Set Collision HKResponseType to Response_Simple_Contact * Change LayerCopy OblivionLayer from OL_HAVOC to OL_CLUTTER * Set MotionSystem to MO_SYS_SPHERE * Set DeactivatorType to DEACTIVATOR_NEVER * Set SolverDeactivation to SOVER_DEACTIVATION_LOW * Set Quality Type MotionQuality to MO_QUAL_MOVING I have opened some other custom & Bethesda havoc meshes to have a look, & am fairly certain that I need to make adjustments to the numbers in Translation Vector4, Center Vector4 & Mass (currently the Vector4s are all 0.0000 & mass is 0.0001), but when I try to do this the item just remains in its rigid position & slides across the floor, partially sinking into it & moving through any other object - probably into infinity ... The same thing happens if I try to use any MotionSystem other than sphere. I would be extremely grateful to anyone who has the time to help me with this!!!
  19. Now that I'm finally working on my food mod again I came back to refresh my memory with my own tips on creating harvestables, & noticed a gaping hole in post #7 that I have now fixed - hopefully this "tutorial" of sorts will make more sense now that I have mentioned how to make the actual plant itself as well as the food that it will produce! :D
  20. That shield is so incredible!!! Thank you so much for this video!!! I was recently trying to convince myself that it is unrealistic for my female character to be fighting with a greatsword ( I mean how heavy are those things really?! ) & that when I have finished modding ( I'm sure this will happen eventually ...? ) she should be a shield maiden ... it wasn't working, but now I am most definitely convinced :D
  21. It can be helpful to download a mod that does what you want to learn then open it in the CK, this way you can see how other authors have executed things - for example I found this to be useful when trying to make a bath, particularly one that is compatible with Frostfall & Bathing in Skyrim, as I couldn't find any tutorials for that! It can certainly help you to gain a better understanding of how many of the more simple things are done, which may make the tutorials easier for you to follow. Edit: I also strongly agree with Moriador, I can understand people asking, but not giving attitude if an author who will personally gain nothing out of their request declines to grant it.
  22. No I didn't, I tried it out, tested it, then immediately became distracted by updating a different mod - I haven't even looked at the mod in question for weeks, or even really thought about it until posting in this thread! I will eventually want to get back onto player accommodations so I will make a note about it once I have refreshed my memory.
  23. I am learning & have found some things to be very easy, while some things definitely are not. I have also been tripped up by vanilla bugs that I didn't know about - correct me if I'm wrong but you are probably best to include the Skyrim update as a master! Another thing, the Creation Kit Wiki tutorials are a good starting point but aren't always fully helpful. I followed one on navmeshing exactly & couldn't understand why on earth a particular aspect of it wasn't working - a quick question in the forums & a more experienced modder gave me some significant info that effortlessly solved the problem, information that was mentioned absolutely nowhere in the tutorial!
  24. The sooner the better, I have been hanging out for this for what seems like forever!!!
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