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Status Updates posted by JimboUK

  1. Yeah the downside of doing the screens like that is they are a little confusing from the forum side. I started doing them like that because I'd noticed with the old way about a third of people were reading the parts the wrong way round, there was always more views on the final image than there was on the first. They couldn't have made much sense to those people.
  2. Greetings. :-D
  3. Thanks for the Kudos, I threw one your way as a thank you. :D
  4. and a Merry Christmas to you.
  5. Updated my avatar, if it wins it'll be a sad reflection on the rest of the community.
  6. Merry Christmas.
  7. Merry Christmas.
  8. Merry Christmas
  9. and a Merry Christmas to you sir.
  10. I work for Belethor, over at the general goods store.
    1. fallouta101


      ahaha god ur sence of humors great :)
    2. fallouta101


      ahaha god ur sence of humors great :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      So you're that lumber hauling wood chopping guy who always says he works for Belethor? And no one has visited you since 2012. Time for a career change? Don't you think? LOL
  11. Pre-loading Skyrim, yay.
  12. Hey leave my dog alone, it's a disguise, he's really Lady Gaga.
  13. Thanks for adding me. :)
  14. @Halororor in that case I won't change it. :D
  15. @Aurielius I'm a huge fan of SciFi in general.
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