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About silencer711

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    with my 2 children or a game on PC. If neither of those, I'm probably Maintaining/Fixing/Modding my car.
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout: New Vegas (2010)

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  1. PrimeSonic — You are a gentleman and a scholar, a refreshing combination of rare, positive traits. I bow before you, sir. Please continue to be a beacon of light wherever you find yourself, and may you be surrounded by a supportive wave of like-minded others :)
  2. In response to post #66971136. #66981371, #66983471, #66986236, #66987086, #66992286, #66998471, #66999186, #67587751, #67592821 are all replies on the same post. @lister1911 - I agree with you on all points. You have a great perspective. Ditto on everything, for me. :)
  3. Mad R-E-S-P-E-C-T , Qwinn! I kneel before you and practically every single mod author out there that has even a smidgen of talent with programming/coding/etc. Kudo ! + Endorsed ! (Silently... invisibly? In my heart?) :)
  4. ...but while we got RoyBatterian here: âYOU Sir, Are Greatness. Thanks for making my New Vegas experience that much greater, Roy!
  5. Thanks! ;) http://i.imgur.com/Nym7i7N.jpg ~ C H R I S
  6. In response to post #65928921. #65937411 is also a reply to the same post. Sheez, I remember that game so vividly: "I'm not putting my mouth on that." lol
  7. In response to post #65625326. #65628591, #65629366 are all replies on the same post. @ VirusZ - I find your lack of patience, disturbing. (Star Wars reference)
  8. In response to post #64263456. Bump :)
  9. NMM GitHub Links: 1. Main Page 2. Releases 3. Read Me VORTEX Links: 1. VORTEX Wiki 2. VORTEX Dev GitHub Wiki 3. Why Switch To Vortex? 4. About Vortex 5. Download Vortex :)
  10. In response to post #64250616. #64250721 is also a reply to the same post. @valshares24 - Why would you wish this upon software intended to serve YOU better? NMM isn’t dead either; it is being kept alive and updated by the GitHub community HERE :)
  11. In response to post #64250831. What particularly do you not identify with when it comes to Vortex, if I might ask? Not asking to be rude, I’m just analytical by nature. :)
  12. In response to post #64087966. #64088311, #64089056, #64092636, #64102471, #64102756, #64103211, #64113171, #64129041, #64142976, #64155221, #64158531, #64170001, #64171366 are all replies on the same post. @Darklocq: Thanks! Yep, I am one such peep :D I see your concern and implore you to see it this way: (“+” = “and”). So for visual aid, it’s really saying: •“Lifetime AND some more!” •“Supporter AND some more!” I do acknowledge your point of view as the better one though, and have edited the main post to reflect this. :)
  13. In response to post #64087966. #64088311, #64089056, #64092636, #64102471, #64102756, #64103211, #64113171, #64129041, #64142976, #64155221, #64158531 are all replies on the same post. @Pickysaurus: Well I appreciate the acknowledgement from a community manager. I feel that the DP points system is great and I support it, no questions asked. I just felt that perhaps some additional tiers like I mentioned, might yield interesting results - considering they are small in nature, offer some incentives for consideration, and remain attractively-priced while appealing to those who might not be inclined to go outside the site for their particular donations.
  14. In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971, #64112271, #64117736, #64118191 are all replies on the same post. @piotrmill: Haha I remember ads being pretty bad in the early 2000’s and as far back as the 90’s when they were the most used of all time (IMO). There existed such sloppy code to make those things and you never had an easy [ X ] or fancy maneuver to close out of them at the time. Back to your main concern — privacy/security risk with using an Adblocker. I would always go with what ensures the security of self and others, so don’t compromise on that. The target audience for this announcement is Supporters & Premium subscribers. Everyone else —Nothing has changed, business as usual. This was an update for supporters but viewable by the masses. There is no loss or gain for non-subscribers. There is no change for that tier. Treat this as nothing happened to you because just that—nothing happened to you. Business as usual. Your stance on this is on the defensive, but since there was no “deficit of bandwidth” issue before this announcement, there was no “offense” side to unbalance the scales out of your favor. Your argument is contextually-irrelevant. @lyoko1: I get what you’re saying, however, I’m laughing inside at how you said it: “...this is not punishing the use of Adblock, but rewarding the not using of it...” lmao at how I’m going to take this concept and use it for personal gains (comedically of course) when debating with friends & family :D
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