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JimboUK last won the day on February 1

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Community Answers

  1. It would help if you let people know what game this is about.
  2. This contains much of what you need but I would download them manually from the mod pages, the ones contained in this collection are out of date. https://next.nexusmods.com/newvegas/collections/60wuix/mods
  3. I don't know if it would be possible to use a trigger to apply an imagespace modifier for that area, even then it wouldn't look good because the transition between light and dark would be instant, like someone switched the lights off, I also wouldn't trust that modifier to go away when the player leaves. Like madmongo I would create an interior.
  4. If you only want to hear from people who agree with you I suggest you state that in your OP, and I never disagreed with you proposing it, I merely gave my opinion on it.
  5. Everything that happens is in line with Benny's character, I'm not saying that you can't reimagine him but as he's written what unfolds makes perfect sense, he really is a nasty piece of work, he cut the throat of his old boss then poisoned the Singer and Chance before the game even starts, and diplomacy isn't going to work on him, we know that because if you try to discuss things with him he'll ask you to wait in the presidential suite and then send goons in to kill you. Player agency is important but characters staying in character is also important, the alliance between House and the Brotherhood was cut from the game because it's not the sort of thing someone like House would ever agree to, it's a good example of sacrificing player agency to keep characters consistent. Making the changes you suggest would be possible but it would be a ton of work and for what? players don't have to kill him and this is the first time I've ever heard anyone complain about the player character being tricked by Benny, the guy is supposed to be charismatic and the player character at that point in the game is inexperienced and naive.
  6. His people would soon find and free him, there was an encounter that suggests he was written to be irredeemable, he tries to kill the player after the player helps him escape the Fort, yeah it was cut from the final game but the fact that it was created in the first place gives an insight into the thinking behind the character.
  7. It's quite ambitious and certainly something I'd play, The Divide is a really interesting yet underused location.
  8. I don't think it's possible to add other options without changing who Benny is as a character, he's a murderous snake so he's never going to be someone you can trust, were the player to let him go after recovering the chip the player would likely end up with a second bullet in the head, he's not the kind of guy who'd just walk away, at least not at that point.
  9. Could you take a picture of it with a phone so we can see it?
  10. The GECK is supposed to have something to help with lighting optimisation if it worked, but it refuses to for me, it just turns everything grey. https://geckwiki.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_Lighting#:~:text=Performance and Optimization,-Performance is always&text=Let's open up the preferences,appear in shades of blue.
  11. I'm not aware of any proper research being done, I've been experimenting with pushing the limits of this for years and I've found the following to be the main issues... Memory limits, although these can be mitigated by keeping the number of different textures down. Scripts, they work but not in a timely manner, with large numbers of NPCs in combat some will just stand there watching until finally realising that they're supposed to be involved, however this might be a symptom of a low frame rate, not the cause. High poly outfits and weapons, best avoided unless it's for screenshots. Lights, combined with NPCs these will tank the frame rate quicker than anything else. While "try it and see" doesn't sound ideal it really is the only way, if you're aware of what causes issues then you can avoid those issues while planning, you can also make use of things like occlusion planes to keep the number of rendered NPCs down. Under the hood this game is basically Oblivion, a game that started development in 2002, it's never going to be able to do what newer games can.
  12. I don't know if this would be possible, can an audio marker or invisible radio be made to follow the player around? then there's a problem of being able to adjust the volume. It doesn't help that the audio on the PC version is a bit of a mess, things like reverb, sounds fading correctly don't work properly, the difference between the audio quality on the Xbox version and PC version is like night and day.
  13. I remember bookmarking posts that I thought would have a link added later and I was rarely wrong, they tended to stand out as not looking quite right.
  14. Open the console and click on one of the legionaries, you'll see an ID at the top of the screen, if that starts with anything other than 00 then he's been added by a mod, the first two characters of that ID will match the load order number/mod index of the mod that added him.
  15. The world has always had idiots in it, the only difference now is the internet has given them a voice.
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